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btree_gistprovides sample GiST operator classes that implement B-tree equivalent behavior for the data typesint2,int4,int8,float4,float8,numeric,timestamp with time zone,timestamp without time zone,time with time zone,time without time zone,date,interval,oid,money,char,varchar,text,bytea,bit,varbit,macaddr,inet, andcidr.
In general, these operator classes will not outperform the equivalent standard B-tree index methods, and they lack one major feature of the standard B-tree code: the ability to enforce uniqueness. However, they are useful for GiST testing and as a base for developing other GiST operator classes.
CREATE TABLE test (a int4); -- create index CREATE INDEX testidx ON test USING gist (a); -- query SELECT * FROM test WHERE a < 10;
Teodor Sigaev (
) , Oleg Bartunov (
), and Janko Richter (
). See http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/postgres/gist/ for additional information.