A solution to automatically refresh web pages without making clicking sounds is to use XMLHTTP. In fact, it's very strange. I don't know how Microsoft handles it. I changed the wording of scheduled refresh and it stopped making any sound. Posted now to share with everyone.
Do not use the refresh attribute in the meta tag to refresh the page. You must use your voice for this. All you need to do is add this sentence.
. . . .
〈body onload="setTimeout('this.location.reload();',6000);"〉
. . .
In this way, the page is refreshed every 6 seconds, but there is no sound.
No need for XMLHTTP. In fact, it's very strange. I don't know how Microsoft handles it. I changed the wording of scheduled refresh and it stopped making any sound. Posted now to share with everyone.
Do not use the refresh attribute in the meta tag to refresh the page. You must use your voice for this. All you need to do is add this sentence.
. . . .
〈body onload="setTimeout('this.location.reload();',6000);"〉
. . .
In this way, the page is refreshed every 6 seconds, but there is no sound.