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  • Mastering Middleware in Laravel: An In-Depth Guide
    Mastering Middleware in Laravel: An In-Depth Guide
    As I navigated the labyrinth of web development, one feature consistently illuminated my path: Laravel's middleware system. Middleware doesn't just filter requests; it transforms applications, ensuring security, performance, and seamless user experie
    PHP-Tutorial 347 2024-07-18 20:59:51
  • Tutorial Laravel Auth con Bootstrap
    Tutorial Laravel Auth con Bootstrap
    Este es un tutorial práctico. Crearemos un proyecto con Laravel en su versión 11 e integraremos la verificación base de auth. Requisitos Conocimiento básico de Laravel y PHP Composer instalado en el equipo Node.js y npm instalados en e
    PHP-Tutorial 470 2024-07-18 20:38:52
  • Intro to Middleware
    Intro to Middleware
    What is Middleware? Middleware is a software design pattern that enables seamless communication and data exchange between different systems, applications, or services. It plays a crucial role in facilitating interactions between disparate compo
    PHP-Tutorial 369 2024-07-18 16:59:52
  • How to Create a Telegram Bot Using PHP
    How to Create a Telegram Bot Using PHP
    How to Create a Telegram Bot Using PHP (Bonus: Get Cheap Hosting on Hostinger for Unlimited Bandwidth) Creating a Telegram bot using PHP is a great way to automate interactions and build useful tools for your community. In this article, we'll g
    PHP-Tutorial 695 2024-07-18 13:33:29
  • How to Use Laravel Blade Templating Engine with a Pure Vanilla PHP Project?
    How to Use Laravel Blade Templating Engine with a Pure Vanilla PHP Project?
    Today, I challenged myself to implement a Laravel MVC (Model, View, Controller) approach using pure vanilla PHP. To tackle this, I utilized the standard Laravel Blade templating engine for the view part of the project, but without installing Laravel
    PHP-Tutorial 701 2024-07-18 11:30:48
  • Crawler Log Folder
    Crawler Log Folder
    1598. Crawler Log Folder Easy The Leetcode file system keeps a log each time some user performs a change folder operation. The operations are described below: "../" : Move to the parent folder of the current folder. (If you are alread
    PHP-Tutorial 236 2024-07-18 10:20:06
  • Design Patterns in Laravel: Level Up Your Code with Reusable Solutions
    Design Patterns in Laravel: Level Up Your Code with Reusable Solutions
    If you're building applications with Laravel, chances are you might have come across people saying, "Design patterns are the way to go." But what, really, are design patterns? And more importantly, how can they make your Laravel application
    PHP-Tutorial 601 2024-07-18 10:12:06
  • How to use eloquent when in laravel
    How to use eloquent when in laravel
    In this article, We are implementing laravel eloquent when condition. In the filter-out process, we use the if-else condition on request. Check the code below. if($request->filter_by == 'amount') { $query->where('amount', '>', request(
    PHP-Tutorial 663 2024-07-18 08:16:59
  • . Most Profit Assigning Work
    . Most Profit Assigning Work
    826. Most Profit Assigning Work Medium You have n jobs and m workers. You are given three arrays: difficulty, profit, and worker where: difficulty[i] and profit[i] are the difficulty and the profit of the ith job, and worker[j] is the ability o
    PHP-Tutorial 720 2024-07-18 06:44:44
  • PHP Version of console.log() for Laravel
    PHP Version of console.log() for Laravel
    Easily stream your Laravel application logs to the browser console tab (console.log) in real-time using server-sent event (SSE) Welcome to Laravel Console Log (LCL)! This package brings real-time logging to your Laravel application, allowing you to
    PHP-Tutorial 862 2024-07-18 05:36:20
  • Average Waiting Time
    Average Waiting Time
    1701. Average Waiting Time Medium There is a restaurant with a single chef. You are given an array customers, where customers[i] = [arrivali, timei]: arrivali is the arrival time of the ith customer. The arrival times are sorted in non-decreasin
    PHP-Tutorial 279 2024-07-18 05:08:19
  • easons why I love Doctrine
    easons why I love Doctrine
    Doctrine is a powerful Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) for PHP, widely used in the Symfony framework but versatile enough to integrate with various other PHP applications. Personally, I use it with the PHP framework Nette which is widely used in Czech
    PHP-Tutorial 514 2024-07-18 02:04:40
  • PHP in the Age of AI: Don&#t Overlook This Web Powerhouse for Your Next Smart Project
    PHP in the Age of AI: Don&#t Overlook This Web Powerhouse for Your Next Smart Project
    Thereafter, PHP might very well prove to be the unsung hero of the AI revolution. While Python gets huge exposure, PHP's varied strengths make it compelling for many AI-fueled web applications. But let me make something clear: This is not about decla
    PHP-Tutorial 122 2024-07-18 01:38:11
  • . Sum of Square Numbers
    . Sum of Square Numbers
    633. Sum of Square Numbers Medium Given a non-negative integer c, decide whether there're two integers a and b such that a2 + b2 = c. Example 1: Input: c = 5 Output: true Explanation: 1 * 1 + 2 * 2 = 5 Example 2: Input: c = 3 Output: fa
    PHP-Tutorial 344 2024-07-18 01:22:15
  • Building a Simple Blog with Flight - Part 1
    Building a Simple Blog with Flight - Part 1
    Hey everyone! I figured it was time to showcase some of the new features that have been added to the Flight Framework for PHP. Earlier this year the original creator of Flight Mike Cao graciously offered to transfer ownership of mikecao/flight over t
    PHP-Tutorial 904 2024-07-18 01:21:41




HTML5 MP3音乐盒播放特效

HTML5 MP3音乐盒播放特效是一款基于html5+css3制作可爱的音乐盒表情,点击开关按钮mp3音乐播放器。





有机果蔬供应商网页模板 Bootstrap5




房产资源服务平台网页模板 Bootstrap5

房产资源服务平台网页模板 Bootstrap5

简约简历资料网页模板 Bootstrap4

简约简历资料网页模板 Bootstrap4


这是一款可爱的夏天元素矢量素材,包含了太阳、遮阳帽、椰子树、比基尼、飞机、西瓜、冰淇淋、雪糕、冷饮、游泳圈、人字拖、菠萝、海螺、贝壳、海星、螃蟹、柠檬、防晒霜、太阳镜等等,素材提供了 EPS 和免扣 PNG 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。

四个红的的 2023 毕业徽章矢量素材(AI+EPS+PNG)

这是一款红的的 2023 毕业徽章矢量素材,共四个,提供了 AI 和 EPS 和免扣 PNG 等格式,含 JPG 预览图。


这是一款由唱歌的小鸟和装满花朵的推车设计的春天 banner 矢量素材,提供了 AI 和 EPS 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。


这是一款金色的毕业帽矢量素材,提供了 EPS 和免扣 PNG 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。

Website-Vorlage für Reinigungs- und Reparaturdienste für Inneneinrichtungen

Die Website-Vorlage für Reinigungs- und Wartungsdienste für Heimdekoration ist ein Website-Vorlagen-Download, der sich für Werbewebsites eignet, die Heimdekorations-, Reinigungs-, Wartungs- und andere Dienstleistungsorganisationen anbieten. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.

Persönliche Lebenslauf-Leitfaden-Seitenvorlage in frischen Farben

Die Vorlage „Fresh Color Matching“ für die Lebenslauf-Leitfadenseite für persönliche Bewerbungen ist eine persönliche Webvorlage zum Herunterladen von Lebensläufen für die Jobsuche, die für einen frischen Farbabstimmungsstil geeignet ist. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.

Web-Vorlage für kreativen Job-Lebenslauf für Designer

Die Webvorlage „Designer Creative Job Resume“ ist eine herunterladbare Webvorlage für die Anzeige persönlicher Lebensläufe, die für verschiedene Designerpositionen geeignet ist. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.

Website-Vorlage eines modernen Ingenieurbauunternehmens

Die Website-Vorlage für moderne Ingenieur- und Bauunternehmen ist eine herunterladbare Website-Vorlage, die sich zur Förderung der Ingenieur- und Baudienstleistungsbranche eignet. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.
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