What is jquery drop-down list

Release: 2023-05-25 10:37:07
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jquery is a widely used JavaScript library used to simplify the interaction between HTML documents and dynamic web page events. jQuery provides a large number of features and plug-ins, including dropdown lists.

A drop-down list refers to an interface element where the user can select an option from a predefined list of options. It is usually displayed as a box. When the user clicks on the box, an options box pops up from which the user can select an option to replace the content in the box. With jquery, we can easily transform a basic drop-down list style into a more complex custom style.

In jquery, creating a drop-down list mainly involves two important elements. One is the HTML elements usually contain multiple

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In this example, the drop-down list has three options, namely "Option One", "Option Two" and "Option Three". When the user selects one of the options, the corresponding value (that is, the value of the value attribute) will be submitted to the server or used for JavaScript interaction.

However, this dropdown is very bland and we need to use jquery to improve its style and behavior. A simplest jquery drop-down list can be implemented with the following code:

$(document).ready(function() {
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In this example, we convert the HTML