Note: Jquery needs to be introduced If you need all functions, please introduce jquery-ui and jquery-ui.css Screenshot: js code:
$(function() { //Menu list var menu_list =$(".menu-list"); //Workspace var working=$(".working"); { menu_list.hide(); $(".content-menu").hide("slow"); }); //Click the menu icon $ (".menu").bind("click",function() {; }); arrange(); $( window).resize(function() { arrange(); }); //Shield right-click menu $(document).contextmenu(function() { return false; }); //Display the right-click menu when clicking on the workspace $(".working").contextmenu(function(event) { var x=event.clientX; var y=event.clientY; var menu=$(".content-menu"); //Judge coordinates var width=document. body.clientWidth; var height=document.body.clientHeight; x=(x menu.width())>=width?width-menu.width():x; y=(y menu.height())>=height-40?height-menu.height():y; //alert("Visual height: " height ", mouse height: " y); menu.css("top",y); menu.css("left",x);; } ); //content-menu $(".content-menu ul li").click(function() { var text=$(this).text(); switch (text) { case "Refresh": document.location.reload(); break; case "Log out": if(confirm( "Do you want to log out? ")){ } break; default: break; } $(".content-menu").hide(); }); }); //Arrange the icon part function arrange(){ var ul=$(".icons"); var working=$( ".working"); //Position coordinates var position={x:0,y:0,bottom:110,width:50,height:50,parent:{height:0,width:0 },padding:{top:10,left:10,right:0,bottom:10}}; position.parent.height=working.height()-40; position.parent. width=working.width(); ul.find("li").each(function(index) { $(this).css("top",position.y "px"); $(this).css("left",position.x "px"); position.height=$(this).height(); position .width=$(this).width(); position.y=position.y position.height position.padding.bottom position.padding.bottom; if(position.y> ;=position.parent.height-position.bottom){ position.y=0; position.x=position.x position.width position.padding.left; } }) ; }
html code:
<script> <br>for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i ) { <BR>var html = ""; <BR>html = '<li>'; <br>html = '<img src="images/' i '.gif">'; <br>html = '<div class="text">图标' i '</div>'; <br>html = '</li>'; <br>document.write(html); <br>} <br></script>
<script> <br><br>$(".icons li").mousemove(function(){ <br>$(this).addClass("icons-move"); <br>}); <br><br>$(".icons li").mouseout(function(){ <br>$(this).removeClass("icons-move"); <br>}); <br><br>$(".icons li").mousedown(function(){ <br>$(".icons li").removeClass("icons-focus"); <br>$(this).addClass("icons-focus"); <br>//改变当前的索引 <br>$(".icons li").css("z-index",0); <br>$(this).css("z-index",1); <br>}); <br><br>$(".icons li").dblclick(function(){ <br>alert("double click"); <br>}); <br><br>//按键事件 <br>$(document).keyup(function(event){ <br>var UP=38; <br>var DOWM=40; <br>var ENTER=13; <br>var elem=$(".icons-focus"); <br><br>if(elem.html()=="undefined")return; <br><br>if (event.keyCode == UP) { <br>$(".icons li").removeClass("icons-focus"); <br>elem.prev().addClass("icons-focus"); <br>} <br><br>if(event.keyCode==DOWM){ <br>$(".icons li").removeClass("icons-focus"); <br>"icons-focus"); <br>} <br><br>//回车打开选中的图标 <br>if(event.keyCode==ENTER){ <br>var open=$(".icons-focus"); <br>alert("ok enevt is enter"); <br>} <br><br>}); <br><br>//图标拖拽 <br>$(".icons li").draggable(); <br><br>//注册resize事件 <br>$(".window").draggable({containment: 'parent'}); <br>$(".window").resizable({containment: 'parent'}); <br><br></script>
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