Many times we need to format numbers, such as adding 0 in front of insufficient digits. It can be easily implemented with PHP, because PHP comes with related functions.
<?php //生成4位数,不足前面补0 $var=sprintf("%04d", 2); echo $var;//结果为0002 echo date('Y_m_d', time()).'_'.sprintf('d', rand(0,99)); ?>
1. Grammar
参数 | 描述 |
format | 必需。转换格式。 |
arg1 | 必需。规定插到 format 字符串中第一个 % 符号处的参数。 |
arg2 | 可选。规定插到 format 字符串中第二个 % 符号处的参数。 |
arg++ | 可选。规定插到 format 字符串中第三、四等等 % 符号处的参数。 |
2. Description
The parameter format is the format of the conversion, starting with the percent sign ("%") and ending with the conversion character. Possible format values below:
Arguments such as arg1, arg2, ++ etc. will be inserted into the main string at the percent sign (%) symbol. This function is executed step by step. At the first % sign, arg1 is inserted, at the second % sign, arg2, and so on.
<?php $number = 123; $txt = sprintf("%f",$number); echo $txt; ?>
3. Format number number_format()
<?php $number = 1234.56; // english notation (default) $english_format_number = number_format($number); // 1,235 // French notation $nombre_format_francais = number_format($number, 2, ',', ' '); // 1 234,56 $number = 1234.5678; // english notation without thousands seperator $english_format_number = number_format($number, 2, '.', ''); // 1234.57 ?>