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From MySqlConnector.MySQLBulkLoader class I want to convert csv to MySQL tableKeep null values.
This worked for me:
In the csv file, save empty data, such as \N (without "")
For example (.csv file)
"A US Equity","20220429","ACTV",\N,\N
When you upload a file, MySQl detects that the file is empty:
Configuration document: https://mysqlconnector.net/api/mysqlconnector/mysqlbulkloadertype/
This worked for me:
In the csv file, save empty data, such as \N (without "")
For example (.csv file)
When you upload a file, MySQl detects that the file is empty:
Configuration document: https://mysqlconnector.net/api/mysqlconnector/mysqlbulkloadertype/