For process/thread/Ctrip/asynchronous content, I have time to prepare and write it. I have been using for to loop so slowly that I doubt the scenarios that need to be used in life. There will be a lot, so I will summarize it in a little bit.
Let’s go to the code first and take a look at the content. Multi-threaded request interface
imoprt threading # 首先运用到threading模块 class BrushGifts: # 以下是两个相同的接口 send_gift_room_one()是送礼的接口 # 也就是说我想完成的状态是A送B B送A 两个用户同时想对方赠送礼物 def giftt(self, uid, recvUid, giftId): """ 送礼接口 :param uid: 送礼用户 :param recvUid: 收礼用户 :param giftId: 礼物道具id :return: """ VoiceRoom().send_gift_room_one(uid, recvUid, giftId) def giftt_a(self, uid, recvUid, giftId): # 与上面的接口相同 不多做叙述 # 没什么区别 就是写着好理解俩接口的概念 VoiceRoom().send_gift_room_one(recvUid, uid, giftId) if __name__ == '__main__': # 因为我的账号是储存在yaml文件内 所以需要先倒出需要用户的uid列表 # 送礼人与收礼人分别倒出 uid_list = YamlHandler(YamlThePath().voice_room_cpNew).get_uid_list(10) rUid_list = YamlHandler(YamlThePath().number_old).get_scope_uid(1500, 10) # 这里暂时先展示最简单的AB同时互送~ for (i, j) in zip(uid_list, rUid_list): # target内需要传入方法名 不要带()因为带括号就等于去调用了该方法 会直接开始执行 # args内传入输入带入的参数 可以按顺序来 也可以整理成元组或字典接收 t1 = threading.Thread(target=BrushGifts().giftt, args=(i, j, 51620)) # 两个threading.Thread就是我请求并发两个接口 t2 = threading.Thread(target=BrushGifts().giftt, args=(j, i, 51620)) # t1.start()为执行 t1.start() t2.start()
Main thread:
Main thread The concept is to execute the py file from scratch. When I finish executing the last line of code t2.start(), the main thread will enter the waiting state. The main thread will not end until the child thread ends.
The concept of sub-thread is that during the execution of the main thread, I executed it here. Of course, it is called through the t1.start() method
t1 = threading.Thread(target=BrushGifts().giftt, args=(i, j, 51620))
At this time The system will create another sub-thread to execute and call the BrushGifts().giftt method
The main thread will execute t1.start() and t2.start() but it will not wait for them. When the execution ends, the main thread will continue, so t1.start() and t2.start() are requested at the same time. The main thread will not end until both sub-processes t1.start() and t2.start() end. ~
Because the main thread executes t1.start() and t2.start() line by line and python cannot achieve concurrency in the exact sense, this method is not suitable if the data speed requirements are very high. Applicable
Function: used to repeatedly insert data
1. First download python and then enter python in cmd to determine whether the global installation is successful
2. Download PcIdea
3. Download the libraries you need
4. Check the request network
Press F12
Make a request to the interface
First verify the required header request header data
View text request
5. Give you a template and experience it slowly
import requests #导入requests包 import random import json import time # response = requests.get('') # print(response.status_code) # 打印状态码 # print(response.url) # 打印请求url # print(response.headers) # 打印头信息 # print(response.cookies) # 打印cookie信息 # print(response.text) #以文本形式打印网页源码 # print(response.content) #以字节流形式打印 # print(response.json()) AddCarURL = "http://localhost:10086/jeecg-boot/cable/insurance/add" AddCarCookies = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MjkwOTUyNzcsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW4ifQ.Kn1jB5gUkCdnszSVxnjVVKtRMbx_WJSVZW6G-yJaid8" randomStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST" randomInsurance = ["泰康人寿","阳光保险","新华保险","太平人寿","同方全球人寿","友邦保险"," 招商仁和","平安保险"] randomBox = ["石鲜仓储","明顺仓储","雄星仓储","金盛仓储","旺恒仓储","中豹仓储","飞翔仓储","速发仓储","春天仓储"] sess = requests.session() headers = { "X-Access-Token":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MjkxMDUyMjUsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW4ifQ.EUAjJYACel8QHFw4AFERIaDjXZJTwOOyp8uncqx3Jps", "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.19041", "Referer":"http://localhost:3000/cable/VehicleList", "Origin":"http://localhost:3000", "Host":"localhost:10086", "Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8" } a1=(2017,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) #设置开始日期时间元组(1976-01-01 00:00:00) a2=(2019,3,16,23,59,59,0,0,0) #设置结束日期时间元组(1990-12-31 23:59:59) a3=(2019,3,16,0,0,0,0,0,0) #设置开始日期时间元组(1976-01-01 00:00:00) a4=(2021,8,16,23,59,59,0,0,0) #设置结束日期时间元组(1990-12-31 23:59:59) start=time.mktime(a1) #生成开始时间戳 end=time.mktime(a2) #生成结束时间戳 start1=time.mktime(a3) #生成开始时间戳 end2=time.mktime(a4) #生成结束时间戳 # for i in range(10): # t=random.randint(start,end) #在开始和结束时间戳中随机取出一个 # date_touple=time.localtime(t) #将时间戳生成时间元组 # date=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d",date_touple) #将时间元组转成格式化字符串(1976-05-21) # # t1 = random.randint(start1,end2) # date_touplen=time.localtime(t1) #将时间戳生成时间元组 # dateOne=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d",date_touplen) #将时间元组转成格式化字符串(1976-05-21) # print(date + " " +dateOne) def addCar(num:int): # {"type": "2", "carryingCapacity": "3吨", "license": "粤A888", "engineNumber": "123456", "state": 0} # {"vehicleId": "2", "insuraName": "人寿保险", "insurancePolicy": "UY1254SD5492W", "insuranceDateBegin": "2021-08-16", # "insuranceDateEnd": "2021-08-31", "strongPolicy": "UY1254SD5492E", "strongDateBegin": "2021-07-01", # "strongDateEnd": "2021-08-28", "license": "2"} for i in range(num): t = random.randint(start, end) # 在开始和结束时间戳中随机取出一个 date_touple = time.localtime(t) # 将时间戳生成时间元组 date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", date_touple) # 将时间元组转成格式化字符串(1976-05-21) t1 = random.randint(start1, end2) date_touplen = time.localtime(t1) # 将时间戳生成时间元组 dateOne = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", date_touplen) # 将时间元组转成格式化字符串(1976-05-21) datas = {} datas["vehicleId"] = "2" datas["insuraName"] = random.choice(randomInsurance) datas["insurancePolicy"] = random.choice(randomStr) + str(random.randint(10000, 99999)) + random.choice(randomStr) + str(random.randint(10000, 99999)); datas["insuranceDateBegin"] = date datas["insuranceDateEnd"] = dateOne datas["strongPolicy"] = random.choice(randomStr) + str(random.randint(10000, 99999)) + random.choice(randomStr) + str(random.randint(10000, 99999)); datas["strongDateBegin"] = date datas["strongDateEnd"] = dateOne datas["license"] = i print(datas), data=json.dumps(datas), headers=headers) print(res.text) addCar(100)
Remember to pass token verification and convert the data to json.
The above is the detailed content of How to solve the problem of python multi-thread requesting multiple interfaces with parameters. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!