The code is very simple, there are not many BBs here, friends, just look at the examples
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=gb2312" /> <title>无标题文档</title> </head> <body> <style> *{ margin:0; padding:0; } #wrap{ position:relative;width:400px;height:400px; border:1px solid #ccc; margin:10px auto; } .snak, .snakBody{ position:absolute; width:10px;height:10px; background:#666; } .food{ position:absolute;width:10px;height:10px; background:#09F;display:block; } </style> <div id="wrap"> </div> <script src=""></script> <script> var Snak, Food;; Food = function(op){ //op为zepto对象 var food = $('<span class="food"></span>'); food.css({ left : Math.floor(((op[0].clientWidth-10)*Math.random())), top : Math.floor(((op[0].clientHeight-10)*Math.random())) }) op.append( food ); }; Snak = function(op){ this.obj = document.createElement('div'); this.obj.className = 'snak'; this.op = op; }; Snak.prototype.ev = function(){ var _this = this, code; $(window).bind('keydown',function(e){ clearInterval(_this.downTimer); code = e.keyCode; _this.downTimer = setInterval(function(){ var l = _this.obj.offsetLeft, t = _this.obj.offsetTop; switch( code ){ case 37 : l = l - 5; break; case 38 : t = t - 5; break; case 39 : l = l + 5; break; case 40: t = t + 5; break; }; if( (l<0) || (t<0) || (l>400) || (t>400)){location.reload()}; = l + 'px'; = t + 'px'; var snakB = $('.snakBody'); for(var i=snakB.length-1; i>=0; i--){ if(i == 0){ snakB[0].style.left = l + 'px'; snakB[0] = t + 'px'; }else{ snakB[i].style.left = snakB[i-1].offsetLeft + 'px'; snakB[i] = snakB[i-1].offsetTop + 'px'; }; }; if( pz(_this.obj,$('.food')[0]) ){ $('.food').remove(); new Food(wrap); $('<div class="snakBody"></div>').appendTo(wrap) }; },30); }).bind('keyup',function(e){ }); }; function pz(obj1,obj2){ var L1 = obj1.offsetLeft; var T1 = obj1.offsetTop; var R1 = L1 + obj1.offsetWidth; var B1 = T1 + obj1.offsetHeight; var L2 = obj2.offsetLeft; var T2 = obj2.offsetTop; var R2 = L2 + obj2.offsetWidth; var B2 = T2 + obj2.offsetHeight; if(L1 >= R2 || T1 >= B2 || R1 <= L2 || B1 <= T2){ return false; } return true; }; var wrap = $('#wrap'),snak = new Snak(food); var food = new Food( wrap ); snak.ev(); wrap.append( $('<div class="snakBody"></div>') )[0].appendChild( snak.obj ); </script> </body> </html>
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope you all like it.