JS is a very magical language, with many built-in functions that can help us convert numbers (base);
Hexadecimal can be used directly in JS;
var a = 0xff; //255
Convert any base string to decimal, such as binary, octal, hexadecimal. The most commonly used conversion is to integer decimal without writing the second digit;
parseInt("11", 2); // 3 binary to decimal
parseInt("77", 8); // Convert 63 from octal to decimal
parseInt("af", 16); //175 hexadecimal to decimal
Convert decimal to binary, octal, hexadecimal string
Object.toString(n): (n) represents the base, such as
(152).toString(2) // "10011000" ; First use brackets to "package" 152 into an object, or write it as follows;
152..toString(2) // The first point here converts 152 into a float type decimal, and the second point is to introduce the object method;
152..toString(16) // "98" : Convert decimal to hexadecimal
152..toString(32) // "4o": convert decimal to 32
Similarly, the maximum base supported by Javascript is 36 (26 English letters and 10 numbers)
35..toString(36) // "z" : supports the maximum encoding "Z", not case sensitive
If it needs to be completed during the conversion process. You can use the following methods:
* @param num The 16 numbers that need to be completed
* @param len The number of digits to be filled in. This is
* @returns completed string
function format(num, len) {
var l = num.length;
if (num.length < len) {
for (var i = 0; i < len - l; i ) {
num = "0" num;
return num;