PHP에서 FTP 클래스를 이용하여 파일, 동영상 등을 업로드하는 간단한 구현 방법

풀어 주다: 2023-03-04 19:52:02
1219명이 탐색했습니다.


 * 仿写CodeIgniter的FTP类
 * FTP基本操作:
 * 1) 登陆; connect
 * 2) 当前目录文件列表; filelist
 * 3) 目录改变; chgdir
 * 4) 重命名/移动; rename
 * 5) 创建文件夹; mkdir
 * 6) 删除; delete_dir/delete_file
 * 7) 上传; upload
 * 8) 下载 download
 * @author quanshuidingdang
class Ftp {
private $hostname
= &#39;&#39;;
private $username
= &#39;&#39;;
private $password
= &#39;&#39;;
private $port
= 21;
private $passive
private $debug
private $conn_id
* 构造函数
* @param array 配置数组 : $config = array(&#39;hostname&#39;=>&#39;&#39;,&#39;username&#39;=>&#39;&#39;,&#39;password&#39;=>&#39;&#39;,&#39;port&#39;=>&#39;&#39;...);
public function __construct($config = array()) {
if(count($config) > 0) {
* FTP连接
* @access public
* @param array 配置数组
* @return boolean
public function connect($config = array()) {
if(count($config) > 0) {
if(FALSE === ($this->conn_id = @ftp_connect($this->hostname,$this->port))) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
return FALSE;
if( ! $this->_login()) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
return FALSE;
if($this->passive === TRUE) {
ftp_pasv($this->conn_id, TRUE);
return TRUE;
* 目录改变
* @access public
* @param string 目录标识(ftp)
* @param boolean 
* @return boolean
public function chgdir($path = &#39;&#39;, $supress_debug = FALSE) {
if($path == &#39;&#39; OR ! $this->_isconn()) {
return FALSE;
$result = @ftp_chdir($this->conn_id, $path);
if($result === FALSE) {
if($this->debug === TRUE AND $supress_debug == FALSE) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* 目录生成
* @access public
* @param string 目录标识(ftp)
* @param int  文件权限列表 
* @return boolean
public function mkdir($path = &#39;&#39;, $permissions = NULL) {
if($path == &#39;&#39; OR ! $this->_isconn()) {
return FALSE;
$result = @ftp_mkdir($this->conn_id, $path);
if($result === FALSE) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
return FALSE;
if( ! is_null($permissions)) {
return TRUE;
* 上传
* @access public
* @param string 本地目录标识
* @param string 远程目录标识(ftp)
* @param string 上传模式 auto || ascii
* @param int 上传后的文件权限列表
* @return boolean
public function upload($localpath, $remotepath, $mode = &#39;auto&#39;, $permissions = NULL) {
if( ! $this->_isconn()) {
return FALSE;
if( ! file_exists($localpath)) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
return FALSE;
if($mode == &#39;auto&#39;) {
$ext = $this->_getext($localpath);
      //根据后缀类型决定上传模式是 FTP_ASCII(文本模式) 还是 FTP_BINARY(二进制模式);
$mode = $this->_settype($ext);
$mode = ($mode == &#39;ascii&#39;) ? FTP_ASCII : FTP_BINARY;
$result = @ftp_put($this->conn_id, $remotepath, $localpath, $mode);
if($result === FALSE) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
return FALSE;
if( ! is_null($permissions)) {
return TRUE;
* 下载
* @access public
* @param string 远程目录标识(ftp)
* @param string 本地目录标识
* @param string 下载模式 auto || ascii
* @return boolean
public function download($remotepath, $localpath, $mode = &#39;auto&#39;) {
if( ! $this->_isconn()) {
return FALSE;
if($mode == &#39;auto&#39;) {
$ext = $this->_getext($remotepath);
$mode = $this->_settype($ext);
$mode = ($mode == &#39;ascii&#39;) ? FTP_ASCII : FTP_BINARY;
$result = @ftp_get($this->conn_id, $localpath, $remotepath, $mode);
if($result === FALSE) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* 重命名/移动
* @access public
* @param string 远程目录标识(ftp)
* @param string 新目录标识
* @param boolean 判断是重命名(FALSE)还是移动(TRUE)
* @return boolean
public function rename($oldname, $newname, $move = FALSE) {
if( ! $this->_isconn()) {
return FALSE;
$result = @ftp_rename($this->conn_id, $oldname, $newname);
if($result === FALSE) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
$msg = ($move == FALSE) ? "ftp_unable_to_rename" : "ftp_unable_to_move";
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* 删除文件
* @access public
* @param string 文件标识(ftp)
* @return boolean
public function delete_file($file) {
if( ! $this->_isconn()) {
return FALSE;
$result = @ftp_delete($this->conn_id, $file);
if($result === FALSE) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* 删除文件夹
* @access public
* @param string 目录标识(ftp)
* @return boolean
public function delete_dir($path) {
if( ! $this->_isconn()) {
return FALSE;
$path = preg_replace("/(.+?)\/*$/", "\\1/", $path);
$filelist = $this->filelist($path);
if($filelist !== FALSE AND count($filelist) > 0) {
foreach($filelist as $item) {
if( ! @delete_file($item)) {
$result = @ftp_rmdir($this->conn_id, $path);
if($result === FALSE) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* 修改文件权限
* @access public
* @param string 目录标识(ftp)
* @return boolean
public function chmod($path, $perm) {
if( ! $this->_isconn()) {
return FALSE;
if( ! function_exists(&#39;ftp_chmod&#39;)) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
return FALSE;
$result = @ftp_chmod($this->conn_id, $perm, $path);
if($result === FALSE) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* 获取目录文件列表
* @access public
* @param string 目录标识(ftp)
* @return array
public function filelist($path = &#39;.&#39;) {
if( ! $this->_isconn()) {
return FALSE;
return ftp_nlist($this->conn_id, $path);
* 关闭FTP
* @access public
* @return boolean
public function close() {
if( ! $this->_isconn()) {
return FALSE;
return @ftp_close($this->conn_id);
* FTP成员变量初始化
* @access private
* @param array 配置数组  
* @return void
private function _init($config = array()) {
foreach($config as $key => $val) {
if(isset($this->$key)) {
$this->$key = $val;
$this->hostname = preg_replace(&#39;|.+?://|&#39;,&#39;&#39;,$this->hostname);
* FTP登陆
* @access private
* @return boolean
private function _login() {
return @ftp_login($this->conn_id, $this->username, $this->password);
* 判断con_id
* @access private
* @return boolean
private function _isconn() {
if( ! is_resource($this->conn_id)) {
if($this->debug === TRUE) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* 从文件名中获取后缀扩展
* @access private
* @param string 目录标识
* @return string
private function _getext($filename) {
if(FALSE === strpos($filename, &#39;.&#39;)) {
return &#39;txt&#39;;
$extarr = explode(&#39;.&#39;, $filename);
return end($extarr);
* 从后缀扩展定义FTP传输模式 ascii 或 binary
* @access private
* @param string 后缀扩展
* @return string
private function _settype($ext) {
$text_type = array (
return (in_array($ext, $text_type)) ? &#39;ascii&#39; : &#39;binary&#39;;
* 错误日志记录
* @access prvate
* @return boolean
private function _error($msg) {
return @file_put_contents(&#39;ftp_err.log&#39;, "date[".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."]-hostname[".$this->hostname."]-username[".$this->username."]-password[".$this->password."]-msg[".$msg."]\n", FILE_APPEND);
/*End of file ftp.php*/
/*Location /Apache Group/htdocs/ftp.php*/
로그인 후 복사


$config = array(
&#39;hostname&#39; => &#39;;, //服务器地址
&#39;username&#39; => &#39;ftpadminuser&#39;,  //FTP登录账号
&#39;password&#39; => &#39;admin_user&#39;,   //FTP登录密码
&#39;port&#39; => 2112         //端口号
$ftp = new Ftp();
  echo 1;
// $ftp->download(&#39;ftp_upload.log&#39;,&#39;ftp_download.log&#39;);
로그인 후 복사



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