The standard event triggering can use the dispatchEvent method. But now FF5 cannot trigger A's default behavior. As follows
< html>
Firefox5 link A cannot simulate click bug Sina Mailbox
Link A, use dispatchEvent to simulate a click. The test jumps to in IE9/Safari/Chrome/Opera. Only Firefox5 did not jump over.
Since the click method is added to all elements in Firefox 5 (Firefox 3 does not), use the click method to test
Sina Mailbox < script>
var a1 = document.getElementById('a1');;
The test still did not jump to mail.
It can be seen that neither of the two methods in Firefox can trigger the default behavior of link A. It may be that the Firefox security mechanism prohibits client programmers from simulating A jump, uh...
Note: The test results of Tapir using FF3 are the same as those of FF5. grateful..