hi Yesterday it was 213 again. Although it was objectively affected by the fact that my roommate didn’t go to bed until after 3 o’clock, the fundamental reason was that I didn’t want to study last night. Start it today. I plan to finish learning PDO and Ajax within 3 or 4 days. I hope everyone will come and scold me if they have nothing to do, so that I won't be lazy again. 1. PDO 2. Use of PDO objects (2) 2.2 Error message errorCode() error number; errorInfo(
It was 213 again yesterday. Although it was objectively affected by the fact that my roommate didn’t go to bed until after 3 o’clock, the fundamental reason was that I didn’t want to study last night. Start it today. I plan to finish learning PDO and Ajax within 3 or 4 days. I hope everyone will come and scold me if they have nothing to do, so that I won't be lazy again.
1. PDO
2. Use of PDO objects (2)
2.2 Error message
errorCode()——error number;
errorInfo()——error message;
Give me a chestnut
* PDO error message
$pdo=new PDO('MySQL:host=localhost;dbname=imooc','root','');
$pdo->exec('use imooc_pdo');
$resultd=$pdo->exec('delete from user where id=13');
$insert='insert user(username,passWord,email) values("Knga","'.md5('king').'","shit@shit.com")';
$result1= $pdo->exec($insert);
if ($result1==false) {
echo "An error occurred";
echo $pdo->errorCode();
Look at the error message
Array ( [0] => 23000 [1] => 1062 [2] =>
0 is the error type, 1062 is the code, and 2 is the error message; (This is because the username is set to a unique key, but the ID number is still growing).
2.3 query() to implement query
Execute a statement and return a PDOstatement object.
--Give me a chestnut
/* * PDOquery
$pdo->exec('use imooc_pdo');
$insert='select * from user';
var_dump($result1); //View statement object
foreach ($result1 as $row){ //View the output results (according to the return situation) print_r($row);
if ($result1== false) {
echo "An error occurred";
echo $pdo->errorCode();
If there is a problem with the sql statement, the statement object is false, and the subsequent output is also an error message;
If the sql statement is correct but the content of the query does not exist, then the statement object is OK and the output is empty.
Of course it will look better this way:foreach ($result1 as $row){ //View the output results (according to the return situation)
// print_r($row);echo "
echo 'number: '.$row['id'];echo "
echo 'Username:'.$row['username'];echo "
echo 'Password:'.$row['password'];echo "
echo 'Email:'.$row['email'];echo "
echo "
2.4 prepare() and execute() methods to implement query
The recommended query method can realize conditional query.
prepare()——Prepare the SQL statement to be executed and return the PDOstatement object;
execute()——Execute a prepared statement,returns true or false;
So the above is a pair.
--give an example
/*$pdo->exec('use imooc_pdo');
$insert='select * from user where username="king"';
$result=$pdo->prepare($insert);var_dump($result) ;
$result1=$result->execute();//Execution is for prepared statementsvar_dump($result1);
print_r($result->fetchAll());//The result can only be output for the statement object
if ($result1==false) {
echo "An error occurred";
echo $pdo->errorCode();
--Select the output format
To associate array output or all or index arrays, there are two different methods: parameters and methods.header('content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8');
$pdo=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost; dbname=imooc','root','root');
$sql='select * from user';
$res= $stmt->execute();
// if($res){
// while($row=$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){//only Associative array output is required
// print_r($row);
// echo '
Generally we want to index an array.
2.5 Set database connection properties
setAttribute()——Set database connection attributes;
getAttribute()——Get the database connection attributes;
--give an example
$pdo=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=imooc','root','');
echo "Autocommit".$pdo->getAttribute(PDO: :ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT);echo "
Then try to get a large wave of attribute information:
foreach ($attrArr as $attr) {
echo "PDO::ATTR_$attr: ";
echo $pdo->getAttribute(constant("PDO::ATTR_$attr"))."
Some are not available, there will be error messages, it doesn’t matter.
3. Use of PDOstatement object
3.1 quote() method to prevent SQL injection
--SQL injection
First of all, give an example to illustrate this simple SQL injection (actually I don’t understand it very well - Baidu http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=jiMtgmTeePlWAqdAntWbk-wB8XKP8xS3ZOViJE9IVSToLP_iT2anuUaPdMEM0b-VDknjolQ8BdxN8ycNLohup_)
The so-called SQL injection is to insert SQL commands into Web form submissions or enter domain names or query strings for page requests, ultimately tricking the server into executing malicious SQL commands.
So you need to have a form, and then you need to query the database for data, etc., and then through malicious use of loopholes in the rules, you can get a large amount of data that is not what the page expects. The chestnuts are as follows:
The example is login - login requires user name, password, etc., and needs to be compared with the information in the database;
The first is the login page
Note that a form appears here. Then the php file:
$password=$ _POST['password'];
try {
$pdo=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=imooc','root','');
$pdo->exec ('use imooc_pdo');
$sql="select * from user where username='{$username}' and password='{$password}'";
$stmt= $pdo->query($sql);
echo $stmt->rowCount();//Display the number of rows in the result set statement object
} catch ( PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Then open login.html in the browser, enter the username and password in the database, click login, you will get 1;
If you enter incorrect information, you will usually get 0;
Note, if you enter a username such as 'or 1=1# and a password of any size , you will easily get all the data in the database. This is due to the rules of the SQL statement itself.
So you need to filter the information entered by the user and don’t trust all the user’s operations.
--Coping methods
echo $pdo->quote($username);
Write this sentence, and then use the above cheat code, the output will have more single quotes, and automatically add:
''or 1=1#'
But if you do this, the call to $username will be automatically added with quotation marks, so the following sql statement will change accordingly:
$pdo->exec('use imooc_pdo');
$sql="select * from user where username={$username } and password='{$password}'";
To put it simply, put the user name on it. It seems that this is something to be guarded against when there is a database.
But it is not recommended to use this method - It is recommended to use the preprocessing method of prepare execute.
3.2 Use of placeholders in prepared statements
It is very good at preventing injection; it can be compiled once and executed multiple times to reduce system overhead;
--Placeholder: (named parameters) (recommended)
$password=$ _POST['password'];
try {
$pdo=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=imooc','root','');
$pdo->exec ('use imooc_pdo');
$sql="select * from user where username=:username and password=:$password";
$stmt=$pdo->prepare( $sql);
//$ stmt=$pdo->query($sql);
echo $stmt->rowCount();//Display the number of rows in the result set statement object
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
The corresponding SQL statement, the corresponding execution, and the parameters that need to be passed must also be corresponding.
$sql="select * from user where username=? and password=?";
Feeling? The method should be simpler, just three points - input placeholder in sql statement, preprocessing and execution (use array to pass multiple data).
3.3 bindParam() method binds parameters
Bind a parameter to a variable name.
* Binding parameters
try {
$pdo=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=imooc','root ','');
$pdo->exec('use imooc_pdo');
$sql="insert user(username,password,email) values(:username,:password,: email)";
$username="Wid";$password="123";$email="324@QQ.com "; //Define parameters
$stmt->bindParam(":username", $username,PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(" :password",$password);
$res=$pdo->query("select * from user");
foreach ($res as $row){ //View the output results (according to the return situation)
// print_r($row );echo "
echo 'Number:'.$row['id'];echo "
echo 'Username:'.$ row['username'];echo "
echo 'Password:'.$row['password'];echo "
echo 'Email :'.$row['email'];echo "
echo "
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
In fact, it is to perform slightly repetitive operations without changing the sql statement every time.
Of course you can also change the placeholder
// $sql="insert user(username,password,email) values(?,?,?)";
// $stmt-> bindParam(1,$username);
So, anyway, Actually: placeholders would be clearer,? will be confused.
3.4 bindValue() implements binding parameters
Bind values to parameters.
* Binding parameters
try {
$pdo=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=imooc','root ','');
$pdo->exec('use imooc_pdo');
$sql="insert user(username,password,email) values(:username,:password,:email)" ;
// $sql="insert user(username,password,email) values(?,?,?)";
//Assume the email parameter remains unchanged
$stmt->bindValue(":email", 'shit@shit.com');
$username ="Wade";$password="123";
$stmt->bindParam(":username", $username,PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(":password" ,$password);
$res=$pdo->query("select * from user");
foreach ($res as $row){ //View the output results (based on the return situation)
// print_r($row);echo "
echo 'Number:'.$row['id'];echo "
echo 'Username:'.$row['username'];echo "
echo 'Password:'.$row['password '];echo "
echo 'Email:'.$row['email'];echo "
echo "
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
The application scenario is that when a certain value is fixed, the parameter value of the variable can be fixed.
3.5 bindColumn() method binding parameters
Will bind a column to a php object.
$pdo=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=imooc','root','');
$pdo->exec('use imooc_pdo');
$sql ="select * from user";
//Control output
$stmt->bindColumn(2, $username);
$stmt->bindColumn (4,$email);
while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)){
echo 'Username:'.$username.'- Password: '.$password.' - Email: '.$email.'
The usage here is to control the output results, which is conducive to the control of the output format.
Of course, you can see how many columns there are in the result set and what each column is:
echo 'Number of columns in the result set:'.$stmt->columnCount().'
3.6 fetchColumn() fetches a column from the result set
The above getColumnMeta() method is actually an experimental function in this version of PHP and may disappear in future versions.
It should be noted that the troublesome part of this method is that every time it is executed, the pointer will move down one digit, so you only need to specify which column, but you don’t know which row it is in.
3.7 debugDumpParams() prints a prepared statement
Test this method in bindParam:
The result is a bunch of:
SQL: [71] insert user(username,password,email) values(:username,:password,:email) Params: 3 Key: Name: [9] :username paramno=-1 name=[9] " :username" is_param=1 param_type=2 Key: Name: [9] :password paramno=-1 name=[9] ":password" is_param=1 param_type=2 Key: Name: [6] :email paramno=-1 name=[6] ":email" is_param=1 param_type=2
That is to say, the details of preprocessing will be given.
Obviously this is a method designed for debugging.
3.8 nextRowset() method to retrieve all result sets
For example, it is used for mysql stored procedures (see my previous mysql blog posts), which can take out many result sets at once and then operate on the sets.
In fact, the pointer just moves down step by step.
I am too lazy to type the examples. . . .
Although I didn’t write much, that’s it.
I want to check my foot again in two days. Although it is still hurting, I don’t know if I dare to stimulate blood circulation. . . .