# HTML 是用來描述網頁的一種語言。
HTML 指的是超文本標記語言: Hyper Text ##M arkup Language
標記標籤 (markup tag)
HTML 標籤通常是
############################################################ ### 標籤對中的第一個標籤是###開始標籤###,第二個標籤是###結束標籤###################### ######## 開始和結束標籤也被稱為###開放標籤###和###閉合標籤################ ######內容###標籤>#######
"HTML tag" and "HTML element" usually describe the same meaning.
But strictly speaking, an HTML element contains a start tag and an end tag, as in the following example:
HTML element:
This is a paragraph.
Web browsers (such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari) are used to read HTML files and display them as web pages.
The browser does not directly display the HTML tag, but it can use the tag to determine how to display the content of the HTML page to the user:
The following is a visual HTML page structure:
This is a paragraph.
This is another paragraph.
Since the birth of the early web, many versions of HTML have appeared:
Version | release time |
HTML | 1991 |
HTML+ | 1993 |
HTML 2.0 | 1995 |
HTML 3.2 | 1997 |
HTML 4.01 | 1999 |
XHTML 1.0 | 2000 |
HTML5 | 2012 |
# XHTML5 | 2013 |
The declaration helps browsers display web pages correctly.
There are many different files on the Internet. If the HTML version can be declared correctly, the browser can display the web page content correctly.
a href="//m.sbmmt.com/wiki/1550.html" target="_blank">W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
br/> "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">