This article brings you relevant knowledge about java, which mainly organizes the use of Map interface and related questions about interview knowledge points, including the storage characteristics of Map interface, commonly used implementation classes, Let’s take a look at the creation methods, common methods, etc., I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
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Stored in the form of key (key) value (value) pairs
The keys are unordered, have no subscripts, and the elements cannot be repeated
The values are unordered, have no subscripts, and the elements can be repeated
Map<Generics of keys, generics of values> Collection name=new Implementation class name<Generics of keys, generics of values >();
tips: A key-value pair is an element
Value put(key, value)
: Add a key-value pair to the end of the collection
void clear()
: Clear the collection elements
boolean containsKey(key)
: Judge the collection Whether a certain key exists in the collection
boolean containsValue(value)
: Determine whether a certain value exists in the collection
Value get(key)
: Get the value corresponding to the key
##boolean isEmpty(): Determine whether the collection content is empty, cannot be compared null value
void putAll(Map collection name): Add the contents of the specified Map collection to the end of the current collection
Value remove(key): Remove the key-value pair corresponding to the key
: Get the collection key value Number of pairs
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//数字-String 1 - 一 1 - yi
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
map.put(1, "一");
map.put(111, "yiyiyi");
map.put(666, "liuliuliu");
map.put(111, "一一一");
//获取所有键 Set<键的泛型> set=集合名.keySet(); //遍历所有键 set.forEach( o-> //o就代表当前正在被遍历的键 //通过集合名.get(o)可以得到对应的值 );如: Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(123, "yiersan"); map.put(234, "ersansi"); map.put(456, "siwuliu"); map.put(999, "jiujiujiu"); Set<Integer> set=map.keySet(); set.forEach(o-> System.out.println("键:"+o+",值:"+map.get(o)));
Collection<值的泛型> coll = 集合名.values();coll.forEach(v-> v就代表当前的值);如: Collection<String> coll = map.values(); coll.forEach(v-> System.out.println(v));
//获取键值对对象集合 Set<Map.Entry<键的泛型,值的泛型>> set2=集合名.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry entry : set2) { //通过entry.getKey()获取键 //通过entry.getValue()获取值 }如: Set<Map.Entry<键的泛型,值的泛型>> set2=集合名.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry entry : set2) { System.out.println("键:"+entry.getKey()+",值:"+entry.getValue()) } System.out.println("lambda自遍历:"); set2.forEach(entry-> System.out.println("键:"+entry.getKey()+",值:"+entry.getValue()));
集合名.forEach(new BiConsumer<键的泛型, 值的泛型>() { @Override public void accept(键的泛型 i, 值的泛型 s) { //i代表键 //s代表值 } }); System.out.println("lambda简化自遍历:"); map.forEach((k,v)-> k代表键,v代表值);如: map.forEach(new BiConsumer<Integer, String>() { @Override public void accept(Integer i, String s) { System.out.println("键:"+i+",值:"+s); } }); System.out.println("lambda简化自遍历:"); map.forEach((k,v)-> System.out.println("键:"+k+",值:"+v));
Yes Store null values. The key can store 0-1 nulls, and the value can store 0-n nulls
Cannot sort null by default
Polymorphism is not recommended for creation
balanced binary tree way. The expansion length is the original length
*2, and the length of each expanded
array is 16
Why does Set or Map store values from small to large?
The red-black tree uses the binary search method, which is characterized by fast query efficiency
Red-black tree: Use the hash code value as the criterion. If the hash code value is larger than the current element, store it to the right. If the hash code value is smaller than the current element, store it to the left.
Binary search method: Characterized by locking half of the data at a time
When the length of a linked list in the hash table array reaches 8 When, it will reorganize the linked list elements and open the red-black tree
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The above is the detailed content of The use of Map interface in Java and summary of interview knowledge points. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!