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Thinkphp 边学边用-验证码无意间犯的错
Article Introduction:先看代码:1 $(".verify_img").click(function(){2 var timenow = new Date().getTime();3 var url ="{:U('index/loginverify')}&t="+timenow;4 alert(url);5 ..
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Using php and js to refresh page data_PHP tutorial
Article Introduction:Use php and js to refresh page data. Use the two files "XXXX.htm" and "XXX.php" to refresh data XXXX.htm head script // Refresh code r_s = 0; timenow = 0; function calrs() { d = new Date(); h = d.getHours(); m =
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php creates a folder named with UNIX timestamp (sample code)_PHP tutorial
Article Introduction:php creates a folder named with a UNIX timestamp (sample code). The example is as follows: Copy the code as follows: ?php //Get timenow $addtime=date("Ymd",time()); //Creat Dir $testdir="./".$addtime."/"; if(file_exists ($testdir)): else: mkdir($testdir,07
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Thinkphp Learn and Use - Unintentional Mistakes in Verification Code_PHP Tutorial
Article Introduction:Learn and use Thinkphp - Verification code mistakes made unintentionally. Thinkphp learn and use - Verification code unintentional mistakes, first look at the code: 1 $(.verify_img).click(function(){ 2 var timenow = new Date().getTime(); 3 var url ={:U (index/loginverify)}t=+time
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golang sets Chinese time
Article Introduction:Golang is an emerging programming language, and more and more developers are starting to learn and use it. But for beginners, some operations may not be so easy to understand. For example, set Chinese time. In this article, we will share how to set Chinese time in Golang environment. First, we need to understand the time-related functions in Golang: 1. func Now() The TimeNow() function returns the current local time. Its return value type is Time type, which represents the time information at a certain point in time.
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