> 웹 프론트엔드 > HTML 튜토리얼 > webpack进阶之插件篇_html/css_WEB-ITnose


풀어 주다: 2016-06-24 11:15:13
1344명이 탐색했습니다.



1. 自动补全css3前缀


官方是这样说的: Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website ,也就是说它是一个自动检测兼容性给各个浏览器加个内核前缀的插件。


:fullscreen a {    display: flex}
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로그인 후 복사


a {    display: -webkit-box;    display: -webkit-flex;    display: -ms-flexbox;    display: flex}
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cnpm install --save-dev autoprefixer postcss-loader

var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');module.exports={  //其他配置这里就不写了  module:{    loaders:[    {      test://.css$/,      //在原有基础上加上一个postcss的loader就可以了      loaders:['style-loader','css-loader','postcss-loader']      }      ]  },  postcss:[autoprefixer({browsers:['last 2 versions']})]}
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로그인 후 복사

2. 自动生成html插件


cnpm install html-webpack-plugin --save-dev

  //webpack.config.js  var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');  module.exports={    entry:'./index.js',    output:{      path:__dirname+'/dist',      filename:'bundle.js'    }    plugins:[      new HtmlWebpackPlugin()    ]  }
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<!DOCTYPE html><html>  <head>    <meta charset="UTF-8">    <title>Webpack App</title>  </head>  <body>    <script src="bundle.js"></script>  </body></html>
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{  entry: 'index.js',  output: {    path: 'dist',    filename: 'bundle.js'  },  plugins: [    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({      title: 'My App',      filename: 'admin.html',      template:'header.html',      inject: 'body',      favicon:'./images/favico.ico',      minify:true,      hash:true,      cache:false,      showErrors:false,      "chunks": {      "head": {        "entry": "assets/head_bundle.js",        "css": [ "main.css" ]      },      xhtml:false    })  ]}
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로그인 후 복사
--- header.html ---<!DOCTYPE html><html>  <head>    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>    <title><%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %></title>  </head>  <body>  </body></html>
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  title: 设置title的名字     filename: 设置这个html的文件名     template:要使用的模块的路径    inject: 把模板注入到哪个标签后 'body',     favicon: 给html添加一个favicon  './images/favico.ico',     minify:是否压缩  true false     hash:是否hash化 true false ,       cache:是否缓存,     showErrors:是否显示错误,    chunks:目前没太明白    xhtml:是否自动毕业标签 默认false  
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3. 提取样式插件


官网是这么解释的 Extract text from bundle into a file. ,把额外的数据加到编译好的文件中

var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");module.exports = {    module: {        loaders: [            { test: //.css$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader") }        ]    },    plugins: [        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({                template: './src/public/index.html',                inject: 'body'            }),        new ExtractTextPlugin("[name].[hash].css")    ]}
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로그인 후 복사


4. 拷贝资源插件


官方这样解释 Copy files and directories in webpack ,在webpack中拷贝文件和文件夹

cnpm install --save-dev copy-webpack-pluginnew CopyWebpackPlugin([{    from: __dirname + '/src/public'}]),
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로그인 후 복사

作用:把public 里面的内容全部拷贝到编译目录

参数 作用 其他说明
from 定义要拷贝的源目录 from: __dirname + ‘/src/public’
to 定义要烤盘膛的目标目录 from: __dirname + ‘/dist’
toType file 或者 dir 可选,默认是文件
force 强制覆盖先前的插件 可选 默认false
context 不知道作用 可选 默认 base context 可用 specific context
flatten 只拷贝文件不管文件夹 默认是false
ignore 忽略拷贝指定的文件 可以用模糊匹配

5. 全局挂载插件

webpack.ProvidePlugin [webpack内置插件 ]

new webpack.ProvidePlugin({    $: "jquery",    jQuery: "jquery",    "window.jQuery": "jquery"}))new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(),new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin(),new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin(),new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin('common.js')
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作用: 和上面5个一一对应

  把一些需要的东西绑定到window上,暴露出来 成为全局变量  不显示错误插件  具体不是太清楚,先记录着  丑化js 混淆代码而用  提取公共代码的插件
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로그인 후 복사


'use strict';// Modulesvar webpack = require('webpack');var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');var CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');/** * Env * Get npm lifecycle event to identify the environment */var ENV = process.env.npm_lifecycle_event;var isTest = ENV === 'test' || ENV === 'test-watch';var isProd = ENV === 'build';module.exports = function makeWebpackConfig() {    var config = {};    config.entry = isTest ? {} : {        app: './src/app/app.js'    };    config.output = isTest ? {} : {        // Absolute output directory        path: __dirname + '/dist',        publicPath: isProd ? '/' : 'http://localhost:8080/',        filename: isProd ? '[name].[hash].js' : '[name].bundle.js',        chunkFilename: isProd ? '[name].[hash].js' : '[name].bundle.js'    };    if (isTest) {        config.devtool = 'inline-source-map';    } else if (isProd) {        config.devtool = 'source-map';    } else {        config.devtool = 'eval-source-map';    }    config.module = {        preLoaders: [],        loaders: [{            test: //.js$/,            loader: 'babel',            exclude: /node_modules/        }, {            test: //.css/,            loader: isTest ? 'null' : ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style', 'css?sourceMap!postcss')        }, {            test: //.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg|woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/,            loader: 'file'        }, {            test: //.json$/,            loader: 'json'        }, {            test: //.scss/,            loader: 'style!css!sass'        }, {            test: //.html$/,            loader: 'raw'        }]    };    if (isTest) {        config.module.preLoaders.push({            test: //.js$/,            exclude: [                /node_modules/,                //.spec/.js$/            ],            loader: 'isparta-instrumenter'        })    }    config.postcss = [        autoprefixer({            browsers: ['last 2 version']        })    ];    config.plugins = [];    if (!isTest) {        config.plugins.push(            new HtmlWebpackPlugin({                template: './src/public/index.html',                inject: 'body'            }),            new ExtractTextPlugin('[name].[hash].css', {disable: !isProd})        )    }    if (isProd) {        config.plugins.push(            new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(),            new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin(),            new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin(),            new CopyWebpackPlugin([{                from: __dirname + '/src/public'            }]),            new webpack.ProvidePlugin({                $: "jquery",                jQuery: "jquery",                "window.jQuery": "jquery"            }))    }    config.devServer = {        contentBase: './src/public',        stats: 'minimal'    };    return config;}();
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if (isTest) {    config.devtool = 'inline-source-map';} else if (isProd) {    config.devtool = 'source-map';} else {    config.devtool = 'eval-source-map';}
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로그인 후 복사

作用: 使用source-map可以在debug的时候看到源代码,方便 查错

tags: webpack

category: webpack插件



1. 自动补全css3前缀


官方是这样说的: Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website



:fullscreen a {    display: flex}
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a {    display: -webkit-box;    display: -webkit-flex;    display: -ms-flexbox;    display: flex}
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cnpm install --save-dev autoprefixer postcss-loader

var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');module.exports={  //其他配置这里就不写了  module:{    loaders:[    {      test://.css$/,      //在原有基础上加上一个postcss的loader就可以了      loaders:['style-loader','css-loader','postcss-loader']      }      ]  },  postcss:[autoprefixer({browsers:['last 2 versions']})]}
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로그인 후 복사

2. 自动生成html插件


cnpm install html-webpack-plugin --save-dev

  //webpack.config.js  var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');  module.exports={    entry:'./index.js',    output:{      path:__dirname+'/dist',      filename:'bundle.js'    }    plugins:[      new HtmlWebpackPlugin()    ]  }
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로그인 후 복사


<!DOCTYPE html><html>  <head>    <meta charset="UTF-8">    <title>Webpack App</title>  </head>  <body>    <script src="bundle.js"></script>  </body></html>
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{  entry: 'index.js',  output: {    path: 'dist',    filename: 'bundle.js'  },  plugins: [    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({      title: 'My App',      filename: 'admin.html',      template:'header.html',      inject: 'body',      favicon:'./images/favico.ico',      minify:true,      hash:true,      cache:false,      showErrors:false,      "chunks": {      "head": {        "entry": "assets/head_bundle.js",        "css": [ "main.css" ]      },      xhtml:false    })  ]}
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로그인 후 복사
--- header.html ---<!DOCTYPE html><html>  <head>    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>    <title><%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %></title>  </head>  <body>  </body></html>
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  title: 设置title的名字     filename: 设置这个html的文件名     template:要使用的模块的路径    inject: 把模板注入到哪个标签后 'body',     favicon: 给html添加一个favicon  './images/favico.ico',     minify:是否压缩  true false     hash:是否hash化 true false ,       cache:是否缓存,     showErrors:是否显示错误,    chunks:目前没太明白    xhtml:是否自动毕业标签 默认false  
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로그인 후 복사

3. 提取样式插件


官网是这么解释的 Extract text from bundle into a file. ,把额外的数据加到编译好的文件中

var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");module.exports = {    module: {        loaders: [            { test: //.css$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader") }        ]    },    plugins: [        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({                template: './src/public/index.html',                inject: 'body'            }),        new ExtractTextPlugin("[name].[hash].css")    ]}
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로그인 후 복사


4. 拷贝资源插件


官方这样解释 Copy files and directories in webpack ,在webpack中拷贝文件和文件夹

cnpm install --save-dev copy-webpack-pluginnew CopyWebpackPlugin([{    from: __dirname + '/src/public'}]),
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로그인 후 복사

作用:把public 里面的内容全部拷贝到编译目录

参数 作用 其他说明
from 定义要拷贝的源目录 from: __dirname + ‘/src/public’
to 定义要烤盘膛的目标目录 from: __dirname + ‘/dist’
toType file 或者 dir 可选,默认是文件
force 强制覆盖先前的插件 可选 默认false
context 不知道作用 可选 默认 base context 可用 specific context
flatten 只拷贝文件不管文件夹 默认是false
ignore 忽略拷贝指定的文件 可以用模糊匹配

5. 全局挂载插件

webpack.ProvidePlugin [webpack内置插件 ]

new webpack.ProvidePlugin({    $: "jquery",    jQuery: "jquery",    "window.jQuery": "jquery"}))new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(),new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin(),new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin(),new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin('common.js')
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로그인 후 복사

作用: 和上面5个一一对应

  把一些需要的东西绑定到window上,暴露出来 成为全局变量  不显示错误插件  具体不是太清楚,先记录着  丑化js 混淆代码而用  提取公共代码的插件
로그인 후 복사
로그인 후 복사


'use strict';// Modulesvar webpack = require('webpack');var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');var CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');/** * Env * Get npm lifecycle event to identify the environment */var ENV = process.env.npm_lifecycle_event;var isTest = ENV === 'test' || ENV === 'test-watch';var isProd = ENV === 'build';module.exports = function makeWebpackConfig() {    var config = {};    config.entry = isTest ? {} : {        app: './src/app/app.js'    };    config.output = isTest ? {} : {        // Absolute output directory        path: __dirname + '/dist',        publicPath: isProd ? '/' : 'http://localhost:8080/',        filename: isProd ? '[name].[hash].js' : '[name].bundle.js',        chunkFilename: isProd ? '[name].[hash].js' : '[name].bundle.js'    };    if (isTest) {        config.devtool = 'inline-source-map';    } else if (isProd) {        config.devtool = 'source-map';    } else {        config.devtool = 'eval-source-map';    }    config.module = {        preLoaders: [],        loaders: [{            test: //.js$/,            loader: 'babel',            exclude: /node_modules/        }, {            test: //.css/,            loader: isTest ? 'null' : ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style', 'css?sourceMap!postcss')        }, {            test: //.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg|woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/,            loader: 'file'        }, {            test: //.json$/,            loader: 'json'        }, {            test: //.scss/,            loader: 'style!css!sass'        }, {            test: //.html$/,            loader: 'raw'        }]    };    if (isTest) {        config.module.preLoaders.push({            test: //.js$/,            exclude: [                /node_modules/,                //.spec/.js$/            ],            loader: 'isparta-instrumenter'        })    }    config.postcss = [        autoprefixer({            browsers: ['last 2 version']        })    ];    config.plugins = [];    if (!isTest) {        config.plugins.push(            new HtmlWebpackPlugin({                template: './src/public/index.html',                inject: 'body'            }),            new ExtractTextPlugin('[name].[hash].css', {disable: !isProd})        )    }    if (isProd) {        config.plugins.push(            new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(),            new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin(),            new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin(),            new CopyWebpackPlugin([{                from: __dirname + '/src/public'            }]),            new webpack.ProvidePlugin({                $: "jquery",                jQuery: "jquery",                "window.jQuery": "jquery"            }))    }    config.devServer = {        contentBase: './src/public',        stats: 'minimal'    };    return config;}();
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if (isTest) {    config.devtool = 'inline-source-map';} else if (isProd) {    config.devtool = 'source-map';} else {    config.devtool = 'eval-source-map';}
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로그인 후 복사

作用: 使用source-map可以在debug的时候看到源代码,方便 查错

관련 라벨:
본 웹사이트의 성명
본 글의 내용은 네티즌들의 자발적인 기여로 작성되었으며, 저작권은 원저작자에게 있습니다. 본 사이트는 이에 상응하는 법적 책임을 지지 않습니다. 표절이나 침해가 의심되는 콘텐츠를 발견한 경우 admin@php.cn으로 문의하세요.
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