A very cool effect. Baidu and Google seem to have implemented it for many years. I thought I could easily find the code to achieve this effect on the Internet. When I really encountered this need, I found that I really couldn’t find it. So I wrote this effect myself. Since I integrated the effect into my entire framework, I did not encapsulate it separately.
//By COoL
//Define global variables to store the prompt layer
var liketips;
//Listen for changes or get focus events
//Disable the automatic prompts that come with Chrome and Firefox browsers
$('.getsearchjson').attr("autocomplete", "off");
$('.getsearchjson').bind( "propertychange input focus",function(event){
//If there is a change, the status is set to It must be selected again, because pure manual input will cause the value to be unable to be inserted
//Get the input box position and calculate the prompt layer should appear Position
var top=1*$this.offset().top 25;
var left=1*$this.offset().left;
var width=1*$this.width( ) 12;
//Rebuild the storage tip layer and display it in the appropriate position
//class style is not provided here, the most important thing is position:absolute
$liketips.css({top: top 'px',left:left 'px',width:width 'px'});
//Display the loading dynamic image before loading

//Define ajax to obtain json, the type parameter is set through data-type, and the keyword is the value that has been entered so far
//The return value is displayed in table form
$.post('/data/search.do ',{type:$this.data('type'),keyword:$this.val()},function(json){
var htmlcode="
for(var i=0;i //I need to use value here and title, so use data-value to pass one more parameter, and assign the value to the corresponding place after pressing Enter or mouse click, which perfectly replaces select
htmlcode ='' json.datas[i][1] ' |
'; ;/tbody>
Please be sure to select" in this drop-down box;
//Replace the loading dynamic image with content
$liketips.html(htmlcode) ;
//When the focus disappears, make sure the data comes from the option and hide the prompt box
$('.getsearchjson').blur( function(){
//Because the blur action is settled before the click when the mouse is clicked, setTimeout is to solve this problem
if ($oldthis.data('ok'))
$(liketips) One item, thank you for your cooperation');
$oldthis.focus(); );
//Monitor keyboard actions
$this =$(this);
//The key is down
//If it has been If there is selection, go down, otherwise, select the first
in the menu if($nowtr.length>0){
The last option, move to the next tr, otherwise jump to the first tr
; tr:first' ).addClass('selectedtr');
; 🎜> If already selected, go down, otherwise, select the first
in the menu if($nowtr.length>0){
//If It is not the last option, move to the next tr, otherwise jump to the first tr
prevtr.addClass ('selectedtr'); ('tr:last ').addClass('selectedtr');
//Set the value to the value storage item configured by the input box through the parameter data-valueto, usually the hidden item
$valuefield=$('input[name=' $this.data('valueto') ']');
$valuefield.val($nowtr.data('value')); val($nowtr.text());
return false;
return true;
//Listen to mouse movements, mouseover changes the selected item
$(document). delegate('.liketips td','mouseover',function(){
//Listen to mouse movements, click to select
$(document).delegate('.liketips td','click ',function(){
//Get the input box corresponding to the prompt layer
$ InputField = $ nowtr.parent (). Parent (). Parent (). Siblings ('Input.getsearchjson'); lue The value is stored in the item, usually the hidden item
$valuefield=$('input[name=' $inputfield.data('valueto') ']');
$valuefield.val($nowtr.data ('value'));
$inputfield.data('ok', true);
The CSS will not be released here. My implementation is as follows: