Using the vue framework, paired with vue-resource, the code is posted below. The interface on the landing page uses post requests. Everything is normal. You can pass parameters and receive return values, but on this page, you cannot use get to pass them. Parameters (the parameters received by php are null), please help....
js part:
this.$http.get('/operation/customer/question/edits',{id: 10}).then(response => {
this.question =;
},response => {
php part:
public function edits(Request $request){
dd($request->all()); //这里在前台控制台返回的是接收到的参数,得到的结果一直为[]
return ApiHelper::Response(0,'success',$question);
Vue GET transfer parameters must be added with params
In addition, VUE officially recommends using axios vue-resource and it will not be updated
It is recommended to use axios