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- Is swoole open source?
- Swoole is open source and free software, and the licensing agreement is Apache2.0. Both corporate and individual developers can use Swoole's code for free, and modifications made on Swoole can be used in commercial products without open source (note: the copyright statement of the original author must be retained).
- Swoole 2442 2019-12-14 13:30:42
- Swoole FAQ: Introduction to 'It is present in phpinfo but not in php -m'
- If the extended information of swoole is output, it means that your installation is successful!
- Swoole 2165 2019-12-14 11:09:00
- What to do if swoole installation fails
- The swoole installation failed because the PHP version did not correspond to the phpize and php-config used during compilation. An absolute path was required for compilation, that is, the absolute path was used to execute PHP.
- Swoole 3485 2019-12-14 11:09:17
- How to get uid in swoole
- In swoole, you can use Server->bind to obtain the uid. Server->bind will bind the connection to a user-defined UID. You can set the dispatch_mode=5 value for fixed hash distribution. It can be guaranteed that all connections of a certain UID will be assigned to the same Worker process.
- Swoole 4888 2019-12-13 16:56:51
- How to keep swoole on
- swoole can be always enabled by starting the daemon process. Daemonization: When daemonize=>1 is set, the program will run in the background as a daemon process. This must be enabled for long-running server-side programs.
- Swoole 3309 2019-12-13 16:45:17
- What language is swoole written in?
- Swoole is a PHP asynchronous network communication engine for production environments. It is written in pure C language and provides asynchronous IO servers and clients of multiple communication protocols; Swoole2.0 also supports coroutines similar to Go language, which can Implement asynchronous programs using fully synchronous code.
- Swoole 1992 2019-12-13 11:34:34
- What can swoole do?
- swoole is a PHP extension written in C language that can implement many functions of the network layer and enable PHP developers to write high-performance asynchronous concurrent TCP, UDP, Unix Socket, HTTP, and WebSocket services.
- Swoole 3922 2019-12-13 11:26:11
- Which service is used for swoole Internet of Things development?
- Swoole IoT development uses Swoole TCP Server (service) and Swoole WebScoket Server (service). For example, the remote control background of Doit Car is completely developed based on Swoole, and Swoole TCP Server is responsible for communicating with the car.
- Swoole 3892 2019-12-13 09:47:08
- Why does swoole need to be started using the command line?
- The swoole-based server should be run in command line mode to ensure that there is only one instance (the port cannot be opened repeatedly). There is no need to add any additional keywords to the PHP code. The bottom layer automatically performs coroutine scheduling to implement asynchronous IO.
- Swoole 2603 2019-12-13 09:31:39
- Why is swoole faster than fpm?
- Swoole is responsible for monitoring event changes of Socket handles by Reactor (epoll's IO reuse method) to solve high concurrency problems. Save time on PHP code initialization through memory resident. When using bulky frameworks, the acceleration effect of using swoole is very obvious.
- Swoole 3196 2019-12-13 09:13:29
- How does swoole work?
- Swoole has two operating modes, namely single-thread mode (traditional asynchronous non-blocking server) and process mode (multi-process mode is the most complex mode, using a large number of inter-process communication and process management mechanisms).
- Swoole 3250 2019-12-12 15:53:57
- Is swoole a framework?
- swoole is a framework written in PHP code. The swoole framework, like the PHP framework, is suitable for web development. The swoole framework relies on the swoole extension and is an application example of the swoole extension.
- Swoole 2246 2019-12-12 14:44:32
- Can swoole use cookies?
- swoole can use cookies, and you can use Http\Response->cookie to set the cookie information of the HTTP response. This method parameter is exactly the same as PHP's setcookie. Cookie setting must be before the end method.
- Swoole 2592 2019-12-12 14:25:33
- swoole has several processes by default
- swoole has 4 processes by default. Master process: main process, Manger process: management process, Worker process: working process, Task process: asynchronous task working process.
- Swoole 3251 2019-12-12 14:17:10
- What are the swoole frameworks?
- The swoole frameworks include Hyperf, Swoft, easySwoole, MixPHP, Swoolefy and other frameworks. Hyperf is a high-performance, highly flexible PHP coroutine framework based on Swoole 4.4+.
- Swoole 18138 2019-12-12 14:08:20