English[tekst] American[tɛkst]
n. Text, original text; text, textbook; theme; version
v .Send text message
英[ˈɪndeks] 美[ˈɪnˌdɛks]
vt. Index...; Index...; [Economics] Adjust according to living index (wages, prices, etc.)
vi. [Mechanics] Transposition
css text-indent property syntax
Function:The text-indent attribute specifies the indentation of the first line of text in the text block.
Description:is used to define the indentation of the first content line in block-level elements. This is most commonly used to create a "tab" effect. Allows specifying negative values, which creates a "hanging indent" effect.
Note:Negative values are allowed. If a negative value is used, the first line will be indented to the left. Prior to CSS 2.1, text-indent always inherited a calculated value rather than a declared value.
css text-indent property example
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