14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!

Release: 2023-08-15 15:41:29
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Today let’s talk to you about some very useful points of Nginx in our actual applications.

The early business was based on single node deployment. Since the access traffic was not large in the early stage, the single structure could also meet the demand. However, as the business grows, the traffic becomes larger and larger. Then Eventually, the access pressure on a single server will gradually increase. Over time, the performance of a single server cannot keep up with business growth, which will cause frequent online downtime, eventually causing the system to be paralyzed and unable to continue processing user requests.

From the above description, there are two main problems:

①The deployment method of the single structure cannot carry the growing business traffic.

②When the backend node goes down, the entire system will be paralyzed, making the entire project unavailable.

Therefore, in this context, the benefits that the introduction of load balancing technology can bring:

  • "High availability of the system:"When a certain After a node goes down, traffic can be quickly transferred to other nodes.
  • 「High performance of the system:」Multiple servers jointly provide services to the outside world, providing a higher-scale throughput for the entire system.
  • 「System scalability:」When the business grows or slumps again, nodes can be added/reduced for flexible scaling.

OK~, since the introduction of load balancing technology can bring us such huge benefits, what options are there to choose from? There are two main load solutions,"Hardware level and software level". The more commonly used hardware loads includeA10, F5, etc., but these machines often cost tens of thousands or even tens of thousands. The cost is RMB 100,000, so generally large enterprises will adopt this solution, such as banks, state-owned enterprises, central enterprises, etc. If the cost is limited, but you still want to do a load balancing project, you can implement it at the software level, such as the typicalNginx, etc. The load of the software layer is also the focus of this article. After all,BossOne of the principles is:""If it can be achieved with technology, try not to spend money.""

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1. Performance monster-Nginx concept explained in simple terms

Nginxis currently the mainstream solution in load balancing technology, almost most of which All projects will use it.Nginxis a lightweight and high-performanceHTTPreverse proxy server. It is also a general-purpose proxy server that supports most protocols, such asTCP, UDP, SMTP, HTTPS, etc.

Nginxis the same as Redis and is a product built based on the multiplexing model, so it has the same ## capabilities asRedis#""Low resource usage and high concurrency support""Features: In theory, a single node'sNginxsupports5Wconcurrent connections, but in the actual production environment, the hardware With the basics in place and simple tuning, this value can indeed be achieved.

Let’s first take a look at the comparison of the client request processing process before and after

Nginxis introduced:

14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!

Originally, the client directly requested the target server, and the target server directly completed the request processing. However, after addingNginx, all requests will first go throughNginxis then distributed to the specific server for processing. After the processing is completed,Nginxis returned. Finally,Nginxreturns the final response result to the client.

After understanding the basic concepts ofNginx, let’s quickly set up the environment and learn about some ofNginx’s advanced features, such as dynamic and static separation, resource compression, cache configuration,IPBlacklist, high availability guarantee, etc.

2. Nginx environment setup

❶First create the directory ofNginxand enter:

[root@localhost]# mkdir /soft && mkdir /soft/nginx/ [root@localhost]# cd /soft/nginx/
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❷Download the installation package ofNginx. You can upload the offline environment package through theFTPtool, or you can obtain the installation package online through thewgetcommand:

[root@localhost]# wget https://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.21.6.tar.gz
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[root@localhost]# yum -y install wget
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[root@localhost]# tar -xvzf nginx-1.21.6.tar.gz
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[root@localhost]# yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/soft/nginx/ gcc-c++ [root@localhost]# yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/soft/nginx/ pcre pcre-devel4 [root@localhost]# yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/soft/nginx/ zlib zlib-devel [root@localhost]# yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/soft/nginx/ openssl openssl-devel
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[root@localhost]# yum -y install gcc zlib zlib-devel pcre-devel openssl openssl-devel
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14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!


[root@localhost]# rpm -ivh --nodeps *.rpm
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[root@localhost]# cd nginx-1.21.6 [root@localhost]# ./configure --prefix=/soft/nginx/
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[root@localhost]# make && make install
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[root@localhost]# vi conf/nginx.conf 修改端口号:listen 80; 修改IP地址:server_name 你当前机器的本地IP(线上配置域名);
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[root@localhost]# sbin/nginx -c conf/nginx.conf [root@localhost]# ps aux | grep nginx
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sbin/nginx -t -c conf/nginx.conf # 检测配置文件是否正常 sbin/nginx -s reload -c conf/nginx.conf # 修改配置后平滑重启 sbin/nginx -s quit # 优雅关闭Nginx,会在执行完当前的任务后再退出 sbin/nginx -s stop # 强制终止Nginx,不管当前是否有任务在执行
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[root@localhost]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent [root@localhost]# firewall-cmd --reload [root@localhost]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports
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@Controller public class IndexNginxController { @Value("${server.port}") private String port; @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView index(){ ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView(); model.addObject("port", port); model.setViewName("index"); return model; } }
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upstream nginx_boot{ # 30s内检查心跳发送两次包,未回复就代表该机器宕机,请求分发权重比为1:2 server weight=100 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s; server weight=200 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s; # 这里的IP请配置成你WEB服务所在的机器IP } server { location / { root html; # 配置一下index的地址,最后加上index.ftl。 index index.html index.htm index.jsp index.ftl; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; # 请求交给名为nginx_boot的upstream上 proxy_pass http://nginx_boot; } }
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14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!负载均衡效果-动图演示



Nginx request distribution principle

The request issued by the client192.168.12.129will eventually be transformed into:http:/ /, and then initiate a request to the targetIP. The process is as follows:

14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!Principle of request distribution

  • Since Nginxlistens on the 80port of, the request will eventually find NginxProcess;
  • Nginxwill first be matched according to the configured locationrules, and based on the client’s request path /, will locate location /{}Rules;
  • Then the nginx_bootwill be found based on the proxy_passconfigured in the location upstream;
  • Finally, based on the configuration information in upstream, the request is forwarded to the machine running the WEBservice for processing , since multiple WEBservices are configured and weight values are configured, Nginxwill distribute requests in sequence according to the weight ratio.

4. Nginx dynamic and static separation

The dynamic and static separation should be a performance optimization solution that is listened to more times, then Think about a question first:""Why is it necessary to separate dynamic and static? What are the benefits it brings?""In fact, this question is not difficult to answer. When you understand the essence of the website, it will naturally You understand the importance of separation of movement and stillness. Let’s take Taobao as an example to analyze:

14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!Taobao homepage

When the browser enterswww.taobao.comto access the Taobao homepage, open the developer The debugging tool can clearly see that the number of requests100will appear when loading the homepage. During normal project development, static resources will generally be placed in theresources/static/directory:

14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!IDEA Project Structure

When the project is deployed online, these static resources will be packaged together. Then think about a question at this time:""Assuming Taobao does this, then where will the request when the home page is loaded be processed? ?””The answer is undoubtedly that all requests for the homepage100will come to the machine where theWEBservice is deployed for processing. That means that when a client requests the Taobao homepage, it will Causes100concurrent requests to the backend server. There is no doubt that this puts great pressure on the back-end server.

But at this time, you might as well analyze and see if at least60of the100requests on the homepage belong to*.js, *.css, What about requests for static resources such as *.html, *.jpg....? The answer isYes.

Since there are so many requests that are static, and these resources will most likely not change for a long time, why should these requests be processed by the backend? Can it be dealt with before then? Of courseOK, so after analysis, we can make it clear:""After dynamic and static separation, at least the concurrency of the back-end service can be reduced by more than half.""At this point, everyone You should understand how much performance gains the separation of dynamic and static can bring.

OK~, after understanding the necessity of dynamic and static separation, how to achieve dynamic and static separation? It's actually very simple, just try it out in practice.

①First create a directorystatic_resourcesunder theNginxdirectory on the machine whereNginxis deployed:

mkdir static_resources
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location ~ .*\.(html|htm|gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png|ico|txt|js|css){ root /soft/nginx/static_resources; expires 7d; }
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14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!


14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!移除后效果动图


location ~ .*\.(html|htm|gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png|ico|txt|js|css)
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  • ~代表匹配时区分大小写
  • .*代表任意字符都可以出现零次或多次,即资源名不限制
  • \.代表匹配后缀分隔符.
  • (html|...|css)代表匹配括号里所有静态资源类型







14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!


http{ # 开启压缩机制 gzip on; # 指定会被压缩的文件类型(也可自己配置其他类型) gzip_types text/plain application/javascript text/css application/xml text/javascript image/jpeg image/gif image/png; # 设置压缩级别,越高资源消耗越大,但压缩效果越好 gzip_comp_level 5; # 在头部中添加Vary: Accept-Encoding(建议开启) gzip_vary on; # 处理压缩请求的缓冲区数量和大小 gzip_buffers 16 8k; # 对于不支持压缩功能的客户端请求不开启压缩机制 gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\."; # 低版本的IE浏览器不支持压缩 # 设置压缩响应所支持的HTTP最低版本 gzip_http_version 1.1; # 设置触发压缩的最小阈值 gzip_min_length 2k; # 关闭对后端服务器的响应结果进行压缩 gzip_proxied off; }
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  • off: Turn off Nginxto compress the response results of the background server.
  • expired: If the response header contains Expiresinformation, enable compression.
  • no-cache: If the response header contains Cache-Control:no-cacheinformation, enable compression.
  • no-store: If the response header contains Cache-Control:no-storeinformation, enable compression.
  • private: If the response header contains Cache-Control:privateinformation, enable compression.
  • no_last_modified: If the response header does not contain Last-Modifiedinformation, enable compression.
  • no_etag:如果响应头中不包含 ETag信息,则开启压缩。
  • auth:如果响应头中包含 Authorization信息,则开启压缩。
  • any:无条件对后端的响应结果开启压缩机制。


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14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!


Notes: ① For image and video type data, the compression mechanism will be enabled by default, so there is generally no need to enable compression again. ②For.jsfiles, you need to specify the compression type asapplication/javascript, nottext/javascript, application/x-javascript.

6. Nginx Buffer

Let’s think about a problem first. The general request process for projects accessingNginxis : "Client→Nginx→Server", there are two connections in this process: "Client→Nginx,Nginx→Server", If the two different connection speeds are inconsistent, it will affect the user experience (for example, the loading speed of the browser cannot keep up with the response speed of the server).

In fact, it is similar to the fact that the memory of a computer cannot keep up with the speed ofCPU, so the user experience is extremely poor, so three levels are added to the design ofCPUHigh-speed buffer is used to alleviate the contradiction betweenCPUand memory speed. There is also a buffer mechanism inNginx. The main purpose is:"To solve the problem caused by the speed mismatch between the two connections"", with the buffer ,NginxThe proxy can temporarily store the response from the backend, and then provide data to the client on demand. Let’s first take a look at some configuration items about the buffer:

  • proxy_buffering: Whether to enable the buffering mechanism, the default isonoff.

  • client_body_buffer_size: Set the memory size for buffering client request data.

  • proxy_buffers: Set the number and size of buffers for each request/connection, default4 4k/8k.

  • proxy_buffer_size: Set the buffer size used to store response headers.

  • ##proxy_busy_buffers_size: When the backend data is not completely received,NginxcanbusyThe status buffer is returned to the client. This parameter is used to set the specific size of thebufferin thebusystatus. The default isproxy_buffer_size*2.

  • proxy_temp_path: When the memory buffer is full, the data can be temporarily stored on the disk. This parameter is to set the directory where the buffered data is stored.

  • pathis the path to the temporary directory.

    • Syntax: proxy_temp_path path;path is the path to the temporary directory
  • proxy_temp_file_write_size: Set the size limit for writing data to a temporary file each time.

  • proxy_max_temp_file_size: Set the maximum storage capacity allowed in the temporary buffer directory.

  • Non-buffered parameter items:

    • proxy_connect_timeout:设置与后端服务器建立连接时的超时时间。
    • proxy_read_timeout:设置从后端服务器读取响应数据的超时时间。
    • proxy_send_timeout:设置向后端服务器传输请求数据的超时时间。


http{ proxy_connect_timeout 10; proxy_read_timeout 120; proxy_send_timeout 10; proxy_buffering on; client_body_buffer_size 512k; proxy_buffers 4 64k; proxy_buffer_size 16k; proxy_busy_buffers_size 128k; proxy_temp_file_write_size 128k; proxy_temp_path /soft/nginx/temp_buffer; }
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  • 减少了再次向后端或文件服务器请求资源的带宽消耗。
  • 降低了下游服务器的访问压力,提升系统整体吞吐。
  • 缩短了响应时间,提升了加载速度,打开页面的速度更快。




proxy_cache_path path [levels=levels] [use_temp_path=on|off] keys_zone=name:size [inactive=time] [max_size=size] [manager_files=number] [manager_sleep=time] [manager_threshold=time] [loader_files=number] [loader_sleep=time] [loader_threshold=time] [purger=on|off] [purger_files=number] [purger_sleep=time] [purger_threshold=time];
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  • path: The cached path address.
  • levels: Cache storage hierarchy, allowing up to three levels of directories.
  • use_temp_path: Whether to use a temporary directory.
  • keys_zone: Specify a shared memory space to store hotspot keys (1M can store 8000 keys).
  • inactive: Set how long the cache has not been accessed before it is deleted (default is ten minutes).
  • max_size: The maximum storage space allowed for cache. When exceeded, the cache will be removed based on the LRU algorithm. Nginx will create a Cache manager process to remove the data. It can be done through purge.
  • manager_files: The upper limit of the number of cache files removed by the manager process each time.
  • manager_sleep: The maximum time limit for the manager process to remove cached files each time.
  • manager_threshold: The interval between each time the manager process removes the cache.
  • loader_files: When restarting Nginx to load the cache, the number of files loaded each time is 100 by default.
  • loader_sleep:每次载入时,允许的最大时间上限,默认200ms。
  • loader_threshold:一次载入后,停顿的时间间隔,默认50ms。
  • purger:是否开启purge方式移除数据。
  • purger_files:每次移除缓存文件时的数量。
  • purger_sleep:每次移除时,允许消耗的最大时间。
  • purger_threshold:每次移除完成后,停顿的间隔时间。



proxy_cache zone | off;
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proxy_cache_key string;
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proxy_cache_valid [code ...] time;
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例如:proxy_cache_valid 200 302 30m;



proxy_cache_min_uses number;
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proxy_cache_use_stale error;
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proxy_cache_lock on | off;
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proxy_cache_lock_timeout time;
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proxy_cache_methods method;
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proxy_no_cache string...;
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string为条件,例如$cookie_nocache $arg_nocache $arg_comment;



proxy_cache_bypass string...;
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add_header fieldName fieldValue;
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  • MISS:请求未命中缓存。
  • HIT:请求命中缓存。
  • EXPIRED:请求命中缓存但缓存已过期。
  • STALE:请求命中了陈旧缓存。
  • REVALIDDATED:Nginx验证陈旧缓存依然有效。
  • UPDATING:命中的缓存内容陈旧,但正在更新缓存。
  • BYPASS:响应结果是从原始服务器获取的。



http{ # 设置缓存的目录,并且内存中缓存区名为hot_cache,大小为128m, # 三天未被访问过的缓存自动清楚,磁盘中缓存的最大容量为2GB。 proxy_cache_path /soft/nginx/cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=hot_cache:128m inactive=3d max_size=2g; server{ location / { # 使用名为nginx_cache的缓存空间 proxy_cache hot_cache; # 对于200、206、304、301、302状态码的数据缓存1天 proxy_cache_valid 200 206 304 301 302 1d; # 对于其他状态的数据缓存30分钟 proxy_cache_valid any 30m; # 定义生成缓存键的规则(请求的url+参数作为key) proxy_cache_key $host$uri$is_args$args; # 资源至少被重复访问三次后再加入缓存 proxy_cache_min_uses 3; # 出现重复请求时,只让一个去后端读数据,其他的从缓存中读取 proxy_cache_lock on; # 上面的锁超时时间为3s,超过3s未获取数据,其他请求直接去后端 proxy_cache_lock_timeout 3s; # 对于请求参数或cookie中声明了不缓存的数据,不再加入缓存 proxy_no_cache $cookie_nocache $arg_nocache $arg_comment; # 在响应头中添加一个缓存是否命中的状态(便于调试) add_header Cache-status $upstream_cache_status; } } }
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14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!





[root@localhost]# mkdir cache_purge && cd cache_purge
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[root@localhost]# wget https://github.com/FRiCKLE/ngx_cache_purge/archive/2.3.tar.gz [root@localhost]# tar -xvzf 2.3.tar.gz
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[root@localhost]# cd /soft/nginx/nginx1.21.6
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[root@localhost]# ./configure --prefix=/soft/nginx/ --add-module=/soft/nginx/cache_purge/ngx_cache_purge-2.3/
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⑤重新根据刚刚构建的Nginx,再次编译一下,「但切记不要make install」

[root@localhost]# make
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[root@localhost]# rm -rf /soft/nginx/sbin/nginx
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[root@localhost]# cp objs/nginx /soft/nginx/sbin/nginx
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location ~ /purge(/.*) { # 配置可以执行清除操作的IP(线上可以配置成内网机器) # allow; # 代表本机 allow all; # 代表允许任意IP清除缓存 proxy_cache_purge $host$1$is_args$args; }
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allow xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; # 允许指定的IP访问,可以用于实现白名单。 deny xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; # 禁止指定的IP访问,可以用于实现黑名单。
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# --------黑名单:BlocksIP.conf--------- deny; # 屏蔽192.177.12.222访问 deny; # 屏蔽192.177.44.201访问 deny; # 屏蔽127.0.0.1到127.255.255.254网段中的所有IP访问 # --------白名单:WhiteIP.conf--------- allow; # 允许192.177.12.222访问 allow; # 允许192.177.44.201访问 allow; # 允许127.45.0.1到127.45.255.254网段中的所有IP访问 deny all; # 除开上述IP外,其他IP全部禁止访问
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http{ # 屏蔽该文件中的所有IP include /soft/nginx/IP/BlocksIP.conf; server{ location xxx { # 某一系列接口只开放给白名单中的IP include /soft/nginx/IP/blockip.conf; } } }
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location / { # 允许跨域的请求,可以自定义变量$http_origin,*表示所有 add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' *; # 允许携带cookie请求 add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true'; # 允许跨域请求的方法:GET,POST,OPTIONS,PUT add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET,POST,OPTIONS,PUT'; # 允许请求时携带的头部信息,*表示所有 add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' *; # 允许发送按段获取资源的请求 add_header 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' 'Content-Length,Content-Range'; # 一定要有!!!否则Post请求无法进行跨域! # 在发送Post跨域请求前,会以Options方式发送预检请求,服务器接受时才会正式请求 if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') { add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 1728000; add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'; add_header 'Content-Length' 0; # 对于Options方式的请求返回204,表示接受跨域请求 return 204; } }
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10. Nginx anti-hotlink design

First of all, let’s understand what hotlinking is:""Hotlinking refers to the introduction of hotlinks into the current website by external websites. Resource external display"", let's give a simple example to understand:

is like the wallpaper websiteXstation,Ystation,Xstation It is a way to purchase copyrights and sign contracts with authors bit by bit, thereby accumulating a large amount of wallpaper materials. However, due to various reasons such as funding,Ystation directly usesThis method copies all the wallpaper resources of theXsite and then provides them to users for download.

So if we are theBossof thisXsite, we must feel unhappy, so how should we block this kind of problem at this time? Then the""Anti-hotlinking""that I'm going to talk about next is here!


valid_referers none | blocked | server_names | string ...;
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  • none:表示接受没有 Referer字段的 HTTP请求访问。
  • blocked:表示允许 http://https//以外的请求访问。
  • server_names:资源的白名单,这里可以指定允许访问的域名。
  • string:可自定义字符串,支配通配符、正则表达式写法。


# 在动静分离的location中开启防盗链机制 location ~ .*\.(html|htm|gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png|ico|txt|js|css){ # 最后面的值在上线前可配置为允许的域名地址 valid_referers blocked; if ($invalid_referer) { # 可以配置成返回一张禁止盗取的图片 # rewrite ^/ http://xx.xx.com/NO.jpg; # 也可直接返回403 return 403; } root /soft/nginx/static_resources; expires 7d; }
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14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!


The above configuration only needs to be configured as a proxy layer, because in the end the client still interacts directly with the backend when transferring files, here we just need to adjust theNginxconfiguration as the gateway layer to a higher level. The extent to which "accommodating large files" are transferred. Of course,Nginxcan also be used as a file server, but a special third-party modulenginx-upload-moduleis required. If file uploading does not have much use in the project, Then it is recommended to build it throughNginx. After all, it can save the resources of a file server. However, if file uploads/downloads are frequent, it is recommended to set up an additional file server and leave the upload/download functions to the backend for processing.

12. Nginx configuration SLL certificate

As more and more websites accessHTTPS, therefore It is not enough to configureHTTPinNginx. It is often necessary to listen for requests on the443port.HTTPSIn order to ensure communication security, the server The corresponding digital certificate needs to be configured. When the project usesNginxas the gateway, the certificate also needs to be configured inNginx. Next, let’s briefly talk about theSSLcertificate. Configuration process:

①First go to the CA organization or apply for the correspondingSSLcertificate from the cloud console. After passing the review, download theNginxversion of the certificate.

②After downloading the digital certificate, there are a total of three complete files:.crt, .key, .pem:

  • . crt: digital certificate file, .crtis the expansion file of .pem, so some people may not have it after downloading it.
  • .key: The server’s private key file and asymmetrically encrypted private key, used to decrypt the data transmitted by the public key.
  • .pem: Source certificate text file in Base64-encodedencoded format. You can modify the extension name according to your own needs.

③Create a newcertificatedirectory under theNginxdirectory, and upload the downloaded certificate/private key and other files to the directory.

④Finally modify thenginx.conffile, as follows:

# ----------HTTPS配置----------- server { # 监听HTTPS默认的443端口 listen 443; # 配置自己项目的域名 server_name www.xxx.com; # 打开SSL加密传输 ssl on; # 输入域名后,首页文件所在的目录 root html; # 配置首页的文件名 index index.html index.htm index.jsp index.ftl; # 配置自己下载的数字证书 ssl_certificate certificate/xxx.pem; # 配置自己下载的服务器私钥 ssl_certificate_key certificate/xxx.key; # 停止通信时,加密会话的有效期,在该时间段内不需要重新交换密钥 ssl_session_timeout 5m; # TLS握手时,服务器采用的密码套件 ssl_ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE:ECDH:AES:HIGH:!NULL:!aNULL:!MD5:!ADH:!RC4; # 服务器支持的TLS版本 ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; # 开启由服务器决定采用的密码套件 ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; location / { .... } } # ---------HTTP请求转HTTPS------------- server { # 监听HTTP默认的80端口 listen 80; # 如果80端口出现访问该域名的请求 server_name www.xxx.com; # 将请求改写为HTTPS(这里写你配置了HTTPS的域名) rewrite ^(.*)$ https://www.xxx.com; }
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接下来则会通过keepalivedVIP机制,实现Nginx的高可用。VIP并不是只会员的意思,而是指Virtual IP,即虚拟IP




[root@localhost]# mkdir /soft/keepalived && cd /soft/keepalived [root@localhost]# wget https://www.keepalived.org/software/keepalived-2.2.4.tar.gz [root@localhost]# tar -zxvf keepalived-2.2.4.tar.gz
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[root@localhost]# cd keepalived-2.2.4 [root@localhost]# ./configure --prefix=/soft/keepalived/ [root@localhost]# make && make install
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[root@localhost]# cd /soft/keepalived/etc/keepalived/ [root@localhost]# vi keepalived.conf
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global_defs { # 自带的邮件提醒服务,建议用独立的监控或第三方SMTP,也可选择配置邮件发送。 notification_email { root@localhost } notification_email_from root@localhost smtp_server localhost smtp_connect_timeout 30 # 高可用集群主机身份标识(集群中主机身份标识名称不能重复,建议配置成本机IP) router_id } # 定时运行的脚本文件配置 vrrp_script check_nginx_pid_restart { # 之前编写的nginx重启脚本的所在位置 script "/soft/scripts/keepalived/check_nginx_pid_restart.sh" # 每间隔3秒执行一次 interval 3 # 如果脚本中的条件成立,重启一次则权重-20 weight -20 } # 定义虚拟路由,VI_1为虚拟路由的标示符(可自定义名称) vrrp_instance VI_1 { # 当前节点的身份标识:用来决定主从(MASTER为主机,BACKUP为从机) state MASTER # 绑定虚拟IP的网络接口,根据自己的机器的网卡配置 interface ens33 # 虚拟路由的ID号,主从两个节点设置必须一样 virtual_router_id 121 # 填写本机IP mcast_src_ip # 节点权重优先级,主节点要比从节点优先级高 priority 100 # 优先级高的设置nopreempt,解决异常恢复后再次抢占造成的脑裂问题 nopreempt # 组播信息发送间隔,两个节点设置必须一样,默认1s(类似于心跳检测) advert_int 1 authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass 1111 } # 将track_script块加入instance配置块 track_script { # 执行Nginx监控的脚本 check_nginx_pid_restart } virtual_ipaddress { # 虚拟IP(VIP),也可扩展,可配置多个。 } }
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global_defs { # 自带的邮件提醒服务,建议用独立的监控或第三方SMTP,也可选择配置邮件发送。 notification_email { root@localhost } notification_email_from root@localhost smtp_server localhost smtp_connect_timeout 30 # 高可用集群主机身份标识(集群中主机身份标识名称不能重复,建议配置成本机IP) router_id } # 定时运行的脚本文件配置 vrrp_script check_nginx_pid_restart { # 之前编写的nginx重启脚本的所在位置 script "/soft/scripts/keepalived/check_nginx_pid_restart.sh" # 每间隔3秒执行一次 interval 3 # 如果脚本中的条件成立,重启一次则权重-20 weight -20 } # 定义虚拟路由,VI_1为虚拟路由的标示符(可自定义名称) vrrp_instance VI_1 { # 当前节点的身份标识:用来决定主从(MASTER为主机,BACKUP为从机) state BACKUP # 绑定虚拟IP的网络接口,根据自己的机器的网卡配置 interface ens33 # 虚拟路由的ID号,主从两个节点设置必须一样 virtual_router_id 121 # 填写本机IP mcast_src_ip # 节点权重优先级,主节点要比从节点优先级高 priority 90 # 优先级高的设置nopreempt,解决异常恢复后再次抢占造成的脑裂问题 nopreempt # 组播信息发送间隔,两个节点设置必须一样,默认1s(类似于心跳检测) advert_int 1 authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass 1111 } # 将track_script块加入instance配置块 track_script { # 执行Nginx监控的脚本 check_nginx_pid_restart } virtual_ipaddress { # 虚拟IP(VIP),也可扩展,可配置多个。 } }
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[root@localhost]# mkdir /soft/scripts /soft/scripts/keepalived [root@localhost]# touch /soft/scripts/keepalived/check_nginx_pid_restart.sh [root@localhost]# vi /soft/scripts/keepalived/check_nginx_pid_restart.sh #!/bin/sh # 通过ps指令查询后台的nginx进程数,并将其保存在变量nginx_number中 nginx_number=`ps -C nginx --no-header | wc -l` # 判断后台是否还有Nginx进程在运行 if [ $nginx_number -eq 0 ];then # 如果后台查询不到`Nginx`进程存在,则执行重启指令 /soft/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /soft/nginx/conf/nginx.conf # 重启后等待1s后,再次查询后台进程数 sleep 1 # 如果重启后依旧无法查询到nginx进程 if [ `ps -C nginx --no-header | wc -l` -eq 0 ];then # 将keepalived主机下线,将虚拟IP漂移给从机,从机上线接管Nginx服务 systemctl stop keepalived.service fi fi
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[root@localhost]# vi /soft/scripts/keepalived/check_nginx_pid_restart.sh :set fileformat=unix # 在vi命令里面执行,修改编码格式 :set ff # 查看修改后的编码格式 [root@localhost]# chmod +x /soft/scripts/keepalived/check_nginx_pid_restart.sh
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[root@localhost]# mkdir /etc/keepalived/ [root@localhost]# cp /soft/keepalived/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf /etc/keepalived/ [root@localhost]# cp /soft/keepalived/keepalived-2.2.4/keepalived/etc/init.d/keepalived /etc/init.d/ [root@localhost]# cp /soft/keepalived/etc/sysconfig/keepalived /etc/sysconfig/
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[root@localhost]# chkconfig keepalived on [root@localhost]# systemctl daemon-reload [root@localhost]# systemctl enable keepalived.service [root@localhost]# systemctl start keepalived.service
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systemctl disable keepalived.service # 禁止开机自动启动 systemctl restart keepalived.service # 重启keepalived systemctl stop keepalived.service # 停止keepalived tail -f /var/log/messages # 查看keepalived运行时日志
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[root@localhost]# ip addr
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14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!虚拟IP-VIP

You can clearly see from the above picture that the virtualIPhas been successfully mounted, but another machine192.168.12.130will not mount this virtualIP, only when the host goes offline, the slave192.168.12.130will come online and take overVIP. Finally, test whether the external network can communicate withVIPnormally, that is, directlyping VIPinWindows:

14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!Ping-VIP

When communicating externally throughVIP,Pingcan also be communicated normally, which means that the virtualIPis configured successfully.

Nginx High Availability Test

After the above steps, theVIPmechanism ofkeepalivedhas been The construction was successful. In the previous stage, several main things were done:

  • 一、为部署 Nginx的机器挂载了 VIP
  • 二、通过 keepalived搭建了主从双机热备。
  • 三、通过 keepalived实现了 Nginx宕机重启。


sever{ listen 80; # 这里从机器的本地IP改为虚拟IP server_name; # 如果这里配置的是域名,那么则将域名的映射配置改为虚拟IP }
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14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!


It is not difficult to find from this process thatkeepalivedhas implemented for us the function ofNginxautomatically restarting after a crash. Then let’s simulate the situation when the server fails:

14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!

In the above process, we simulated machine power outage, hardware damage, etc. by manually shutting down thekeepalivedservice (because of machine power outage, etc.= Thekeepalivedprocess in the host disappears), and then check theIPinformation of the machine again. It is obvious thatVIPhas disappeared!

Now switch to another machine:’s take a look at the situation:

14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!

At this moment we will find that in After the host192.168.12.129goes down, the VIP automatically moves from the host to the slave192.168.12.130, and at this time the client's request will eventually come to130On this machineNginx.

""In the end, after using Keepalived to implement master-slave hot backup for Nginx, whether it encounters various types of faults such as online downtime or power outage in the computer room, it can ensure that the application system can Users are provided with 24/7 service.""





upstream xxx { # 长连接数 keepalive 32; # 每个长连接提供的最大请求数 keepalived_requests 100; # 每个长连接没有新的请求时,保持的最长时间 keepalive_timeout 60s; }
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sendfile on; # 开启零拷贝机制
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  • 「传统方式:」硬件-->内核-->用户空间-->程序空间-->程序内核空间-->网络套接字
  • 「零拷贝方式:」硬件-->内核-->程序内核空间-->网络套接字




tcp_nodelay on; tcp_nopush on;
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# 自动根据CPU核心数调整Worker进程数量 worker_processes auto;
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# 每个Worker能打开的文件描述符,最少调整至1W以上,负荷较高建议2-3W worker_rlimit_nofile 20000;
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worker_cpu_affinity auto;
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events { # 使用epoll网络模型 use epoll; # 调整每个Worker能够处理的连接数上限 worker_connections 10240; }
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The above is the detailed content of 14 Nginx core function points, recommended to collect!. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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