HTML5 provides the pattern attribute for form elements, which accepts a regular expression. When the form is submitted, this regular expression will be used to verify that the value in the form is not empty. If the value of the control does not match this regular expression, a prompt box will pop up and the expression will be prevented from being submitted. The text in the prompt box can be customized using the setCustomValidity method.
For example, in the form below, the text box only accepts mainland mobile phone numbers. If you enter other things, you cannot submit it
Note that only non-empty forms will use regular validation. If nothing is entered, the pattern will not be used, so required assistance is required. But the prompt that pops up from this code is like this:
Only monkeys can understand such prompt text! So we also need more friendly prompt text, defined using the setCustomValidity method.
手机页面中表单提交用JavaScript验证信息 会弹出窗口,用户体验极差,所以再给出一个手机端用HTML5的属性来验证的示例: