Apple recently announced the technical specifications of its new head-mounted display device Vision Pro, of which weight is the focus of attention. According to information provided by Apple, the weight of the Vision Pro headset varies depending on the configuration, and is roughly between 600-650 grams, depending on whether the Light Seal and headband are used. This weight range is relatively light, making it more comfortable for users to wear. The Vision Pro's lightweight design helps reduce the burden on the head, allowing users to wear the headset for extended periods of time without discomfort. This is especially important for professional users who use the headset for extended periods of time, as they need to stay comfortable and focused to complete tasks. Apple’s Vision Pro headset will provide users with an excellent visual experience and bring them a more convenient and comfortable virtual reality experience.
This weight is equivalent to that of a 12.9-inch iPad The weight is comparable to the Pro, which is around 682 grams. However, in a head-mounted display device, this weight is not very light. Compared with mainstream head-mounted display products on the market, the weight of Apple’s Vision Pro is second only to my ta’s Quest Pro and Valve Index. In addition, unlike most headsets with built-in batteries, the Vision Pro uses an external battery pack design, which also increases its overall weight to a certain extent.
According to the editor’s understanding, although weight is one of the important factors affecting the comfort of the headset, ergonomic design is also crucial. Some people believe that even if the Vision Pro is slightly inferior to other headsets in terms of weight, its excellent balance and strap design may still bring users a more comfortable wearing experience. For example, compared to the Quest Pro, which weighs 722 grams, the Vision Pro may feel lighter and more comfortable in actual use. This is because Vision Pro adopts a better-balanced design, which distributes the weight of the headset more evenly on the head, reducing the pressure on the neck and face. In addition, the strap design of Vision Pro also takes into account the curve and shape of the head, fitting the head better and providing better support and stability. Therefore, while light weight is also important, considering the balance and strap design of the headset is also one of the key factors to ensure a comfortable fit.
The above is the detailed content of Revealed: The comfort of Apple's new Vision Pro headset may be a new highlight, while its weight is revealed. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!