The reprinter should at least indicate the author and source!
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//Determine whether the date format is correct
//The return value is an error message, no error message That is to say, the legal date string
function isDateString(strDate){
var strSeparator = "-"; //Date separator
var strDateArray;
var intYear;
var intMonth;
var intDay;
var boolLeapYear;
var ErrorMsg = ""; //Error message
strDateArray = strDate.split(strSeparator);
//No length judgment, in fact 2008-8-8 It is also reasonable //strDate.length != 10 ||
if(strDateArray.length != 3) {
ErrorMsg = "The date format must be: yyyy-MM-dd";
return ErrorMsg;
intYear = parseInt(strDateArray[0],10);
intMonth = parseInt(strDateArray[1],10);
intDay = parseInt(strDateArray[2],10);
if(isNaN(intYear)||isNaN(intMonth)||isNaN(intDay)) {
ErrorMsg = "Date format error: year, month and day must be pure numbers";
return ErrorMsg;
if(intMonth>12 || intMonth<1) {
ErrorMsg = "Date format error: month must be between 1 and 12";
return ErrorMsg;
&&(intDay>31||intDay<1)) {
ErrorMsg = "Date format error: the number of days in the big month must be between 1 and 31";
return ErrorMsg;
&&(intDay>30||intDay<1)) {
ErrorMsg = "Date format Error: The number of days in a small month must be between 1 and 31";
return ErrorMsg;
if(intDay < 1) {
ErrorMsg = "Date format error: Date must be greater than or equal to 1";
return ErrorMsg;
boolLeapYear = false;
if((intYear 0) == 0){
if((intYear@0) == 0)
boolLeapYear = true;
if((intYear % 4) == 0)
boolLeapYear = true;
if(intDay > 29) {
ErrorMsg = "Date format error: the number of days in February in leap years cannot exceed 29";
return ErrorMsg;
} else {
if(intDay > 28) {
ErrorMsg = "Date format error: the number of days in February in non-leap years cannot exceed 28";
return ErrorMsg;
return ErrorMsg;