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react project development

Release: 2018-06-06 16:00:27
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This article mainly introduces the development of a react project from scratch. Now I will share it with you and give you a reference.

This article introduces the development of a react project from scratch and shares it with everyone. The details are as follows:

1. npm init generates the package.json file.

2. Install various required dependencies:

npm install
--save react - Install React.

npm install
-- save react-dom installs React Dom. This package is used to process virtual DOM. Let me mention here that if you use React Native, here is the installation of react-native.

npm install
--save-dev webpack - Install Webpack, the most popular module packaging tool.

npm install
--save-dev webpack-dev-server - A small express server from the webpack official website. The main feature is to support hot loading.

npm install
--save-dev babel-core - Install Babel, you can convert ES6 to ES5, pay attention to the latest version of Babel The V6 version is divided into two modules: babel-cli and babel-core. You only need to use babel-cor here.

Install other babel dependencies (babel is really a family bucket, please go to the official website for detailed introduction...I will summarize it later, just install it all here anyway):
npm install
--save babel-polyfill - Babel includes a polyfill that includes a custom regenerator runtime and core.js. This will emulate a full ES6 environment

npm install
--save-dev babel-loader - webpack The loader that needs to be used.

npm install
--save babel-runtime - Dependencies of the Babel transform runtime plug-in.

npm install
--save-dev babel- plugin-transform-runtime - Externalise references to helpers and builtins, automatically polyfilling your code without polluting globals.

npm install
--save-dev babel-preset-es2015 - Babel preset for all es2015 plugins.

npm install
--save-dev babel-preset-react - Strip flow types and transform JSX into createElement calls.

npm install
--save-dev babel- preset-stage-2 - All you need to use stage 2 (and greater) plugins (experimental javascript).

3. Open package.json and add the following scripts:

"scripts": {
 "start": "webpack-dev-server --hot --inline --colors --content-base ./build",
 "build": "webpack --progress --colors"
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Entering npm start on the command line will start the webpack dev server.

Entering npm build on the command line will package the production environment.

4. Start webpack

Webpack is our packaging tool. It plays a very important role in our development environment and has many very convenient features, especially hot reloading. webpack.config.js is webpack as shown below Configuration file. As the app continues to change, the configuration file will also be constantly updated. Here we use the default webpack.config.js to name this configuration file. If you use another name such as webpack.config.prod.js then The above script build needs to be changed accordingly to specify the corresponding configuration file name: "build": "webpack webpack.config.prod.js --progress --colors"

var webpack = require('webpack');
module.exports = {
 entry: './src/app.js',
 output: {
  path: __dirname + '/build',
  filename: "bundle.js"
 module: {
  rules: [{
   test: /\.js$/,
   exclude: /node_modules/,
   loader: 'babel-loader',
   query: {
    plugins: ['transform-runtime'],
    presets: ['es2015', 'react', 'stage-2']
  }, {
   test: /\.css$/,
   loader: "style-loader!css-loader"
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OK, the basic configuration of our project Finally done, it’s time to start writing Reac code.

React Basics - Build your first Component

Based on the basic configuration of the above project, We started writing the first component of React to get familiar with React's writing method and component ideas.

First we create a new index.html file in the project root directory. In this basic project, we use the bootstrap style and directly introduce a cdn. Then add an html tag

, and our app will be injected into this p . Finally, is introduced, which is the js code generated by the final package.

The following is the complete code:

 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <html lang="en">
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="external nofollow" >
 <p id="app"></p>
 <script src="bundle.js"></script>
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Create a new folder src. Most of the code of our app will be placed in this folder. Create app.js in src as the root component of React App. All other components will be injected into this component.

First we need to import react, which now uses ES6 syntax, import React from 'react'; , and then we need to introduce react-dom. This contains the most important concept of virtual dom in react. Import code: import ReactDOM

from &#39;react-dom&#39;;
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Now that all the dependencies that need to be introduced have been completed, we can write the first component:

 class App extends React.Component {
 render(){ // Every react component has a render method.
  return( // Every render method returns jsx. Jsx looks like HTML, but it&#39;s actually javascript and functions a lot like xml, with self closing tags requiring the `/` within the tag in order to work propperly
   Hello World
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Note that "Hello World" is written in p. All jsx The code needs to be written in a parent p.

Finally we need to render the component we wrote to Dom, here we need to use the ReactDOM.render method.

In App.js Add below: ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('app'));

The first parameter is the root component of our App, written in the form of . The second parameter is the main DOM element of our APP. In this project, it is the p tag with the id of app that we wrote in the index.

Ok,我们的APP结构已经出来了,经典的hello world已经实现。马上我们就在这个基础上再实现经典的todo app。大致的原型就有一个输入框用来输入代办事项然后添加到事件列表中。事件列表中每一个代办事项被点击就会标注一条删除线表示完成,点击后面的删除按钮则会将其从列表中删除。通过完成这个APP的过程你将学会一个完整的react app的所有的基本构建块。


我们从一些小的模块开始起步.一个组件component就是一个react app的构件块. 有两种形式的组件: 类组件(Class)和函数型组件(Functional). 在这个项目中,这两种形式的组件我们都会使用, 并且使用生命周期的钩子,同时也会使用state和props两个react中重要的属性。

首先在 src文件夹中新建components 文件夹,你的文件结构就是这样 ~/src/components。

然后在components中新建文件 ToDoApp.js。 对于所有的react组件我们都需要在头部引入reactimport React from 'react';。

下面我们写一个类组件. 所有的class 组件有一个render方法用来返回jsx。


 class ToDoApp extends React.Component {
  render() {
   return (
    <p>To Do App</p>
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为了将这个组件注入到我们的APP中, 首先我们需要输出它。 在这个组件代码底部添加 export default ToDoApp;。

然后在app.js顶部我们添加 import ToDoApp from '.components/ToDoApp'; 导入组件用来代替 Hello World 。 render中替换为新的jsx代码 半闭合类型的标签即可。

然后在浏览器中你就可以看到"To Do App" 代替了原来的 "Hello World"!这样我们就完成了将第一个子组件嵌入到根组件之中了,这就是构建react app的常规模式。下面继续完善我们的组件。

返回到ToDoApp 中来构建我们的第一个代办事项列表。首先我们使用bootstrap来构建比较方便且美观。 用下面的jsx替换当前render方法中 return 中的jsx:

<p className="row">
<p className="col-md-10 col-md-offset-1">
 <p className="panel panel-default">
  <p className="panel-body">
   <h1>My To Do App</h1>
   List goes here.
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现在打开浏览器, 你将会看到一个标题 "My To Do App" 下面跟随一个bootstrap的panel组件里面写有 "List Goes Here",我们将在这个地方构建列表。 那么我们如何将数据存储在我们的列表中呢? 答案就是使用 state. 每一个类组件都有 state 属性,可以通过 this.state在组件任何位置获取并且用 this.setState({
key: "value" })这种方法来更新状态。但是除非必要我们比较少使用state,这里暂时先使用作为了解,后期会使用redux来管理状态。

在ToDoApp中我们可以使用许多生命周期方法的钩子, 其中一个就是componentWillMount。 这个方法的执行是在页面加载并且render方法之前。可以在其中获取列表数据,在我们的APP中直接用一个虚拟的数组提供。(值得注意的是componentWillMount会引起很多小问题,因此真实项目中尽量不要使用,而是应该用componentDidMount)。

在 ToDoApp中 render 方法之前添加:

  componentWillMount(){ // run before the render method
   this.setState({ // add an array of strings to state.
    list: [&#39;thing1&#39;, &#39;thing2&#39;, &#39;thing3&#39;]
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那么props到底是什么呢?props是从父组件传递进子组件的数据的名字,这是一个很重要的概念,也是react app数据传递的最典型与最推荐的方法。通常我们将数据保持在app的顶端组件,通过组件让数据流下来保证APP的精确运行。这些数据和props的一些处理可能会影响APP的运行,但是假如你按照这个课程的实践流程来做,这些影响都会很小。



 const List = (props) => { // we&#39;re using an arrow function and const variable type, a ES6 features

  return (
    I&#39;m a list!!!

 export default List;
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在 ToDoApp.js引入 List用List 组件替换 List goes here.,写法为 .现在在浏览器中就可以看到"I'm a list!!!"

现在我们来把这个变成真实的列表,首先就需要通过props传递数据,我们把这个从state中获取的数据list通过命名为listItems的props传递,写作: ,现在 List 已经通过props获取了 ToDoApp中的数据。

然后在 List 组件中我们需要render一个列表,先用下面的jsx代码代替:

   list // this is a variable we&#39;ll define next
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const list = props.listItems.map((el, i)=>(
 // All where doing here is getting the items listItems prop
 // (which is stored in the state of the parent component)
 // which is an array, and we&#39;re running the .map method
 // which returns a new array of list items. The key attribute is
 // required, and must be unique.
 <li key={i}><h2>el</h2></li>
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import React from &#39;react&#39;;

const List = (props) => {

 const list = props.listItems.map((el, i)=>(
  <li key={i}><h2>el</h2></li>

 return (

export default List;
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   Email address
   placeholder="Add new todo"
   className="btn btn-primary">
   Add Item
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2. Input



3. Props


另一个需要记住的是即使我们目前把数据存储在了上层的 ToDoApp 组件,后期还是会用redux来代替来处理整个app的数据。这里先仅仅使用react的state来实现。

ok,我们在ToDoApp的 componentWillMount的setState中新增一个newToDo属性用来存储输入框的值。

   list: [&#39;thing1&#39;, &#39;thing2&#39;, &#39;thing3&#39;],
   newToDo: &#39;test&#39;
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4. 解构(Destructuring)

在Input.js中我们通过参数props可以获得上级组件传递下来的值, 但是还可以用ES6的新特性解构来作为参数,这样看起来更加酷!

value })这样的参数形式,这样可以把props这个对象参数解构为一个个键值对。直接看个小例子来就很明白了:

var props = {
 name: &#39;hector&#39;,
 age: 21

function log(props){

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is the same as this:

let props = {
 name: &#39;hector&#39;,
 age: 21

log = ({name, age}) => {

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5. setState


为了实现这个功能,我们需要再添加一个onChange方法同样利用props传进Input组件: onChange={onChange}, 然后解构参数就是({ onChange, value })。

然后在 ToDoApp.js的componentWillMount 添加一个新的方法 onInputChange。这个方法有一个参数event, 它将要捕获用户在输入框输入的值。

onInputChange = (event) => {
 this.setState({ newToDo: event.target.value}); // updates state to new value when user changes the input value
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6. 添加新列表事项

现在需要向列表中添加新的事项,也就是在提交后能把输入框的值存储并显示到列表中。我们需要再新建一个onInputSubmit的方法,参数同样是event,函数体内首先需要写 event.preventDefault(),然后用 setState 方法把新事项添加到列表数组中,但是,一定要注意我们的state应该是immutable的,这是react中必须遵循的一个准则,这样才能保证对比性与可靠性。

为了实现这个功能, 需要用到this.setState 回调函数,参数为previousState:

 list: previousState.list.push(previousState.newToDo)
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 list: [...previousState.list, previousState.newToDo ], // the spread opperator is called by using the ... preceding the array
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 list: [...previousState.list, previousState.newToDo ],
 newToDo: &#39;&#39;
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7. 划掉事项

是时候添加划掉事项的功能了。为了实现这个功能需要添加一个新的属性用来标注是否需要划掉,因此需要改变原来的数组为一个对象数组,每一个事项都是一个对象,一个key为item表示原来的事项内容,一个key为done用布尔值来表示是否划掉。 然后先把原来的onInputSubmit方法修改,同样要注意immutable,使用扩展操作符如下:

onInputSubmit = (event) => {
  list: [...previousState.list, {item: previousState.newToDo, done: false }], // notice the change here
  newToDo: &#39;&#39;
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onListItemClick = (i) => { // takes the index of the element to be updated
  list: [
   ...previousState.list.slice(0, i), // slice returns a new array without modifying the existing array. Takes everything up to, but not including, the index passed in.
   Object.assign({}, previousState.list[i], {done: !previousState.list[i].done}), // Object.assign is a new ES6 feature that creates a new object based on the first param (in this case an empty object). Other objects can be passed in and will be added to the first object without being modified.
   ...previousState.list.slice(i+1) // takes everything after the index passed in and adds it to the array.
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然后把这个方法通过props传递给List 组件,这里就没有使用解构参数传递,用来和Input的做对比。因为这个函数需要一个参数就是当前列表的序列号,但是肯定不能直接call这个函数否则会报错,因此使用bind方法,出入i参数:

onClick={props.onClick.bind(null, i)}
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onClick={() => props.onClick(i)}
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然后在事项内容的span标签上添加 onClick 方法,改变当前事项的done值后,在通过判断此布尔值来进行样式的修改添加或者划掉删除线。

  ? {textDecoration: &#39;line-through&#39;, fontSize: &#39;20px&#39;}
  : {textDecoration: &#39;none&#39;, fontSize: &#39;20px&#39;}
 onClick={props.onClick.bind(null, i)}
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8. 删除事项


 className="btn btn-danger pull-right"
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deleteListItem = (i) => {
 this.setState((previousState)=>({ // using previous state again
  list: [
   ...previousState.list.slice(0, i), // again with the slice method
   ...previousState.list.slice(i+1) // the only diffence here is we&#39;re leaving out the clicked element
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把deleteListItem 方法传递到列表组件中然后在删除按钮上绑定即可,仿照上一个自己写一下就好。




那么redux如何处理数据?首先,redux给你的app一个单一的state对象,与flux等根据view来划分为多个state对象正好相反。你可能会有疑问,一个单一的对象来处理一个复杂的app岂不是非常复杂?redux采用的方法是把数据处理分为reducer functions、action creators和actions然后组合在一起工作流线型的处理数据。

1. 首先安装必须的依赖

首先安装 redux and react-redux

npm install --save redux
npm install --save react-redux
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然后安装 redux middleware,这里就先安装 redux-logger,它的功能是帮助我们开发。

npm install --save redux-logger
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还有一些常用的中间件,比如 redux-thunk and redux-promise, 但是在我们的这个项目中暂时先不需要,可以自行去github了解。

2. 构建



import { createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from &#39;redux&#39;;
import createLogger from &#39;redux-logger&#39;;
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createStore 是由redux提供的用来初始化store的函数, applyMiddleware是用来添加我们需要的中间件的。

combineReducers 用来把多个reducers合并为一个单一实体。

createLogger 就是我们这里唯一使用的一个中间件,可以console出每一个action后数据的详细处理过程,给调试带来了很大方便。


const loggerMiddleware = createLogger(); // initialize logger

const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware( loggerMiddleware)(createStore); // apply logger to redux
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3. 模块Modules

在 src/redux/ 新建一个文件夹 modules。在这个文件夹中我们将存放所有的reducers,action creators和constants。这里我们使用的redux组织结构叫做ducks,思想就是把相关的reducers,action creators和constants都放在一个单独的文件中,而不是分开放在多个文件中,这样修改一个功能时候直接在一个文件中修改就可以。

在 modules 文件中新建 'toDoApp.js',注意这里的命名是依据容器组件的名字来命名,这个也是规范,容易管理代码。

现在我们可以开始创建initial state和 reducer function,这其实非常简单,state就是一个js对象,reducer就是js的switch语句:

const initialState = {}; //The initial state of this reducer (will be combined with the states of other reducers as your app grows)

export default function reducer(state = initialState, action){ // a function that has two parameters, state (which is initialized as our initialState obj), and action, which we&#39;ll cover soon.
 switch (action.type){
  return state;
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4. 完善Store

现在我们已经完成了第一个reducer,可以将其添加到 configureStore.js 中去了, 导入: import toDoApp from './modules/toDoApp';

然后用combineReducers 来组合当前的reducer,因为未来会有更多的模块加入。

const reducer = combineReducers({
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const configureStore = (initialState) => createStoreWithMiddleware(reducer, initialState);
export default configureStore;
Cool. We&#39;re done here.
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5. Connect


前面已经讲过类组件和函数型组件,有时候也可以称为smart components和dumb components,这里我们新增一种容器组件,顾名思义,这种组件就是作为一个容器用来给组件提供actions和state。

下面来创建第一个容器组件,首先在 /src/ 下新增一个文件夹containers,然后再其下面新建一个文toDoAppContainer.js。

在文件顶部首先导入 connect 用来将容器和组件联系在一起,

import { connect } from &#39;react-redux&#39;;
import ToDoApp from &#39;../components/ToDoApp.js&#39;
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connect 这个函数被调用两次, 第一次是两个回调函数: mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps。 第二次是把state和dispatch传入组件的时候。这里的dispatch又是什么呢?


function mapStateToProps(state) {
 return {
  toDoApp: state.toDoApp // gives our component access to state through props.toDoApp

function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
 return {}; // here we&#39;ll soon be mapping actions to props
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export default connect(
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redux的基本工作已经完成,最后一步就是返回到app.js 文件, 首先我们不再需要导入 ToDoApp 组件,而是用容器组件ToDoAppContainer来替代,然后需要导入 configureStore 函数和 Provider,在头部添加代码:

import { Provider } from &#39;react-redux&#39;;
import ToDoAppContainer from &#39;./containers/ToDoAppContainer&#39;;
import configureStore from &#39;./redux/configureStore&#39;;
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configureStore is the function we created that takes our combined reducers and our redux middleware and mashes them all together. Let's intialize that with the following line:

const store = configureStore();
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然后return的jsx中同样需要把ToDoApp 改为 ToDoAppContainer,然后需要用Provider 组件将其包裹,它的作用就是将整个app的state传递给它所包裹的容器,从而使容器组件可以获取这些state。

<Provider store={store}> // we pass the store through to Provider with props
 <ToDoAppContainer />
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Redux Actions 和 Reducers

搭建起redux的基本结构后,就可以填充redux的元素了,简单来说我们只需要记住四个概念, Types, Actions, Action Creators, and Reducers。然后把这些元素用ducks的文件组织结构组织起来就可以了。




  1. 须用 export default 输出名为 reducer()的函数

  2. 须用 export 输出 函数形式的action creators

  3. 须用 npm-module-or-app/reducer/ACTION_TYPE的命名形式来命名action types,因为到后期很多reducer,不同的人协同工作难免会出现命名重复,这样子加上app和模块的前缀的话就不会出现命名冲突的问题。

  4. 须用大写的蛇形方式UPPER_SNAKE_CASE来命名action types。


这个types就是上面第三条中需要按照ducks的规范命名的常量名字,将其写在文件的顶部,当action 触发时候会传递给reducer,reducer的switch语句会根据这个type来进行相应的数据处理。

const ADD_ITEM = &#39;my-app/toDoApp/ADD_ITEM&#39;;
const DELETE_ITEM = &#39;my-app/toDoApp/DELETE_ITEM&#39;;
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Actions 就是一个至少包含type的简单的js对象,同时可以包含数据以便传递给reducer。当用户在页面上触发了某种行为,一个aciton creator将会发送aciton给reducer做数据处理。


{ type: ADD_ITEM, item: &#39;Adding this item&#39; }
{ type: DELETE_ITEM, index: 1 }
{ type: POP_ITEM }
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Action Creators

Action creators 是创建acitons并传递给reducer的函数,它通常返回一个action对象,有时候借用thunk这样的中间件也可以返回dispatch多个actions,在我们的app中为了简化暂时不涉及这个模式。

function addItem(item){
 return {
  type: ADD_ITEM,
  item // this is new ES6 shorthand for when the key is the same as a variable or perameter within the scope of the object. It&#39;s the same as item: item
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reducer是唯一可以触碰store的元素,初始值为initialState,形式上就是一个简单的switch语句,但是注意不能直接改变state,因为state是immutable。也就是说我们不能直接使用.pop or .push这些方法操作数组。


const initialState = {
 list: []

export default function reducer(state = initialState, action){
 switch (action.type){
 case ADD_ITEM:
  return Object.assign(
   { list: [...state.list, action.item]} // here we see object.assign again, and we&#39;re returning a new state built from the old state without directly manipulating it
  return state;
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1. Initial state

首先我们在 src/redux/modules/toDoApp中声明initialState。

const initialState = {
 list: [{item: &#39;test&#39;, done: false}] // just added this to test that state is being passed down propperly,
 newToDo: &#39;&#39;

export default function reducer(state = initialState, action){
 switch (action.type){
  return state;
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现在在 ToDoApp.js的 render() 方法中return之前添加console.log(this.props) 会打印出下面的对象:

toDoApp: Object
 list: Array[1]
  0: "test"
  length: 1
  __proto__: Array[0]
 __proto__: Object
__proto__: Object
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测试通过,我们就可以传递这些数据给子组件了,这里就可以把原来List组件的 listItems prop和Input的value prop替换掉了。

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3. Input action

这个过程就是把我们原来在ToDoApp 组件的行为逻辑全部迁移到redux文件夹下的 toDoApp module中去。


export function inputChange(newToDo){
 return {
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  return Object.assign(
   {newToDo: action.value}
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在 toDoAppContainer.js 的 mapDispatchToProps 函数就需要返回相应的action,首先导入 inputChange, 具体代码如下:

import { connect } from &#39;react-redux&#39;;
import ToDoApp from &#39;../components/ToDoApp.js&#39;
import {
} from '../redux/modules/toDoApp'; // we added this

function mapStateToProps(state) {
 return {
  toDoApp: state.toDoApp // gives our component access to state through props.toDoApp

function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
 return {
  inputChange: (value) => dispatch(inputChange(value)) // we added this

export default connect(
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4. 其他 actions



Here comes a basic application model of react redux (ducks) packaged with webpack. Although it is simple, it is the basis for us to carry out more complex projects, and with these foundations, the journey ahead will be much smoother, together Join the react family.

The above is what I compiled for everyone. I hope it will be helpful to everyone in the future.

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The above is the detailed content of react project development. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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