English[tekst] American[tɛkst]
n. Text, original text; text, textbook; theme; version
v .Send a text message
##UK[əˈlaɪn] US[əˈlaɪn] vt. Make a line, make an alliance; line up in order vi. Arrange; form a linecss text-align property syntax
Function:The text-align attribute specifies the horizontal alignment of the text in the element.
Description:This attribute sets the horizontal alignment of the text within the block-level element by specifying the point at which the line box is aligned. The value justify is supported by allowing user agents to adjust the spacing between letters and words in line content; different user agents may get different results.
Note:All browsers support the text-align attribute. The attribute value "inherit" is not supported in any version of Internet Explorer (including IE8).