Five ways to automatically jump to HTML pages

Release: 2017-02-24 10:31:52
1871 people have browsed it

Five examples are listed below to explain in detail. The main function of these examples is: after 5 seconds, automatically jump to the hello.html file in the same directory (modify it according to your own needs).

1) Implementation of html


Copy after login

Advantages: Simple

Disadvantages: Cannot be used in Struts Tiles

2) Implementation of javascript

Copy after login

Advantages: Flexible, can be combined with more other functions

Disadvantages: Affected by different browsers

3) Combined with the reciprocal javascript implementation (IE)

Copy after login

Advantages: more user-friendly

Disadvantages: firefox does not support (firefox does not support the innerText attributes of span, p, etc.)

3) Combined javascript implementation of the reciprocal (firefox)

Copy after login

4) Solve the problem that Firefox does not support innerText

Copy after login

5) Integrate 3) and 3')

Copy after login

The above five examples are for everyone This article introduces five ways to implement automatic page jump in HTML. I hope you like it.

For more related articles on the five methods of automatic jump of HTML pages, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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