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Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

Release: 2023-05-30 18:19:06
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On May 25, at the "HR SaaS Future Trend" 2023 Beisen Spring Product Conference, Beisen proposed that the next ten years of human resources software will move from "designed for HR" to "designed for employees". Beisen officially Released iTalentX7.0 - one for all employees, designed for employees.

Beisen CEO Ji Weiguo believes that traditional HR software is mainly designed around the work scenarios of the HR department, with the goal of improving HR work and management efficiency. This time with the release of iTalentX7.0, Beisen has incorporated business roles such as employees into the scenario design scope of HR software, expanded the definition scope of HR software, moved from HR Tech to People Tech, and redefined the future trend of HR digitalization.

【Picture 1-5】

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

Jingwei China Partner Xiong Fei

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

First show after IPO,

The achievements of integrated HR SaaS over the past ten years have been laid

This conference is the first public appearance of Beisen, the "first HR SaaS stock", after its listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Beisen CEO Ji Weiguo summed up the past, " In the past ten years, Beisen has built a solid moat through integrated HR SaaS. "

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

[Picture 6: Beisen CEO Ji Weiguo]

Ten years ago, the human resources software market generally focused on a single module for in-depth development. Therefore, a variety of single-module products such as core human resources, recruitment management, and learning software appeared. Some were installed versions and some were SaaS models.

When these softwares are purchased by the same company for the digitalization of human resources, the problem of separation between product modules arises: high integration costs, breakpoints in a large number of business scenarios, and data is isolated in different products, making it impossible to Human-centered unified analysis. As a result, HR digitalization cannot be effectively implemented and the effect is greatly reduced.

Different from the views of many investors, Beisen adopted an integrated product strategy from the beginning. At the city wall of "integrated HR SaaS based on PaaS", it continued to attack for ten years and finally established a relatively differentiated product strategy. With its leading advantage, it also took advantage of this opportunity to complete the IPO of Hong Kong stocks.

After ten years of hard work, the product layout of Beisen Integrated HR SaaS basically meets the digital needs of all HR scenarios from recruitment, personnel, salary, leave and attendance, performance, learning, development to resignation.

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

【Picture 7】

In the past year, Beisen’s iTalentX platform has also achieved good results: employee attendance times reached 560 million, a year-on-year increase of 60%; the highest number of system daily visits reached 440 million, a year-on-year increase of 46%; PaaS platform metadata configuration The number of visits reached 2.04 million, a year-on-year increase of 109%.

Product integration will move towards deeper and more complex scenarios, and Beisen's integration strategy has also reached the next intersection.

Integration for the next ten years

Definition HR software designed for employees

At this press conference, Beisen proposed the "future trend" of human resources digitalization: "Integration of industry and people, designed for employees."

iTalentX version 7.0 innovatively incorporates business roles such as employees into the scene design of HR software, moving from HR Tech to People Tech, and launches two new products and 12 role workbenches, showing a new design concept .

Ji Weiguo said that the buyers and users of HR software have always been HR, and HR software also focuses on improving HR work and management efficiency. This choice is understandable. Beisen has done the same in the past ten years.

However, the general trend of human resources is changing, and some human resources functions are moving from the back office to the front line of business. For example: the three-pillar transformation is that HRBP brings some human resources functions back to the business department; for example, the formulation and control of staffing are also returned to the hands of the business department; and the responsibilities of talent identification and development are also emphasized to be borne by business managers, not HR. .

During the epidemic, the president of an IT company asked Beisen: "If I delegate responsibilities such as staffing, cost, and human efficiency to each BU (Business Unit), can you display the human resources analysis data such as labor costs and budgets? On the desktop of each BU leader, allow them to manage their own BU establishment? Because each BU is most familiar with the progress of their own business, they can quickly respond to changes in the external environment through human resource strategies to ensure the company's profit level at the end of the year." .

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

【Picture 8】

This made Beisen suddenly realize: HR focuses on work efficiency, while the president focuses on business efficiency such as human efficiency and profits. HR focuses on human resources processes, while the president focuses on talents and culture. This is a completely different way of looking at HR from a business perspective: business and people need to be integrated to drive the business.

"Traditional human resources management software is software designed for the HR department". This is the biggest gap at the moment. This leads to the business line performing some human resources functions without the support of digital tools, which can easily lead to the loss of business manpower. With two skins, digital management is inefficient.

Beisen iTalentX7.0 "Integrate industry and people, designed for employees" came into being. Its essence is to provide human resources productivity tools for employees, managers and other business roles.

The HR software designed for employees is an integration of industry and people. It incorporates non-HR roles into the design object, allows business roles to obtain relevant human resources management rights, turns HR software into software for all employees, and expands the scope of human resources software. scope and boundaries.

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

【Picture 9】

iTalentX7.0 brings 2 new products and 12 character workbenches

Comprehensive display of "designed for employees"

At the meeting, Beisen released a new integrated HR SaaS platform - iTalentX7.0. Through the design of two new products such as cultural incentives and real-time surveys, and 12 major role workstations, it demonstrated the concept of "integration of industry and people, designed for employees" " concept.

Ø New product one: culturally inspiring products, Beisen inspiring

During the epidemic, many employees were isolated at home, unable to achieve their goals, and employees became frustrated. Many customers asked Beisen: Is there a digital cultural motivation solution that can help us motivate employees, improve morale, and overcome difficulties together?

Based on this, Beisen has completed the first domestic cultural incentive product integrated with HR software, allowing companies to implement culture, care for employees, and motivate employees through digital means. This is also the only cultural motivation product integrated into HR software on the market.

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

【Picture 10】

In Beiseninspiring, you can establish a medal and distribution system. For example, issue MVP medals to sales champions. Colleagues can like, comment, and bless you. The medals you receive can also be forwarded to Moments and communicate with customers. Make connections.

BeiseninspiringIt has multiple functions such as unified cultural portal, 3D cultural exhibition hall, graded role model wall, business medal system, diversified reward interaction, all-member points benefits, and omni-channel welfare mall.

Integrate 360° cultural incentive measures into the company's business promotion and every scenario of the employee life cycle, let culture enter employees, integrate incentives into business, boost morale and improve performance.

Ji Weiguo emphasized: The launch of cultural incentive products itself means the transformation of Beisen's product design perspective - from designing for HR to designing for employees, and from HRTech to PeopleTech.

There is no doubt that today is an era that focuses on employee experience.

Ø New product two: real-time survey product, Beisen Voice

There are classic surveys in the field of human resources: employee engagement and employee satisfaction surveys, but this is an annual survey. This kind of lagged survey makes it difficult to gain insight into the essence and drive management improvements.

With the development of WeChat and live broadcast, the new generation of employees who are accustomed to expressing themselves at any time no longer accept "delayed gratification" communication. They need real-time commentary, express their feelings, and need to be heard and seen.

It is not easy to achieve this. However, the design concept of integrated HR SaaS basically covers every touch point of enterprises and employees from resume submission, interview, offer, entry, probation period, promotion to resignation. If we naturally create a questionnaire that is integrated into the process in different scenario touchpoints, we can listen to employee feedback in a timely manner.

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

【Picture 11】

For example: At the end of an interview, candidates can receive a survey asking how they feel about the interviewer, such as "Is the interviewer professional?" This will also "force" the interviewer to take the interview more seriously, thereby establishing a good employer brand.

This kind of real-time survey integrated into business processes makes it easy to create and insert questionnaires, listen to employees' voices anytime and anywhere, identify problems and make continuous improvements. The continuous improvement of employee experience ultimately drives the company's performance improvement.

Real-time employee survey system - Beisen Voice is also the first real-time survey system in China that is integrated into business processes. The premise for its implementation is: an integrated HR SaaS platform covering every touch point in the entire life cycle of the enterprise and employees.

From this point of view, Beisen Voice is also a cross-border product that combines employee survey and consultation with digitalization, leaving suspense as to whether "digital products can replace traditional employee survey and consultation."

Ø 12 major character workbench:

The business of human resources is numerous and complicated, so the human resources department has many positions, such as: salary, performance, attendance, SSC, welfare, culture, relationship, recruitment, training, etc. Each position has different responsibilities. . But when it comes to the business department, the business manager becomes the sole person in charge, handling all matters related to employees.

This poses a huge challenge to software design. If business managers look for the information they need in different product modules, the user experience will be greatly compromised.

To this end, Beisen Innovation released the "integrated workbench" product design concept. This is an integrated design method that integrates role-related scenes into a workbench, allowing business roles to be integrated one-stop. Complete all relevant work. Because of this, Beisen needs to abstract various business roles within the enterprise and redesign them based on role scenarios.

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

【Picture 12】

The iTalentX7.0 released this time has designed exclusive role workbench for 12 major roles such as employees, managers, CEOs, HR, and HRBP.

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

【Picture 13】

At the press conference, Beisen focused on introducing the manager’s workbench and the talent cockpit for CEOs and senior executives.

For example, the manager workbench covers functions and data for various scenarios including daily management, attendance tracking, target performance, organizational dynamics, team recruitment, team costs, data insights, employee care, etc. The human intelligence analysis engine can intelligently scan organizational and personnel status, salary costs, gain insights into anomalies, and proactively push them to managers in the form of monthly/weekly reports to help managers integrate business progress, understand team situations, and gain insight into team personnel effectiveness.

"Integrated workbench" will be Beisen's most important integrated product design concept in the future. We will continue to build exclusive workbench for each business role and scenario, thereby improving employee experience and digitizing human resources for more non-HR roles. Management empowerment.

Generative AI HR SaaS

Personal leadership coaching creates differentiated opportunities

At this press conference, Beisen also expressed his views on generative AI: In HR work scenarios, there are a large number of scenarios where generative AI can be embedded, such as: recruitment JD writing , recruitment poster production, AI interviews, employee service HR robots, sparring robots, etc. In order to better meet the needs of these scenarios, Beisen formed its own "AI family".

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

【Picture 14】

At the press conference, Beisen demonstrated the two-scenario process of writing a recruitment JD based on AIGC large model design and making a recruitment poster.

Beisen believes that there are no technical difficulties in AI scenarios based on large model design. If each manufacturer is based on the design of several mainstream domestic large models, everyone will eventually converge on their products and cannot establish differences. change. However, since large model products can only run in the cloud, the integration of generative AI and HR SaaS may attract more companies to choose SaaS products and accelerate the transformation from installed software to HR SaaS software.

In addition to general scenarios, Beisen also announced a brand new AI product-personal leadership coach Mr.Sen. This product can play the role of a leadership coach in terms of transformation and adaptation, team management, personal development, performance feedback, etc. for new leaders. This "brain-opening" product attracted everyone's attention once it was released.

Unlike other software companies, Beisen has transformed from a professional talent management technology company into an HR SaaS software company. It defines talents, identifies talents and develops talents. This set of talent management technologies is deeply embedded in Beisen's "gene". Beisen has also been looking for effective ways to integrate talent management technology with digital technology.

In the research on foreign generative AI applications, Beisen discovered that generative AI can play the role of consultant, which also provides new ideas for Beisen's innovation.

Under the traditional model, the development of personal leadership relies on the guidance of direct superiors or even senior executives. If higher-level managers do not have scientific and complete talent management experience, or cannot provide objective and impartial guidance to every employee, or even do not have the time and energy, it will be difficult for the company to continuously generate talents.

With a personal leadership coach, everything will be different. It is reported that Mr.Sen can communicate with managers and combine it with personal information data confirmed and authorized by users to provide more scientific feedback on personal performance feedback, self-insight and improvement, transition of new leaders, team management empowerment, etc. suggestions and plans.

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

【Picture 15】

Mr.Sen has the ability to coach others and communicate. As an AI robot coach, it is more objective and neutral. It can avoid unfair and unobjective problems in important occasions such as performance appraisals and personnel promotions. At the same time, it can accompany you at any time. The real-time coaching support that can be provided by personal AI coaches around you can also help stimulate employees' self-awareness, thereby improving their performance.

Mr.Sen, maybe it is a real product "designed for employees".

Start ecological strategy

Release three major plans to continue opening up the ecosystem

As integration continues to deepen, Beisen has become increasingly aware that people-related matters are very complex, and the solutions to many problems are beyond Beisen's main business channel. So, how to create a more complete integration scene and achieve truly smooth integration without breakpoints?

At the press conference, Beisen released an ecological strategy: embracing ecological partners and building an employee service system. Beisen's integrated HR SaaS will become the "black land" of ecological partners. Beisen and partners work together to integrate different scenarios, such as: recruitment, travel, training, back-up, benefits, electronic signatures, etc., to jointly create scenario-free interruptions for employees. Smooth service.

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

[Picture 16: Ling Xin, person in charge of Beisen Ecological Market]

In order to more broadly meet the rich HR business scenario needs of medium and large enterprises, Beisen launched the "HR Ecological Alliance" plan to develop 200 new ecological partners to jointly serve medium and large enterprises; it upgraded the "Sen Cloud Plan" to further open up Beisen The Luban PaaS platform empowers 1,000 companies with independent customization capabilities; it creates the "Beisen HeRo Plan" to target HRIS and HR groups and discover 10,000 user heroes.

Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen

【Picture 17】

In the future, Beisen will work with its partners to empower and serve the digital upgrading of human resources for enterprises in all scenarios.

At the end of the press conference, Beisen Ji Weiguo said: Beisen adheres to the strategy of focusing on "PaaS integration", designing it for employees, constantly developing and launching new products, creating a larger integrated HR SaaS, and creating greater business value for customers." .

This is just as predicted by the industry: after Beisen’s IPO, the moat continues to widen and the leading advantage continues to expand.

The above is the detailed content of Beisen iTalentX7.0, the first AI leadership coach Mr.Sen. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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