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Talk about my understanding of object-oriented in php

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Today I will introduce to you the object-oriented nature of PHP. Speaking of object-oriented, I have to mention process-oriented, because when I was a beginner, I often couldn’t distinguish between object-oriented and process-oriented.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a basic skill in our programming. PHP5 provides good support for OOP. How to use OOP ideas to perform advanced programming of PHP is very meaningful for improving PHP programming capabilities and planning a good Web development architecture. Below we will use examples to illustrate the practical significance and application methods of using PHP's OOP for programming.

When we usually build a website with a database backend, we will consider that the program needs to be suitable for different application environments. What is different from other programming languages ​​is that in PHP, a series of specific functions are used to operate the database (if you do not use the ODBC interface). Although this is very efficient, the encapsulation is not enough. If there is a unified database interface, then we can apply it to a variety of databases without making any modifications to the program, thus greatly improving the portability and cross-platform capabilities of the program.

Let me introduce to you their differences:

Object-oriented focuses on which object handles a problem.

Its biggest feature is that it consists of classes with attributes and functions one by one, and gets objects from the classes to solve problems.

Process-oriented focuses on the process of solving a problem. Its biggest feature is that a series of processes are used to solve this problem one by one.

1. Object-oriented basics


1. What is a class ?
A collection of a series of individuals with the same attributes (characteristics) and methods (behavior). A class is an abstract concept.

2. What is an object?
The individual with specific attribute values ​​obtained from the class is called an object. The object is a specific individual.
eg: Human; Zhang San

3. What is the relationship between classes and objects?
A class is an abstraction of an object! Objects are the reification of classes!
The class only indicates what attributes this type of object has, but cannot have specific values, so the class is abstract.
The object is a specific individual generated after assigning all attributes of the class. All objects are specific.

##二Declaration and instantiation of classes

1. How to declare a class:

class class name{
access modifier $property[=default value];
[Access modifier] function method (){}

2. Notes on declaring a class:
① The class name can only be composed of letters, numbers and underscores. It cannot start with a number and must comply with the big camel case rule;
② The class name must be modified with class, followed by the class name There must not be ();
③Attributes must have access modifiers, and methods do not need access modifiers.

3. Calling instantiated objects and object attribute methods:
$Object name = new class name(); //() You can call properties and methods from outside the class without

$object name-> $property name; //Use ->When calling attributes, the attribute name cannot contain the $ symbol

Calling attributes and methods within the class:
$this -> $ Attribute name;


1. What is a constructor?
The constructor is a special function in the class. When we use the new keyword to instantiate an object, it is equivalent to calling the constructor of the class.

2. What is the function of the constructor?
When instantiating an object, it is automatically called and used to assign initial values ​​to the properties of the object!

3. How to write the constructor:
①The name of the constructor must be the same as the class name
[public] function Person($name){
$this -> name = $name;
②Use the magic method __construct
[public] function __construct($name){
$this -> name = $name;
4. Notes on the constructor:
①The first way of writing, the name of the constructor must be the same as the class! ! ! !
②If a class does not have a handwritten constructor, the system will have an empty parameter constructor by default, so you can use new Person();
If we write a constructor with Parameter constructor, there will no longer be an empty parameter constructor, that is, new Person() cannot be used directly;
The parameter list in () after
Person must meet the requirements of the constructor ! ! ! !

③If two constructors exist at the same time, __construct will be used.
5. Destructor: __destruct():
①The destructor is automatically called before the object is destroyed and released;
②The destructor cannot take any parameters;

③The destructor is often used to release resources, close resources, etc. after the object is used.
6. Magic method:
PHP provides us with a series of functions starting with __. These functions do not need to be called manually,
will be automatically called at the right time. This type of function is called magic and is called a magic function.
eg:function __construct(){} is automatically called when a new object is created

function __destruct(){} is automatically called when the object is destroyed

We require that, except for magic methods, custom functions and methods cannot start with __.

Finally, generally for classes with more complex functions, we will write them into a separate class file.
The class file is named in the same lowercase, using the method of "class name lowercase.class.php".

When using this class in other files, you can use include to import this ".class.php" file.

###### ###
2. Encapsulation and inheritance

1. What is encapsulation?
Use access modifiers to privatize the properties and methods in the class that do not require external access to achieve access control.

*Note: It is to implement access control, not to deny access. In other words, after we privatize the attributes, we need to provide corresponding methods so that users can process the attributes through the methods we provide.

2. What is the role of encapsulation?
① Users only care about the functions that the class can provide, and do not care about the details of function implementation! (Encapsulation method)
② Control the user's data, prevent illegal data from being set, and control the data returned to the user (attribute encapsulation + set/get method)

3. Implement encapsulation operation?
①Method encapsulation
For some methods that are only used inside the class and are not provided for external use, then we can use private for such methods. Privatization process.

1 private function formatName(){} //这个方法仅仅能在类内部使用$this调用2 function showName(){3 $this -> formatName();4 }
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②Attribute encapsulation + set/get method
In order to control the setting and reading of attributes, the attributes can be Privatize the process and require the user to set it through the set/get method we provide

1 private $age;2 //set方法3 function setAge($age){4 $this->age=$age;5 }6 //get方法7 function getAge(){8 return $this->age;9 }
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③Attribute encapsulation + magic method

    __get(  ->   __set(, ->= }
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$Object->age; //When accessing the private properties of the object, the __get() magic method is automatically called, and the accessed property name is passed to the __get() method;
$ Object->age=12; //When setting the private properties of the object, the __set() magic method is automatically called, and the set property name and value are passed to the __set() method;

Note: In the magic method, you can use the branch structure to determine the difference in $key and perform different operations.

4. About the magic method of encapsulation:
①__set($key,$value): When assigning values ​​to class private attributes Automatically call, pass two parameters to the method when calling: the attribute name that needs to be set, and the attribute value.
②__get($key,$value): Automatically called when reading the private attributes of the class. When calling, pass a parameter to the method, the name of the attribute that needs to be read;
③__isset($key): Automatically called when the isset() function is used externally to detect private attributes.
>>>Use isset(); outside the class to detect private properties, which are not detected by default. false
>>>So, we can use the __isset(); function to return the internal detection result when automatically called.

1 function __isset($key){2 return isset($this -> $key);3 }
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 1 function __unset($key){ 2 unset($this -> $key); 3 } 



class Student extends Person{}

class Person{}
class Adult extends Person{}
class Student extends Adult{}
//Student 类就同时具有了Adult类和Person类的属性和方法

条件一: 子类继承父类




1 function __construct($name,$sex,$school){2 partent::__construct($name,$sex);3 $this -> school = $school;4 }
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使用"类名::$静态属性" , "类名::静态方法()"
Person::$sex;   Person::say();

1 class Person{2 static $sex = "nan";3 function say(){4 echo self::$sex;5 }6 }
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$zhangsan instanceof Person;
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.  只能连接字符串; "".""
=> 声明数组时,关联键与值["key"=>"value"]
-> 对象($this new出的对象)调用成员属性,成员方法;
④ :: ①使用parent关键字,调用父类中的同名方法:parent::say();



The singleton mode is also called the singleton mode. It is guaranteed that a class can only have one object instance.

Implementation points:
① The constructor is private and the new keyword is not allowed to be used to create objects.
② Provide external methods to obtain objects, and determine whether the object is empty in the method.
If it is empty, create the object and return it; if it is not empty, return it directly.
③The attributes of the instance object and the method of obtaining the object must be static.
④ After that, objects can only be created using the static methods we provide.
eg:$s1 = Singleton::getSingle();

5. Object serialization and magic methods





eg: $lisi = $zhangsan;
eg: $lisi = clone $zhangsan; //两个对象互不干扰
当使用echo等输出语句,直接打印对象时调用echo $zhangsan;

1 function __toString(){2 return "haha";3 }4 echo $zhangsan; //结果为:haha
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1 function __autoload($className){2 include    "class/".strtolower($className).".class.php";3 }4 $zhangsan=new Person();//本文件内没有Person类,会自动执行__autoload()加载person.class.php文件
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② 对象需要在文件或数据库中持久保存的时候
串行化:  $str=serialize($zhangsan);
function __sleep(){
return array("name","age"); //只有name/age两个属性可以串行化。

 1 function __wakeup(){ 2 $this -> name = "李四"; 3 } 



1 class Person{}2 class Student extends Person{}3 function func(Person $p){ //约束函数的形参,只接受Person类及Person子类4 echo "1111";5 echo $p -> name;6 }
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func(new Person());
func(new Student());
func("111"); ×

##Form like new Person();, we call it "anonymous object";

※※※Base class: parent class
※※※Derived class: subclass

Summary of magic methods

##1. __construct(): Constructor, when new an object, Automatically called.
2. __destruct(): The destructor is automatically called before an object is destroyed.
3. __get(): Automatically called when accessing private properties in the class. Pass the read attribute name and return $this->attribute name
4. __set(): Automatically called when assigning a value to a private attribute of the class. Pass the attribute name and attribute value that need to be set;
5. __isset(): Automatically called when using isset() to detect the private attributes of the object. Pass the detected attribute name and return isset($this -> attribute name);
6. __unset(): Automatically called when using unset() to delete the object's private attributes. Pass the deleted attribute name, and execute unset($this -> attribute name);
7 in the method. __toString(): Automatically called when using echo to print the object. Return the content you want to display when printing the object; the return must be a string;
8, __call(): Automatically called when calling an undefined or unpublicized method in a class. Pass the called function name and parameter list array;
9. __clone(): Automatically called when cloning an object using the clone keyword. Its function is to initialize and assign values ​​to the newly cloned object;
10. __sleep(): automatically called when the object is serialized. Returns an array, and the values ​​in the array are attributes that can be serialized;
11. __wakeup(): Automatically called when the object is deserialized. To deserialize the newly generated object, perform initialization and assignment;
12. __autoload(): The function needs to be declared outside the class. Automatically called when an undeclared class is instantiated. By passing the instantiated class name, the corresponding class file can be automatically loaded using the class name.

1. What is an abstract method?
Methods without method body {} must be modified with the abstract keyword. Such methods are called abstract methods.
abstract function say(); //Abstract method

2. What is an abstract class?
A class modified with the abstract keyword is an abstract class.
abstract class Person{}

3. Notes on abstract classes:
① Abstract classes can contain non-abstract classes Method;
② The class containing abstract method must be an abstract class, and the abstract class does not necessarily have to contain abstract method;
③ Abstract class cannot be instantiated. (Abstract classes may contain abstract methods. Abstract methods have no method bodies, and instantiation calls are meaningless)
The purpose of using abstract classes is to limit instantiation! ! !

4. If a subclass inherits an abstract class, then the subclass must override all abstract methods of the parent class, unless the subclass is also an abstract class.

5. What is the role of using abstract classes?
① Limit instantiation. (An abstract class is an incomplete class. The abstract method inside has no method body, so it cannot be instantiated)
② Abstract class provides a specification for the inheritance of subclasses, and subclasses inherit an abstraction Class must contain and implement the abstract methods defined in the abstract class.

## 6. Abstract classes and abstract methods


1. What is an interface?
An interface is a specification that provides a set of method combinations that must be implemented by a class that implements the interface.
The interface is declared using the interface keyword;
interface Inter{}

2, Interface All methods in must be abstract methods.
Abstract methods in interfaces do not need and cannot be modified with abstract.

3. Variables cannot be declared in the interface, and there cannot be attributes. Only constants can be used! ! !

4, Interface can inherit the interface, use the extends keyword!
The interface uses extends to inherit the interface, which can achieve multiple inheritance.
interface int1 extends Inter,Inter2{}

5. The class can implement the interface, using the implements keyword!
The class uses implements to implement the interface, and can implement multiple interfaces at the same time. Multiple interfaces are separated by commas;
abstract class Person implements Inter,Inter2{}
A class implements one or more interfaces, then this class must implement all abstract methods in all interfaces!
Unless this class is an abstract class.

[Difference between interface &&abstract class]:

①In terms of declaration method, interfaces use the interface keyword and abstract classes use abstract class.
②In terms of implementation/inheritance, a class uses extends to inherit an abstract class and implements to implement the interface.
③Abstract classes can only be inherited in a single way, and interfaces can be implemented in multiple ways. (Interface extends interface), multiple implementations (class implements interface)
④Abstract classes can have non-abstract methods, interfaces can only have abstract methods, not abstract methods. Abstract methods in abstract classes must be modified with the abstract keyword, and abstract methods in interfaces cannot be modified with modifiers.
⑤An abstract class is a class that can have attributes and variables; the interface can only have constants.


##II. Polymorphism
1. A class is inherited by multiple subclasses.
If a method of this class shows different functions in multiple subclasses, we call this behavior polymorphism.

2. Necessary ways to achieve polymorphism:
① Subclass inherits parent class;
② Subclass repeats Write the parent class method;
③ The parent class reference points to the subclass object

## 7. Interface and Polymorphism

The above is the detailed content of Talk about my understanding of object-oriented in php. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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