Steps to download Bitget Wallet payment platform on Apple devices: Search "Bitget Wallet Bitpie" in the App Store and click the "Get" button. Enter your Apple ID password and wait for the download to complete. Click the "Install" button and enter the device password to install the application. Launch the app, create a new account or import an existing wallet.
How to download Bitget Wallet Bitpie payment platform on Apple devices
Step 1: Visit the App Store
On your iPhone or iPad, open the App Store app.
Step 2: Search for Bitget Wallet
Enter "Bitget Wallet Bitpie" in the search bar.
Step 3: Click the Get button
On the page of the Bitget Wallet app, click the Get button.
Step 4: Enter your Apple ID password
You will be prompted to enter your Apple ID password. After entering your password, click OK.
Step 5: Wait for the download to complete
The Bitget Wallet app will start downloading to your device. Wait for the download to complete.
Step 6: Install the app
After the download is complete, click the "Install" button. You will be asked to allow the app to access information on your device. Click "Install" and enter your device password.
Step 7: Launch the App
The Bitget Wallet app is now installed on your device. Click on the app icon to launch it.
Step 8: Create an Account or Import a Wallet
If you are a new user, click "Create Wallet" and follow the on-screen instructions to create an account. If you already have a Bitget Wallet, click "Import Wallet" and enter your recovery phrase.
The above is the detailed content of Bitget Wallet Bitpie payment platform Apple version download tutorial. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!