The example in this article describes the js method of formatting amounts, characters, and time. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:
function addComma(money) {
return "";
money = money.trim();
if(/[^0-9.- ]/.test(money)){
return money;
money = parseFloat(money) "";
if('NaN' == money){
return "0.00";
var money_flag = "";
if(money.indexOf("-") != -1){
money = money.replace(/-/g,"");
money_flag = "-";
money=(money "00").replace(/(d*.dd)d*/,"$1");
var re=/(d)(d{3},)/;
var money = money_flag "" money.replace(/^./,"0.")
return money;
/**Amount formatting removes the "," separator*/
function delComma(value) {
var rtnVal = value "";
return rtnVal.replace(/,/g,"");
* Format amount, add decimal point to string
function addPoint(money){
return money;
if(money.length < 3 || money.indexOf(".") > -1){
return money;
return money.substring(0,money.length - 2) "." money.substring(money.length - 2,money.length);
* Formatting amounts and removing decimal points from numbers
function removePoint(money){
return money;
var valueFloat = parseFloat(money) * 100;
var valueInt = parseInt(valueFloat);
return valueInt;
/* 格式化小数点后两位数字 以百分比显示 */
function addPercent(str){
var percent = Math.floor(str * 100) / 100;
return percent '%';
/**Character formatting Add space separator*/
function addSpace(value) {
if(value == null || value == ""){
return "";
var value = value "";
var tmpStr = "";
while (value.length > 4) {
tmpStr = tmpStr value.substring(0,4) " ";
value = value.substring(4,value.length);
tmpStr = tmpStr value;
return tmpStr;
/**Character formatting remove spaces separators*/
function removeSpace(value) {
var rtnVal = value "";
return rtnVal.replace(/ /g,"");
// 格式化日期时间字符串
// YYYYMMDDhhmmss-》YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
function formatDatetime(oldvalue){
if(oldvalue == null){
return "";
}else if(oldvalue.length == 8){
return oldvalue.substring(0,4)
"-" oldvalue.substring(4,6)
"-" oldvalue.substring(6,8);
}else if(oldvalue.length == 14){
return oldvalue.substring(0,4)
"-" oldvalue.substring(4,6)
"-" oldvalue.substring(6,8)
" " oldvalue.substring(8,10)
":" oldvalue.substring(10,12)
":" oldvalue.substring(12,14);
}else if(oldvalue.length == 6){
return oldvalue.substring(0,2)
":" oldvalue.substring(2,4)
":" oldvalue.substring(4,6);
return oldvalue;
function StringToDate(str){
var datainfo=str.split('-');
return new Date(datainfo[0],datainfo[1],datainfo[2]);
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s JavaScript programming design.