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Detailed explanation of controller usage in Symfony2 study notes, symfony2 study notes_PHP tutorial

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Detailed explanation of controller usage in Symfony2 study notes, symfony2 study notes

The examples in this article describe the usage of Symfony2 controller. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:

A controller is a PHP function you create that receives an HTTP request (request) and creates and returns an HTTP reply (Response). The response object (Response) can be an HTML page, an XML document, a serialized JSON array, an image, a redirect, a 404 error or anything you want. The controller can contain any logic needed to render the content of your page.

The following is the simplest example of a controller, which just prints a Hello world!

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
public function helloAction()
 return new Response('Hello world!');

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The ultimate goal of Controller is the same, which is to create and return a Response object. Following this idea, you can read information from the request object, load database resources, send emails, or write information in the user's Session. But in all cases, the Controller will eventually return a Response object and be distributed to the client.

For example, the following situation:

Controller A prepares a Response object to represent the website homepage content.
Controller B reads the slug parameter from Request, loads a blog content from the database and creates a Response object to display the blog. If the slug does not exist in the database, it will create and return a Response object with a 404 status code.

Controller C handles a contact form. It reads the form information from the Request object, saves the contact information to the database and sends an email to the administrator. Finally, it creates a Response object that redirects the client browser to the contact form thank you page.

Life cycle of Requests, Controller, Response

Every Request processed in the Symfony2 project goes through the same simple life cycle. The framework is responsible for repetitive tasks, ultimately executing a controller that contains your application code:

1. Each Request will be processed by a unified front-end controller file (for example, app.php, or app_dev.php), which will start the application.
2.Router reads the URI information from the Request, finds the Route that matches it, and reads the _controller parameter from the Route.
3. The controller of the successfully matched route is executed, and the code in the controller creates and returns a Response object.
4. The HTTP header and the generated Response object content will be sent back to the client.

Creating a page is as easy as creating a controller and creating a route to map a URL to the controller.

Note: Although front-end controller and controller are similar in name, they are actually different.
A front-end controller is a PHP file stored in the web directory, and all requests will be redirected through it. Every application will have a production front-end controller app.php and a development front-end controller app_dev.php. You don't need to edit, view or worry about them.

Look at a simple Controller: Any PHP callable content (such as a function, object method or a Closure) can become a controller. In Symfongy2, a controller is usually a single method in the controller object. Controllers are also often called actions.

// src/Acme/HelloBundle/Controller/HelloController.php
namespace Acme\HelloBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class HelloController
 public function indexAction($name)
  return new Response('<html><body>Hello '.$name.'!</body></html>');

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Note that in this example the controller is the indexAction method, which exists in the controller class (HelloController). Don't be confused, the reason why a controller class (HelloController) is defined is just to facilitate organizing multiple controllers/actions together. Generally, a controller class will have multiple controllers/actions.

The controller in the above example is quite simple:

The Namespace line is that symfony2 uses the namespace function of PHP5.3 to specify the namespace for the entire controller class.
The use keyword imports the Response class, which is what our controller must return.

Controller class names are defined by adding Controller to the end of its name, but only the front part is its real name. For the sake of unification, Controller is added at the end. Only the first part will be taken during routing configuration.

Every method in the Controller class that is used for the real controller will have a unified suffix Action added. Similarly, when configuring its routing, we will only take the first part and ignore the Action. Map it to a URL.

At the end of each controller method, a Response object must be created and returned.

Maps a URL to a Controller method:

The controller method in the above example returns a simple HTML page. If you want to access this page in a browser, you need to create a route for it and map it to a URL with a specific pattern.

# app/config/routing.yml
 pattern:  /hello/{name}
 defaults:  { _controller: AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index }

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XML format:

<!-- app/config/routing.xml -->
<route id="hello" pattern="/hello/{name}">
 <default key="_controller">AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index</default>

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PHP code format:

// app/config/routing.php
$collection->add('hello', new Route('/hello/{name}', array(
 '_controller' => 'AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index',

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Now imagine that the URL /hello/ryan will be mapped to the HelloController::indexAction() controller and pass ryan to the $name variable.

Creating a so-called page is actually creating a controller method and a related route.

Note the syntax we use to point to the controller method: AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index

Symfony2使用了一个非常灵活的字符串声明来指向不同的controller。它告诉Symfony2在一个名叫AcmeHelloBundle的bundle中去查找一个叫HelloController的类,并执行它的indexAction()方法。在这个例子中,我们的路由配置直接写在了app/config/ 目录下,一个更好的组织方式是把你的路由放到各自的bundle中。


你已经了_controller参数 AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index指向一个位于AcmeHelloBundle中名叫HelloController::indexAction()的方法。有趣的是路由中参数都会被传递给该方法。

// src/Acme/HelloBundle/Controller/HelloController.php
namespace Acme\HelloBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class HelloController extends Controller
 public function indexAction($name)
  // ...

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上例中controller方法有一个唯一参数,$name, 它对应着route中定义的{name}占位符名称。事实上,等你执行你的controller时,Symfony2会匹配controller和route中每一个参数。



# app/config/routing.yml
 pattern:  /hello/{first_name}/{last_name}
 defaults:  { _controller: AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index, color: green }

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<!-- app/config/routing.xml -->
<route id="hello" pattern="/hello/{first_name}/{last_name}">
 <default key="_controller">AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index</default>
 <default key="color">green</default>

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// app/config/routing.php
$collection->add('hello', new Route('/hello/{first_name}/{last_name}', array(
 '_controller' => 'AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index',
 'color'  => 'green',

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public function indexAction($first_name, $last_name, $color)
 // ...

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注意route定义中无论是占位符变量还是默认值变量都会被转化为controller方法的输入变量。当一个route匹配成功时,它会合并占位符和defaults到一个数组传递给controller。映射route参数到controller参数非常简单和灵活。它们从route到controller不匹配顺序。Symfony能够把route中参变量的名字映射到controller方法签名中的变量名字。比如{last_name} => $last_name,跟排列顺序无关。

Controller方法中的参数必须匹配route中定义的参数下面为hello route定义的controller方法将会抛出异常:

public function indexAction($last_name, $color, $first_name)
 // ..

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public function indexAction($first_name, $last_name, $color, $foo)
 // ..

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并不是每一个在route中定义的参数都需要在controller中有与之对应的签名参变量的,比如hello route中定义的{$last_name} 如果对你没什么意义的话可以在controller中省略掉它。

public function indexAction($first_name, $color)
 // ..

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在route定义中有一个特殊参数 _route, 它匹配route的名称(如上例中的hello)。虽然不常用,但是它也可以作为controller方法的一个参变量使用。



use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
public function updateAction(Request $request)
 $form = $this->createForm(...);
 // ...

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// src/Acme/HelloBundle/Controller/HelloController.php
namespace Acme\HelloBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class HelloController extends Controller
 public function indexAction($name)
  return new Response('<html><body>Hello '.$name.'!</body></html>');

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在Symfony中controller并不一定非得继承Controller基类,因为它内部的帮助方法等都不是必须的。你也可以继承 Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAware 服务容器对象可以通过container属性来访问。同时你也可以把controller定义成service。


尽管Controller可以干任何事情,但是大部分的controller还是要重复的干一些基础的任务。比如 重定向,跳转,渲染模板和访问核心服务等。



public function indexAction()
 return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('homepage'));

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public function indexAction()
 return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('homepage'), 301);

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use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
return new RedirectResponse($this->generateUrl('homepage'));

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public function indexAction($name)
 $response = $this->forward('AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:fancy', array(
  'name' => $name,
  'color' => 'green'
 // further modify the response or return it directly
 return $response;

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public function fancyAction($name, $color)
 // ... create and return a Response object

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就像为一个route创建一个controller一样,跟参数的顺序没关系。symfony2 会匹配索引键名称name到方法参数名称$name,即使顺序打乱也没关系。跟其它Controller基类方法一样,forward方法也仅仅是一个symfony2核心函数的快捷写法。一个跳转可以直接通过http_kernel服务来完成,返回一个Response对象。

$httpKernel = $this->container->get('http_kernel');
$response = $httpKernel->forward('AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:fancy', array(
 'name' => $name,
 'color' => 'green',

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$content = $this->renderView('AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index.html.twig', array('name' => $name));
return new Response($content);

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复制代码 代码如下:return $this->render('AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index.html.twig', array('name' => $name));



$templating = $this->get('templating');
$content = $templating->render('AcmeHelloBundle:Hello:index.html.twig', array('name' => $name));

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$templating->render('AcmeHelloBundle:Hello/Greetings:index.html.twig', array('name' => $name));
// index.html.twig 存放于 Resources/views/Hello/Greetings 目录.

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$request = $this->getRequest();
$templating = $this->get('templating');
$router = $this->get('router');
$mailer = $this->get('mailer');

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Symfony2中还有无数的可用服务,同时也鼓励你定义自己的服务。要查看所有的服务,可以使用container:debug 命令行工具

$ php app/console container:debug

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当一些东西没有找到,你应该重置HTTP协议返回一个404 回复。要做到这个,你将抛出一个特殊类型的异常。如果你是继承了Controller基类,则:

public function indexAction()
 $product = // retrieve the object from database
 if (!$product) {
  throw $this->createNotFoundException('The product does not exist');
 return $this->render(...);

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createNotFoundException()方法创建一个特定的NotFoundHttpException对象,它最终触发404 HTTP回复。当然你从你的controller方法中可以抛出任何类型的Exception 类,Symfony2会自动返回一个500 HTTP回复代码。

throw new \Exception('Something went wrong!');

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Symfony2 提供了一个非常好的Session对象,你可以用它来在请求之间存贮有关用户的信息。默认情况下,Symfony2 通过PHP本身的Session保存属性到cookie。在任何controller中存储和获取Session信息将非常容易:

$session = $this->getRequest()->getSession();
// 为用户的后一个请求使用存储一个属性
$session->set('foo', 'bar');
// 在另一个controller中为另一个请求获取该属性
$foo = $session->get('foo');
// 设置用户的本地化语言

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Flash 消息


public function updateAction()
 $form = $this->createForm(...);
 if ($form->isValid()) {
  // 做些排序处理
  $this->get('session')->setFlash('notice', 'Your changes were saved!');
  return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl(...));
 return $this->render(...);

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此例中,在处理完请求后,controller设置了一个notice flash消息并作了重定向。名字notice没什么意义,只是用于标识该消息。在下一个活动的模板中,下面的代码能够渲染这个notic消息:


{% if app.session.hasFlash('notice') %}
 <div class="flash-notice">
  {{ app.session.flash('notice') }}
{% endif %}

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<&#63;php if ($view['session']->hasFlash('notice')): &#63;>
 <div class="flash-notice">
  <&#63;php echo $view['session']->getFlash('notice') &#63;>
<&#63;php endif; &#63;>

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Response对象是一个PHP代码对HTTP Response的抽象。
HTTP Response是一个基于文本的消息有HTTP headers和 返回给客户端的内容组成。

$response = new Response('Hello ' .$name, 200);
$response = new Response(json_encode(array('name'=>$name)));

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其中headers属性是一个HeaderBag对象,内部包含许多有用的方法来读取和改变Response的头信息。头名字被标准化使用Content-Type 与content-type或者content_type效果等同。



$request = $this->getRequest();
$request->isXmlHttpRequest(); // 判断是不是Ajax请求
$request->query->get('page'); // 获取$_GET 参数
$request->request->get('page'); //获取$_POST参数

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无论何时,你创建一个页面,你最终需要为它写一些包含逻辑的代码。在Symfony中,这叫一个controller, 它是一个PHP的函数,它可以为了最后返回一个Response对象给用户可以做需要的任何事情。简单的说,你可以选择继承一个Controller基类,它包含了许多执行controller通用任务的快捷方法。比如,你不想把HTML代码写入你的controller, 你可以使用render()方法来渲染并返回一个模板内容。


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