The citizen identity number consists of a six-digit address code, an eight-digit date of birth code, a three-digit sequence code and a one-digit check code.
The first two digits of the address code represent the province, the middle two digits represent the city, and the last two digits represent the county
Sequence code indicates the sequence number assigned to persons born in the same year, month and day within the area identified by the same address code. Odd numbers in the sequence code are assigned to men, and even numbers are assigned to women.
The check code is a check code calculated based on the previous seventeen digits and the ISO 7064:1983.MOD 11-2 check code.
Check code calculation method:
1) Multiply the previous 17 digits of the ID number by different coefficients. The coefficients from the first to the seventeenth digit are: 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2;
2) Add the results of multiplying these 17-digit numbers and coefficients, and divide the sum by 11 to get the remainder;
4) The remainder can only be 11 numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, which correspond to the last ID number of 1 0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2.
ID card number legitimacy verification supports 15-digit and 18-digit ID numbers, supports address coding, date of birth, and check digit verification
籍 贯:
性 别: