英[ˌəʊvəˈfləʊ] US[ˌoʊvərˈfloʊ]

vt.& vi. Overflow, drown; crowd, fill; overflow; overflow of resources

n. Flood, overflow; overflow tube; overflow, excess; exceed the amount

vi. Overflow, overflow; overflow

adj. Overflow, full

Third person singular: overflows Present participle: overflowing past tense: overflowed past participle: overflown

css overflow-x property syntax

Function:Specifies whether to crop the left/right edge of the content - if it overflows the element content area.

Syntax:overflow-x: visible|hidden|scroll|auto|no-display|no-content;

Description:visible does not crop the content and may appear outside the content box. hidden Cropped content - no scrolling mechanism is provided. scroll Crop content - Provides scrolling mechanism. auto If the box overflows, a scrolling mechanism should be provided. no-display If the content does not fit into the content box, remove the entire box. no-content Hides the entire content if it does not fit into the content box.

Note:Use the overflow-y attribute to determine the cropping of the upper/lower edges. The overflow-x attribute does not work correctly in IE8 and earlier browsers.

css overflow-x property example


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Overflow-x 是否对内容的左/右边缘进行裁剪。

Overflow-y 是否对内容的上/下边缘进行裁剪。

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