Note that the file compression code of this php tutorial relies on the zip.exe file, so we need to take out the zip.exe compressed file.
. "n"if ( !IsSet($_GET['dirname']) )
show_input_form() ;
// check if empty
if ( empty($_GET['dirname']) )
hg_exit("Please enter the folder name!") ;
}// check valid dirname
if ( FALSE !== strpos($_GET['dirname'], "/") )
hg_exit(""/ " is an illegal folder name!") ;
if ( FALSE !== strstr($_GET['dirname'], "..") )
hg_exit(" ".." is an illegal folder name!") ;
}// check valid dir
if ( !is_dir($_GET['dirname']) )
hg_exit(""{$_GET['dirname']}" is not a valid folder!") ;
}$szData = "" ;
$szInfo = " " ;$file_count = @ZipDir($_GET['dirname'], &$szData, &$szInfo) ;
$info_size_16byte = @sprintf("%016d", @strlen($szInfo )) ;
$szData = @sprintf("%016d",$file_count) . $info_size_16byte . $szInfo . $szData ;
$filename = $_GET['dirname'] . ".dat" ;
if ( function_exists(gzencode) )
$szData = gzencode($szData) ;
$filename .= ".gz" ;
Header(" Content-type: application/octet-stream");
Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
Header("Accept-Length: " . strlen($szData));
Header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");echo $szData ;
}n" ;
function show_input_form()
echo HtmlHead ("File packaging") ;
echo "
echo "<script>n"<br> . "input.dirname.focus();n"<br> . " function show_download_link(dir)n"<br> . "{"<br> . " var top = (screen.height-200)/2 ;n"<br> . " var left = (screen.width-300)/ 2 ;n"<br> . "'', '', 'width=300,height=200,top=' + top + ',left=' + left + ', resizable=0, scrollbars=auto');n"<br> . " url = "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" + "?dirname=" + dir ;n"<br> . " newwin.document.write('< ;a href=' + url + '>Click this link to download,<br>Or right-click here and select "Save as"</a>');n"<br> . "}"<br> . "</script>n" ;
echo HtmlFoot() ;
function ZipDir($szDirName, &$szData, &$szInfo)
// write dir header
$szInfo .= "$szDirName|[dir]n" ;
$file_count = 0 ;
$hDir = OpenDir($szDirName) ;
while ( $ file = ReadDir($hDir) )
if ( $file=="." || $file==".." ) continue ;$szCurFile = "$szDirName/ $file" ;
if ( Is_Dir($szCurFile) )
$file_count += ZipDir($szCurFile, &$szData, &$szInfo) ;
else if ( Is_File($szCurFile) )
$hCurFile = fopen($szCurFile, "rb") ;
$size = filesize($szCurFile) ;
$szStream = fread( $ hCurFile, $size ) ;
fclose($hCurFile) ;
$file_count++ ;// write info
$szInfo .= "$szCurFile|$sizen" ;// write data
$szData .= $szStream ;
}// write dir footer
$szInfo .= "$szDirName|[/dir] n" ;
return $file_count ;
function hg_exit($str)
echo HtmlHead("Error, exit!") ;
echo "" . $str . "
" ;
echo HtmlFoot() ;
exit ;
function HtmlHead($title)
return "nn
function HtmlFoot()
return Copyright() . "nnn" ;
function Copyright()
return "
Contact us: n"
. "