This document usesPHP Chinese website manualRelease
Release date:never released
This release contains a variety of fixes from 7.4.19. For information about new features in the 7.4 major release, see Section E.134.
A dump/restore is not required for those running 7.4.X. However, if you are upgrading from a version earlier than 7.4.11, see the release notes for 7.4.11.
Fix conversions between ISO-8859-5 and other encodings to handle Cyrillic"Yo"characters (eandEwith two dots) (Sergey Burladyan)
Fix a few datatype input functions that were allowing unused bytes in their results to contain uninitialized, unpredictable values (Tom)
This could lead to failures in which two apparently identical literal values were not seen as equal, resulting in the parser complaining about unmatchedORDER BYandDISTINCTexpressions.
Fix a corner case in regular-expression substring matching (substring(stringfrompattern)) (Tom)
The problem occurs when there is a match to the pattern overall but the user has specified a parenthesized subexpression and that subexpression hasn't got a match. An example issubstring('foo' from 'foo(bar)?'). This should return NULL, since(bar)isn't matched, but it was mistakenly returning the whole-pattern match instead (ie,foo).
Fix incorrect result fromecpg'sPGTYPEStimestamp_sub()
function (Michael)
FixDatumGetBoolmacro to not fail withgcc4.3 (Tom)
This problem affects"old style"(V0) C functions that return boolean. The fix is already in 8.3, but the need to back-patch it was not realized at the time.
Fix longstandingLISTEN/NOTIFYrace condition (Tom)
In rare cases a session that had just executed aLISTENmight not get a notification, even though one would be expected because the concurrent transaction executingNOTIFYwas observed to commit later.
A side effect of the fix is that a transaction that has executed a not-yet-committedLISTENcommand will not see any row inpg_listenerfor theLISTEN, should it choose to look; formerly it would have. This behavior was never documented one way or the other, but it is possible that some applications depend on the old behavior.
Fix display of constant expressions inORDER BYandGROUP BY(Tom)
An explictly casted constant would be shown incorrectly. This could for example lead to corruption of a view definition during dump and reload.
Fixlibpqto handle NOTICE messages correctly during COPY OUT (Tom)
This failure has only been observed to occur when a user-defined datatype's output routine issues a NOTICE, but there is no guarantee it couldn't happen due to other causes.