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Node.js introductory tutorial mini book, complete example of node.js introductory web application development_Basic knowledge

Release: 2016-05-16 16:53:09
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本书中的代码案例都在Node.js 0.6.11版本中测试过,可以正确工作。


本书最适合与我有相似技术背景的读者: 至少对一门诸如Ruby、Python、PHP或者Java这样面向对象的语言有一定的经验;对JavaScript处于初学阶段,并且完全是一个Node.js的新手。





当然了,应用本身并没有什么了不起的,相比为了实现该功能书写的代码本身,我们更关注的是如何创建一个框架来对我们应用的不同模块进行干净地剥离。 是不是很玄乎?稍后你就明白了。


紧接着,会带领大家完成一个最传统的“Hello World”应用,这也是最基础的Node.js应用。



该应用所有的源代码都可以通过 本书Github代码仓库:https://github.com/ManuelKiessling/NodeBeginnerBook/tree/master/code/application.





而你真正想要的是“干货”,你想要知道如何构建复杂的web站点 —— 于是,你学习了一种诸如PHP、Ruby、Java这样的编程语言,并开始书写“后端”代码。

与此同时,你还始终关注着JavaScript,随着通过一些对jQuery,Prototype之类技术的介绍,你慢慢了解到了很多JavaScript中的进阶技能,同时也感受到了JavaScript绝非仅仅是window.open() 那么简单。 .




问题来了: 由于JavaScript真正意义上以两种,甚至可以说是三种形态存在(从中世纪90年代的作为对DHTML进行增强的小玩具,到像jQuery那样严格意义上的前端技术,一直到现在的服务端技术),因此,很难找到一个“正确”的方式来学习JavaScript,使得让你书写Node.js应用的时候感觉自己是在真正开发它而不仅仅是使用它。

因为这就是关键: 你本身已经是个有经验的开发者,你不想通过到处寻找各种解决方案(其中可能还有不正确的)来学习新的技术,你要确保自己是通过正确的方式来学习这项技术。





I am the person described in the previous section. I was familiar with developing backend web applications, but I was new to "real" JavaScript and Node.js. I have only recently learned some advanced concepts of JavaScript and have no practical experience.

Therefore, this book is not a "from entry to master" book, but more like a "from beginner to advanced entry" book.

If successful, then this book will be the tutorial I most wanted to have when I started learning Node.js.

Server-side JavaScript

JavaScript first ran in the browser. However, the browser only provided a context, which defined what can be done using JavaScript, but did not "say" much about what the JavaScript language itself can do. In fact, JavaScript is a "complete" language: it can be used in different contexts and its capabilities are as good as those of other similar languages.

Node.js is actually another context that allows JavaScript code to be run on the backend (out of the browser environment).

To run JavaScript code in the background, the code needs to be interpreted first and then executed correctly. This is the principle of Node.js. It uses Google's V8 virtual machine (the JavaScript execution environment used by Google's Chrome browser) to interpret and execute JavaScript code.

In addition, Node.js comes with many useful modules that can simplify many repetitive tasks, such as outputting strings to the terminal.

Therefore, Node.js is actually both a runtime environment and a library.

To use Node.js, you first need to install it. Regarding how to install Node.js, I won’t go into details here. You can directly refer to the official installation guide. After the installation is complete, continue to come back and read the rest of this book.

“Hello World”

Okay, no more "nonsense", let's start our first Node.js application: "Hello World".

Open your favorite editor and create a helloworld.js file. What we need to do is to output "Hello World" to STDOUT. The following is the code to implement this function:

Copy code The code is as follows:
console.log("Hello World");

Save the file and execute it through Node.js:

Copy code The code is as follows:
node helloworld.js

If normal, Hello World will be output in the terminal.

Okay, I admit that this application is a bit boring, so let’s get some “dry stuff”.

A complete web application based on Node.js

Use Cases

Let’s make the goal simple, but realistic enough:

1. Users can use our application through the browser.
2. When the user requests http://domain/start, they can see a welcome page with a file upload form.
3. The user can select an image and submit the form, and then the file will be uploaded to http://domain/upload. After the page completes the upload, the image will be displayed on the page.
That’s it. You can also go to Google now and find something to mess around with to complete the function. But let’s not do that right now.

Furthermore, in the process of accomplishing this goal, we need more than just basic code regardless of whether the code is elegant or not. We also need to abstract this to find a way to build more complex Node.js applications.

Apply different modules for analysis

Let’s break down this application. In order to implement the above use cases, what parts do we need to implement?

1. We need to provide Web pages, so we need an HTTP server
2. For different requests, our server needs to give different responses according to the requested URL, so we need a route to route the requests Corresponds to the request handler
3. After the request is received by the server and passed through the route, it needs to be processed, so we need the final request handler
4. The route should also be able to handle it POST data, and encapsulate the data into a more friendly format and pass it to the request processing program, so you need to request the data processing function
5. We not only have to process the request corresponding to the URL, but also display the content, which means We need some view logic for the request handler to send content to the user's browser
6. Finally, the user needs to upload images, so we need the upload handling function to handle the details of this
Let's do it first Think about how we would build this structure using PHP. Generally we will use an Apache HTTP server with the mod_php5 module.
From this perspective, the entire "receiving HTTP request and serving a web page" requirement does not need to be handled by PHP at all.

But for Node.js, the concept is completely different. When using Node.js, we are not only implementing an application, but also implementing an entire HTTP server. In fact, our web applications and corresponding web servers are basically the same.

It sounds like a lot of work to do, but then we will gradually realize that it is not a troublesome thing for Node.js.

Now let’s start the road to implementation, starting with the first part-HTTP server.

Modules for building applications

A basic HTTP server

When I was about to start writing my first "real" Node.js application, I not only didn't know how to write Node.js code, but I also didn't know how to organize it.
Should I put everything into one file? There are many tutorials on the Internet that will teach you to put all the logic into a basic HTTP server written in Node.js. But what if I want to add more content while still keeping the code readable?

In fact, it is quite simple to keep code separation as long as you put the code for different functions into different modules.

This approach allows you to have a clean main file that you can execute with Node.js; and you can have clean modules that can be called by the main file and other modules.

So, now let’s create a main file that starts our application, and a module that holds our HTTP server code.

In my mind, calling the main file index.js is more or less a standard format. Putting the server module in a file called server.js is easy to understand.

Let’s start with the server module. Create a file called server.js in the root directory of your project and write the following code:

Copy code Code As follows:

var http = require("http");

http.createServer(function(request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello World") ;

Done! You just finished a working HTTP server. To prove this, let's run and test this code. First, execute your script with Node.js:

node server.js
Next, open the browser and visit http://localhost:8888/, you will see a web page with "Hello World" written on it.

That’s interesting, isn’t it? Let’s talk about the HTTP server first and leave aside how to organize the project. What do you think? I promise we'll figure that out later.

Analyze HTTP server

So next, let us analyze the composition of this HTTP server.

The first line requests the http module that comes with Node.js and assigns it to the http variable.

Next we call the function provided by the http module: createServer. This function will return an object. This object has a method called listen. This method has a numeric parameter that specifies the port number that the HTTP server is listening on.

Let’s ignore the function definition in the brackets of http.createServer for now.

We could have started the server and listened on port 8888 with code like this:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

var http = require("http");

var server = http.createServer();

This code will only start a server listening on port 8888. It does not do anything else. Not even a request will be answered.

The most interesting (and, if you're used to a more conservative language like PHP, weird) part is the first argument to createSever(), a function definition.

In fact, this function definition is the first and only parameter of createServer(). Because in JavaScript, functions can be passed like other variables.

Perform function transfer

For example, you can do this:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

function say(word) {

function execute(someFunction, value) {

execute(say, "Hello");
Please read this code carefully! Here, we pass the say function as the first variable of the execute function. What is returned here is not the return value of say, but say itself!

In this way, say becomes the local variable someFunction in execute. execute can use the say function by calling someFunction() (with parentheses).

Of course, since say has a variable, execute can pass such a variable when calling someFunction.

We can, like just did, pass a function as a variable by its name. But we don’t have to go around this “define first, then pass” circle. We can directly define and pass this function in the brackets of another function:

Copy code The code is as follows:

function execute(someFunction, value) {

execute(function(word){ console.log(word) }, "Hello");
We directly define the function we are going to pass to execute where execute accepts the first parameter.

In this way, we don’t even need to give the function a name, which is why it is called an anonymous function.

This is our first close encounter with what I consider “advanced” JavaScript, but we still have to take it step by step. For now, let's accept this: in JavaScript, a function can receive a parameter as another function. We can define a function first and then pass it, or we can define the function directly where the parameters are passed.

How function passing makes HTTP servers work

With this knowledge, let’s take a look at our simple but not simple HTTP server:

Copy code The code is as follows:

var http = require("http");

http.createServer(function(request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello World") ;

Now it should look a lot clearer: we passed an anonymous function to the createServer function.

The same purpose can be achieved with code like this:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

var http = require("http");

function onRequest(request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello World");


Maybe now we should ask this question: Why do we use this method?

Event-driven callbacks

This question is not easy to answer (at least for me), but this is the native way Node.js works. It's event driven, which is why it's so fast.

You may want to take a moment to read Felix Geisendörfer’s masterpiece Understanding node.js, which provides some background knowledge.

It all comes down to the fact that "Node.js is event driven". Well, actually I don’t know exactly what this sentence means. But I will try to explain why it makes sense for us to write web based applications with Node.js.

When we use the http.createServer method, of course we don’t just want a server that listens on a certain port, we also want it to do something when the server receives an HTTP request.

The problem is, this is asynchronous: requests can arrive at any time, but our server is running in a single process.

When writing PHP applications, we don’t worry about this at all: any time a request comes in, the web server (usually Apache) creates a new process for this request and starts executing the corresponding processes from beginning to end. PHP script.

So in our Node.js program, when a new request arrives at port 8888, how do we control the process?

Well, this is where the event-driven design of Node.js/JavaScript can really help - although we still have to learn some new concepts to master it. Let's see how these concepts apply to our server code.

We created the server and passed a function to the method that created it. Whenever our server receives a request, this function is called.

We don’t know when this will happen, but we now have a place to handle the request: it’s the function we passed it to. It doesn't matter whether it is a predefined function or an anonymous function.

This is the legendary callback. We pass a function to a method, and this method calls this function to perform a callback when a corresponding event occurs.

For me at least, it took some work to figure it out. If you're still not sure, read Felix's blog post.

Let’s consider this new concept again. How do we prove that after creating the server, our code continues to be valid even if no HTTP request comes in and our callback function is not called? Let’s try this:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

var http = require("http ");

function onRequest(request, response) {
console.log("Request received.");
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello World");


console.log("Server has started.");

Note: Where onRequest (our callback function) is triggered, I use console.log to output a piece of text. After the HTTP server starts working, a piece of text is also output.

When we run node server.js as usual, it will immediately output "Server has started." on the command line. When we make a request to the server (visit http://localhost:8888/ in the browser), the "Request received." message will appear on the command line.

This is event-driven asynchronous server-side JavaScript and its callbacks!

(Please note that when we access the web page on the server, our server may output "Request received." twice. That is because most servers will try to read when you access http://localhost:8888/ Get http://localhost:8888/favicon.ico )

How the server handles requests

Okay, let’s briefly analyze the remaining part of our server code, which is the main part of our callback function onRequest().

When the callback starts and our onRequest() function is triggered, two parameters are passed in: request and response.

They are objects whose methods you can use to handle the details of an HTTP request and respond to the request (such as sending something back to the requesting browser).

So our code is: when receiving a request, use the response.writeHead() function to send an HTTP status 200 and the content-type of the HTTP header (content-type), and use the response.write() function to add the HTTP corresponding body Send the text "Hello World".

Finally, we call response.end() to complete the response.

For now, we don’t care about the details of the request, so we don’t use the request object.

Where to place the server module

OK, like I promised, we can now get back to how we organize our applications. We now have a very basic HTTP server code in the server.js file, and I mentioned that usually we have a file called index.js that calls other modules of the application (such as the HTTP server module in server.js). Boot and launch the application.

Let’s now talk about how to turn server.js into a real Node.js module so that it can be used by our (not yet started) index.js main file.

Maybe you have noticed that we have used modules in the code. Like this:

Copy code The code is as follows:

var http = require("http") ;



Node.js comes with a module called "http", we request it in our code and assign the return value to a local variable .

This turns our local variable into an object with all the public methods provided by the http module.

It is a convention to give such local variables the same name as the module name, but you can also use it to your liking:

Copy code The code is as follows:

var foo = require("http");



Very good, it is already clear how to use Node.js internal modules. How do we create our own module and how do we use it?

You’ll figure it out when we turn server.js into a real module.

In fact, we don’t have to make too many changes. Turning a piece of code into a module means that we need to export the portion of the functionality we want to provide to the script that requests the module.

Currently, the functions that our HTTP server needs to export are very simple, because the script that requests the server module only needs to start the server.

We put our server script into a function called start, which we will then export.

Copy code The code is as follows:

var http = require("http");

function start() {
function onRequest(request, response) {
console.log("Request received.");
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": " text/plain"});
response.write("Hello World");

console.log("Server has started.");

exports.start = start;

With this, we can now create our main file index.js and start our HTTP in it, although the server code is still in server.js.

Create the index.js file and write the following content:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

var server = require("./server");


As you can see, we can use the server module just like any other built-in module: request this file and point it to a variable with the exported The function is now ready for us to use.

Okay. We can now launch our application from our main script, which is still the same as before:

Copy the code The code is as follows :

node index.js

Great, we can now put different parts of our application into different files and connect them by generating modules Together.

We still only have the initial part of the entire application: we can receive HTTP requests. But we have to do something - the server should respond differently to different URL requests.

For a very simple application, you can do this directly in the callback function onRequest(). But like I said, we should add some abstract elements to make our example a little more interesting.

Handling different HTTP requests is a different part in our code, called "routing" - so, let's create a module called routing next.

How to "route" requests

We need to provide the requested URL and other required GET and POST parameters for the route. Then the route needs to execute the corresponding code based on these data (the "code" here corresponds to the third part of the entire application: a series of requests are received the handler that actually works).

Therefore, we need to look at the HTTP request and extract the requested URL and GET/POST parameters. Whether this function belongs to routing or server (or even as a function of the module itself) is indeed worthy of discussion, but here it is tentatively considered as the function of our HTTP server.

All the data we need will be contained in the request object, which is passed as the first parameter of the onRequest() callback function. But in order to parse this data, we need additional Node.JS modules, which are the url and querystring modules.

Copy code The code is as follows:

🎜> url.parse(string).pathname |

> http://localhost:8888/start?foo=bar&hello=world
querystring(string)["foo"] |


Of course, we can also use the querystring module to parse the parameters in the POST request body, which will be demonstrated later.

Now let’s add some logic to the onRequest() function to find out the URL path requested by the browser:

var http = require("http");
var url = require("url");

function start() {
function onRequest(request, response) {
var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
console.log("Request for " pathname " received .");
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello World");

console.log("Server has started.");

exports.start = start;
Okay, our application can now distinguish between different requests by the URL path of the request - this allows us to use routing (not yet completed) to route the request to the URL path. Baselines are mapped onto handlers.

In the application we are building, this means that requests from /start and /upload can be handled with different code. We'll see how this fits together later.

Now we can write the route. Create a file named router.js and add the following content:

function route(pathname) {
console.log("About to route a request for " pathname);

exports.route = route;
As you can see, this code does nothing, but for now it is as it should be. Before adding more logic, let's first look at how to integrate routing and servers.

Our servers should be aware of the existence of routes and use them effectively. We could of course hard-code this dependency to the server, but experience with programming in other languages ​​tells us that this would be a pain, so we will use dependency injection to loosely add the route. Modules (you can read Martin Fowlers' masterpiece on dependency injection for background knowledge).

First, let’s extend the server’s start() function to pass the routing function as a parameter:

Copy code The code is as follows:

var http = require("http");
var url = require("url");

function start(route) {
function onRequest(request, response) {
var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
console.log("Request for " pathname " received.");


response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello World");

console.log("Server has started.");

exports.start = start;

At the same time, we will extend index.js accordingly so that the routing function can be injected into the server:
Copy the code The code is as follows:

var server = require("./server");
var router = require("./router");


Here, the function we pass still does nothing.

If you start the application now (node ​​index.js, always remember this command line) and then request a URL, you will see the application output the corresponding information, which indicates that our HTTP server is already using the routing module, and The requested path will be passed to the route:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

bash$ node index.js
Request for /foo received.
About to route a request for /foo

(The above output has removed the annoying parts related to the /favicon.ico request).

Behavior-Driven Execution

Please allow me to deviate from the topic again and talk about functional programming here.

Passing functions as arguments isn’t just for technical reasons. For software design, this is actually a philosophical question. Think about this scenario: In the index file, we can pass the router object in, and the server can then call the route function of this object.

Just like this, we pass something, and then the server uses this thing to complete something. Hi, that thing called routing, can you help me route this?

But the server doesn’t actually need such a thing. It just needs to get things done. In fact, in order to get things done, you don't need things at all, you need actions. That is, you don’t need a noun, you need a verb.

After understanding the most core and basic ideological transformation in this concept, I naturally understood functional programming.

I understood functional programming after reading Steve Yegge’s masterpiece Death Penalty in the Kingdom of Nouns. You should read this book too, really. This is one of the books about software that has ever given me the joy of reading.

Routed to the real request handler

Back to the topic, now our HTTP server and request routing module can communicate with each other as we expected, like a pair of close brothers.

Of course this is not enough. Routing, as the name suggests, means that we have to handle different URLs in different ways. For example, the "business logic" for processing /start should be different from that for processing /upload.

Under the current implementation, the routing process "ends" in the routing module, and the routing module is not the module that really "takes action" on the request, otherwise when our application becomes more complex, it will not be able to Scales well.

We temporarily refer to the function as the routing target as the request handler. Let's not rush into developing the routing module now, because there is little point in improving the routing module if the request handler is not ready.

Applications require new widgets, so add new modules -- there's no need to be novel about it anymore. Let’s create a module called requestHandlers, and for each request handler, add a placeholder function, and then export these functions as module methods:

Copy Code The code is as follows:

function start() {
console.log("Request handler 'start' was called.");

function upload() {
console.log("Request handler 'upload' was called.");

exports.start = start;
exports.upload = upload;

In this way, we can connect the request handler and the routing module to make the routing "findable".

Here we have to make a decision: should we hardcode the requestHandlers module into the route for use, or add a little dependency injection? Although like other patterns, dependency injection should not be used just for usage, in this case, using dependency injection can make the coupling between the route and the request handler looser, and therefore make the route more reusable. .

This means we have to pass request handlers from the server to the route, but this feels even more outrageous. We have to pass a bunch of request handlers all the way from our main file to the server, and then pass them Passed from server to route.

So how do we pass these request handlers? Don't look at it now that we only have 2 handlers. In a real application, the number of request handlers will continue to increase. We certainly don't want to have to complete the request in the route every time there is a new URL or request handler. Mapping to handlers and tossing it over and over again. In addition, there are a lot of if request == x then call handler y in the routing, which also makes the system ugly.

Think about it carefully, there are a lot of things, each of which needs to be mapped to a string (that is, the requested URL)? It seems that an associative array works perfectly.

But the result is a bit disappointing, JavaScript does not provide associative arrays -- can you say that it does? In fact, in JavaScript, it is its objects that can really provide such functionality.

In this regard, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163419.aspx has a good introduction, I will excerpt it here:

In C or C#, when we talk about objects, we refer to instances of classes or structures. Objects have different properties and methods depending on the template they are instantiated from (the so-called class). But objects are not this concept in JavaScript. In JavaScript, an object is a collection of key/value pairs -- you can think of a JavaScript object as a dictionary with string keys.

But if a JavaScript object is just a collection of key/value pairs, how can it have methods? Well, the value here can be a string, a number, or... a function!

Okay, let’s finally get back to the code. Now that we have decided to pass a series of request handlers through an object, we need to inject this object into the route() function in a loosely coupled way.

We first introduce this object into the main file index.js:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

var server = require("./server");
var router = require("./router");
var requestHandlers = require("./requestHandlers");

var handle = {}
handle["/"] = requestHandlers.start;
handle["/start"] = requestHandlers.start;
handle["/upload"] = requestHandlers. upload;

server.start(router.route, handle);

Although handle is not just a "thing" (a collection of request handlers), I still recommend naming it with a verb, like this Doing this allows us to use more fluent expressions in routing, as explained later.

As you can see, mapping different URLs to the same request handler is easy: just add a property with the key "/" to the object, corresponding to requestHandlers.start, and we can clean Requests for concisely configured /start and / are handled by the start handler.

After completing the definition of the object, we pass it to the server as an additional parameter. For this purpose, server.js is modified as follows:

Copy code The code is as follows:

var http = require("http");
var url = require("url");

function start(route, handle) {
function onRequest(request, response) {
var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
console.log("Request for " pathname " received.");

route(handle, pathname);

response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello World");

console.log("Server has started.");

exports.start = start;

In this way, we add the handle parameter in the start() function, and pass the handle object as the first parameter to the route() callback function.

Then we modify the route() function in the route.js file accordingly:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

function route(handle, pathname) {
console.log("About to route a request for " pathname);
if (typeof handle[pathname] === 'function') {
} else {
console.log("No request handler found for " pathname);

exports.route = route;

Through the above code, we first check whether the request handler corresponding to the given path exists, and if it exists, call the corresponding function directly. We can get the request processing function from the passed object in the same way as getting elements from the associative array, so we have a concise and smooth expression in the form of handle[pathname]();, which feels like mentioning in the front to: "Hey, please help me with this path".

With this, we have the server, route and request handler together. Now we start the application and visit http://localhost:8888/start in the browser. The following log can show that the system calls the correct request handler:

Copy Code The code is as follows:

Server has started.
Request for /start received.
About to route a request for /start
Request handler 'start' was called.

And open http://localhost:8888/ in the browser, you can see that this request is also processed by the start request handler:
Copy code The code is as follows:

Request for / received.
About to route a request for /
Request handler ' start' was called.

Let the request handler respond

Very good. But now it would be nice if the request handler could return some meaningful information to the browser instead of just "Hello World".

What should be remembered here is that the "Hello World" information obtained and displayed after the browser makes a request still comes from the onRequest function in our server.js file.

In fact, "processing a request" simply means "responding to a request." Therefore, we need to enable the request handler to "talk" to the browser like the onRequest function.

Bad implementation

For developers like us with PHP or Ruby technical background, the most straightforward implementation method is actually not very reliable: it seems effective, but in fact it may not be so.

What I mean here by "straightforward implementation" is to let the request handler directly return (return()) the information they want to display to the user through the onRequest function.

Let’s implement it like this first, and then look at why this is not a good way to implement it.

Let’s start by having the request handler return the information that needs to be displayed in the browser. We need to modify requestHandler.js to the following form:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

function start() {
console.log("Request handler 'start' was called.");
return "Hello Start";

function upload() {
console.log("Request handler 'upload' was called.");
return "Hello Upload";

exports.start = start;
exports.upload = upload;

Okay. Likewise, request routing needs to return to the server the information that the request handler returns to it. Therefore, we need to modify router.js to the following form:
Copy the code The code is as follows:

function route(handle, pathname) {
console.log("About to route a request for " pathname);
if (typeof handle[pathname] === 'function') {
return handle [pathname]();
} else {
console.log("No request handler found for " pathname);
return "404 Not found";

exports.route = route;

As shown in the above code, when the request cannot be routed, we also return some related error information.

Finally, we need to refactor our server.js so that it responds to the browser with the content returned by the request handler via the request route, like this:

Copy code The code is as follows:

var http = require("http");
var url = require("url");

function start(route, handle) {
function onRequest(request, response) {
var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
console.log("Request for " pathname " received.");

response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
var content = route(handle, pathname)
response .end();

console.log("Server has started.");

exports.start = start;

If we run the refactored application, everything will work fine: request http://localhost:8888/start, and the browser will output "Hello Start" , requesting http://localhost:8888/upload will output "Hello Upload", while requesting http://localhost:8888/foo will output "404 Not found".

Okay, so what’s the problem? To put it simply: when a request handler needs to perform non-blocking operations in the future, our application will "hang".

Don’t understand? It doesn’t matter, let’s explain it in detail below.

Blocking and non-blocking

As mentioned before, problems arise when including non-blocking operations in request handlers. However, before talking about this, let's first take a look at what blocking operations are.

I don’t want to explain the specific meaning of “blocking” and “non-blocking”, let’s just look at what happens when blocking operations are added to the request handler.

Here, let’s modify the start request handler. We let it wait for 10 seconds before returning “Hello Start”. Because there is no operation like sleep() in JavaScript, we can only use a little Hack to simulate the implementation.

Let us modify requestHandlers.js to the following form:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

function start() {
console.log("Request handler 'start' was called.");

function sleep(milliSeconds) {
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
while (new Date().getTime() < startTime milliSeconds);

return "Hello Start";

function upload() {
console.log("Request handler 'upload' was called.");
return "Hello Upload";

exports.start = start;
exports.upload = upload;

In the above code, when the function start() is called, Node.js will wait for 10 seconds before returning "Hello Start". When upload() is called, it will return immediately as before.

(Of course, this is just a simulation of sleeping for 10 seconds. In actual scenarios, there are many such blocking operations, such as some long-term calculation operations.)

Let’s take a look at what changes our changes have brought.

As usual, we need to restart the server first. In order to see the effect, we need to perform some relatively complicated operations (follow me): First, open two browser windows or tabs. Enter http://localhost:8888/start in the address bar of the first browser window, but don't open it yet!

Enter http://localhost:8888/upload in the address bar of the second browser window. Again, don’t open it yet!

Next, do the following: press Enter in the first window ("/start"), then quickly switch to the second window ("/upload") and press Enter.

Notice what happened: the /start URL took 10 seconds to load, which is what we expected. However, the /upload URL actually took 10 seconds, and it did not have an operation similar to sleep() in the corresponding request handler!

Why is this? The reason is that start() contains blocking operations. To put it figuratively, "it blocks all other processing work."

This is obviously a problem, because Node has always advertised itself like this: "In node, except for the code, everything is executed in parallel."

What this sentence means is that Node.js can still process tasks in parallel without adding additional threads - Node.js is single-threaded. It implements parallel operations through event loop, and we should make full use of this - avoid blocking operations as much as possible, and instead use non-blocking operations.

However, to use non-blocking operations, we need to use callbacks by passing the function as a parameter to other functions that take time to process (for example, sleeping for 10 seconds, or querying the database, or performing a large number of calculations ).

For Node.js, it is handled like this: "Hey, probablyExpensiveFunction() (Translator's Note: This refers to functions that take time to process), you continue to deal with your things, I (Node. js thread) I won’t wait for you for now. I will continue to process the code behind you. Please provide a callbackFunction(). I will call the callback function after you finish processing. Thank you! ”

(If you want to know more details about event polling, you can read Mixu’s blog post - Understanding node.js event polling.)

Next, we will introduce a wrong way to use non-blocking operations.

Like last time, we modified our application to expose the problem.

This time we still use the start request handler to "operate". Modify it to the following form:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

var exec = require( "child_process").exec;

function start() {
console.log("Request handler 'start' was called.");
var content = "empty";

exec("ls -lah", function (error, stdout, stderr) {
content = stdout;

return content;

function upload() {
console.log("Request handler 'upload' was called.");
return "Hello Upload";

exports.start = start;
exports.upload = upload;

In the above code, we introduced a new Node.js module, child_process. The reason why it is used is to implement a simple and practical non-blocking operation: exec().

What does exec() do? It executes a shell command from Node.js. In the above example, we use it to get all the files in the current directory ("ls -lah"), and then output the file information to the browser when /startURL is requested.

The above code is very intuitive: Create a new variable content (initial value is "empty"), execute the "ls -lah" command, assign the result to content, and finally return content.

As usual, we start the server and access "http://localhost:8888/start".

A beautiful web page will be loaded with the content "empty". What's going on?

At this time, you may have roughly guessed that exec() plays a magical role in non-blocking. It's actually a good thing, with it, we can perform very time-consuming shell operations without forcing our application to stop and wait for the operation.

(If you want to prove this, you can replace "ls -lah" with a more time-consuming operation such as "find /" to achieve the effect).

However, judging from the results displayed by the browser, we are not satisfied with our non-blocking operation, right?

Okay, next, let’s fix this problem. While we're at it, let's take a look at why the current approach doesn't work.

The problem is that in order to perform non-blocking work, exec() uses a callback function.

In our case, the callback function is the anonymous function passed as the second parameter to exec():

Copy code The code is as follows:

function (error, stdout, stderr) {
content = stdout;

Now we come to the root of the problem: we The code is executed synchronously, which means that after calling exec(), Node.js will execute return content immediately; at this time, content is still "empty" because the callback function passed to exec() has not yet been executed. To - because the operation of exec() is asynchronous.

The operation of "ls -lah" here is actually very fast (unless there are millions of files in the current directory). This is why the callback function will be executed quickly - but it is still asynchronous anyway.

To make the effect more obvious, let's imagine a more time-consuming command: "find /", which takes about 1 minute to execute on my machine. However, although in the request handler, I put "ls - lah" is replaced with "find /", when opening the /start URL, you can still get the HTTP response immediately - obviously, when exec() is executed in the background, Node.js itself will continue to execute the following code. And we assume here that the callback function passed to exec() will only be called after the "find /" command is executed.

So how can we display the file list in the current directory to the user?

Okay, now that we understand this bad implementation, let’s introduce how to make the request handler respond to browser requests in the correct way.

Response to requests with non-blocking operations

I just mentioned the phrase – “the right way”. In fact, the "right way" is usually not simple.

However, there is such an implementation solution using Node.js: function passing. Let's take a look at how to implement this in detail.

So far, our application has been able to pass the content returned by the request handler (the request handler will eventually display content to the user) is passed to the HTTP server.

Now we adopt the following new implementation method: instead of passing the content to the server, this time we use the method of "passing" the server to the content. From a practical perspective, the response object (obtained from the server's callback function onRequest()) is passed to the request handler through the request routing. The handler can then respond to the request using functions on that object.

That’s the principle, let’s implement this solution step by step.

Start with server.js:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

var http = require("http");
var url = require("url");

function start(route, handle) {
function onRequest(request, response) {
var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
console.log("Request for " pathname " received.");

route(handle, pathname, response);

console.log("Server has started.");

exports.start = start;

Compared with the previous method of obtaining the return value from the route() function, this time we pass the response object as the third parameter to the route() function, and we will All response-related function calls in the onRequest() handler are removed, because we want this part of the work to be done by the route() function.

Let’s take a look at our router.js:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

function route(handle, pathname, response) {
console.log("About to route a request for " pathname);
if (typeof handle[pathname] === 'function') {
} else {
console.log("No request handler found for " pathname);
response.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text /plain"});
response.write("404 Not found");

exports.route = route;

Same pattern: instead of getting the return value from the request handler, this time the response object is passed directly.

If there is no corresponding request handler, we will directly return a "404" error.

Finally, we modify requestHandler.js to the following form:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

var exec = require("child_process").exec;

function start(response) {
console.log("Request handler 'start' was called.");

exec("ls -lah", function (error, stdout, stderr) {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write (stdout);

function upload(response) {
console.log("Request handler 'upload' was called.");
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"} );
response.write("Hello Upload");

exports.start = start;
exports.upload = upload;

Our handler function needs to receive the response parameter in order to respond directly to the request.

The start handler does the request response operation in the anonymous callback function of exec(), while the upload handler still simply replies "Hello World", but this time it uses the response object.

Now we start the application (node ​​index.js) again and everything will work fine.

If you want to prove that the time-consuming operations in the /start handler will not block the immediate response to the /upload request, you can modify requestHandlers.js to the following form:

Copy code The code is as follows:

var exec = require("child_process").exec;

function start(response) {
console.log("Request handler 'start' was called.");

exec("find /",
{ timeout: 10000, maxBuffer: 20000*1024 },
function (error, stdout, stderr) {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content- Type": "text/plain"});

function upload(response) {
console.log("Request handler 'upload' was called.");
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"} );
response.write("Hello Upload");

exports.start = start;
exports.upload = upload;

이렇게 하면 http://localhost:8888/start를 요청하면 로딩하는데 10초가 걸리고, http://localhost:8888/upload를 요청하면 바로 응답하게 된다. , 현재 /start 응답이 아직 처리 중이더라도 마찬가지입니다.

더 유용한 시나리오

지금까지 우리는 잘 해왔지만 우리의 애플리케이션은 실용성이 없습니다.

서버, 요청 라우팅 및 요청 핸들러가 완료되었습니다. 이전 사용 사례에 따라 웹사이트에 상호 작용을 추가해 보겠습니다. 사용자가 파일을 선택하고 파일을 업로드한 다음 업로드된 파일을 브라우저에서 확인합니다. 간단하게 유지하기 위해 사용자가 이미지만 업로드하고 앱이 해당 이미지를 브라우저에 표시한다고 가정합니다.

자, 이제 차근차근 구현해 보겠습니다. 이전에 이미 많은 JavaScript 원리와 기술 내용을 소개했으므로 이번에는 속도를 조금 높여보겠습니다.

이 기능을 구현하려면 다음과 같은 두 단계가 있습니다. 먼저 POST 요청(파일이 아닌 업로드)을 처리하는 방법을 살펴보겠습니다. 그런 다음 파일 업로드를 위해 Node.js의 외부 모듈을 사용합니다. 이 구현에는 두 가지 이유가 있습니다.

첫째, Node.js에서 기본 POST 요청을 처리하는 것은 비교적 간단하지만 그 과정에서 많은 것을 배울 수 있습니다.
둘째, Node.js를 사용하여 파일 업로드(멀티파트 POST 요청)를 처리하는 것은 상대적으로 복잡하며 이 책의 범위를 벗어납니다. 그러나 외부 모듈을 사용하는 방법은 이 책의 범위에 속합니다.

POST 요청 처리

간단한 예를 생각해 보겠습니다. 사용자가 콘텐츠를 입력할 수 있는 텍스트 영역을 표시한 다음 POST 요청을 통해 서버에 제출합니다. 마지막으로 서버는 요청을 수신하고 핸들러를 통해 입력 내용을 브라우저에 표시합니다.

/start 요청 핸들러는 텍스트 영역이 있는 양식을 생성하는 데 사용되므로 requestHandlers.js를 다음 형식으로 수정합니다.

function start(response) {
console.log("요청 핸들러 'start'가 호출되었습니다.");

var body = ''

' 🎜> ''
' '

response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"});


function upload(response) {

console.log("요청 핸들러 'upload'가 호출되었습니다.");
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"} );
response.write("안녕하세요 업로드");

exports.start = start;

exports.upload = upload;
자, 이제 우리의 신청서가 매우 완성되어 Webby Awards를 수상할 수도 있습니다. 하하. (번역자 주: 웨비 어워드는 국제디지털예술과학아카데미(International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences)가 후원하는 세계 최고의 웹사이트를 선정하는 상입니다. 자세한 내용은 상세 설명을 참조하세요.) http://localhost를 방문하시면 보실 수 있습니다: 8888/start in your browser 간단한 양식입니다. 서버를 다시 시작하는 것을 잊지 마세요!

다음과 같이 말할 수도 있습니다. 시각적 요소를 요청 핸들러에 직접 배치하는 방식은 너무 추악합니다. 그것은 사실이지만 이 책에서는 MVC와 같은 패턴을 소개하고 싶지 않습니다. 왜냐하면 그것은 JavaScript나 Node.js 환경에 대한 이해와 관련이 없기 때문입니다.

나머지 공간에서는 더 흥미로운 문제에 대해 논의하겠습니다. 사용자가 양식을 제출하면 /upload 요청 핸들러가 트리거되어 POST 요청을 처리합니다.

이제 우리는 초보자 중 전문가이므로 비동기 콜백을 사용하여 POST 요청 데이터를 비차단 방식으로 처리하는 것을 생각하는 것이 당연합니다.

여기에서는 비차단이 사용됩니다.
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