This document usesPHP Chinese website manualRelease
This is a first attempt at writing the lessons I learned when trying to convert themod_mmap_static
module to Apache 2.0. It's by no means definitive and probably won't even be correct in some ways, but it's a start.
These now need to be of typeapr_status_t
and return a value of that type. Normally the return value will beAPR_SUCCESS
unless there is some need to signal an error in the cleanup. Be aware that even though you signal an error not all code yet checks and acts upon the error.
These should now be renamed to better signify where they sit in the overall process. So the name gets a small change frommmap_init
. The arguments passed have undergone a radical change and now look like
apr_pool_t *p
apr_pool_t *plog
apr_pool_t *ptemp
server_rec *s
A lot of the data types have been moved into the APR. This means that some have had a name change, such as the one shown above. The following is a brief list of some of the changes that you are likely to have to make.
The new architecture uses a series of hooks to provide for calling your functions. These you'll need to add to your module by way of a new function,static void register_hooks(void)
. The function is really reasonably straightforward once you understand what needs to be done. Each function that needs calling at some stage in the processing of a request needs to be registered, handlers do not. There are a number of phases where functions can be added, and for each you can specify with a high degree of control the relative order that the function will be called in.
This is the code that was added tomod_mmap_static
static void register_hooks(void) { static const char * const aszPre[]={ "http_core.c",NULL }; ap_hook_post_config(mmap_post_config,NULL,NULL,HOOK_MIDDLE); ap_hook_translate_name(mmap_static_xlat,aszPre,NULL,HOOK_LAST); };
This registers 2 functions that need to be called, one in thepost_config
stage (virtually every module will need this one) and one for thetranslate_name
phase. note that while there are different function names the format of each is identical. So what is the format?
There are 3 hook positions defined...
To define the position you use the position and then modify it with the predecessors and successors. Each of the modifiers can be a list of functions that should be called, either before the function is run (predecessors) or after the function has run (successors).
In themod_mmap_static
case I didn't care about thepost_config
stage, but themmap_static_xlat
mustbe called after the core module had done it's name translation, hence the use of the aszPre to define a modifier to the positionHOOK_LAST
There are now a lot fewer stages to worry about when creating your module definition. The old defintion looked like
module MODULE_VAR_EXPORTmodule_name_module = { STANDARD_MODULE_STUFF, /* initializer */ /* dir config creater */ /* dir merger --- default is to override */ /* server config */ /* merge server config */ /* command handlers */ /* handlers */ /* filename translation */ /* check_user_id */ /* check auth */ /* check access */ /* type_checker */ /* fixups */ /* logger */ /* header parser */ /* child_init */ /* child_exit */ /* post read-request */ };
The new structure is a great deal simpler...
module MODULE_VAR_EXPORTmodule_name_module = { STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF, /* create per-directory config structures */ /* merge per-directory config structures */ /* create per-server config structures */ /* merge per-server config structures */ /* command handlers */ /* handlers */ /* register hooks */ };
Some of these read directly across, some don't. I'll try to summarise what should be done below.
The stages that read directly across :
/* dir config creater */
/* create per-directory config structures */
/* server config */
/* create per-server config structures */
/* dir merger */
/* merge per-directory config structures */
/* merge server config */
/* merge per-server config structures */
/* command table */
/* command apr_table_t */
/* handlers */
/* handlers */
The remainder of the old functions should be registered as hooks. There are the following hook stages defined so far...
routines get registered
for this