In advanced browsers such as Firefox, chrome, opera, safari, ie9, ie8, etc., you can directly use the stringify() and parse() methods of the JSON object.
JSON.stringify(obj) converts JSON to string. JSON.parse(string) converts the string into JSON format;
var a={"name":"tom","sex":"男","age":"24"}; var aToStr = JSON.stringify(a); alert(aToStr); //结果:{"name":"tom","sex":"男","age":"24"}
Result: string
var b='{"name":"tom","sex":"男","age":"24"}'; var aToObj = JSON.parse(b); console.log(aToObj); //结果:Object {name: "tom", sex: "男", age: "24"}
Result: object
ie8 (compatibility mode), ie7 and ie6 do not have JSON objects, but provides a json.js, so ie8 (compatibility mode), ie7 and ie6 It can support JSON objects and their stringify() and parse() methods;
Now generally use json2.js, download address: Click here.
Adding it to the page can solve the problem that the lower version of IE does not have json objects.
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/json2.js"></script>
PS: JSON’s parse() and stringfy() methods
Function: Convert JSON string in JavaScript object representation to object (string to object)
Syntax: JSON.parse(text [, reviver])
text is required. A valid JSON string.
reviver Optional. A function that converts the result. This function will be called for each member of the object.
Return value: JSON object
var jsonStr = '{"name":"leinov","sex":"famle","address":"beijing"}' var jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonStr); alert(typeof jsonObj); //Object
Function: Convert JavaScript json object to JSON string in JavaScript object representation (object to string)
Syntax: JSON.stringify(value [, replacer] [, space]);
value required, usually an object or array
replacer function or array of optional conversion results
space optional. Add indentation, whitespace, and newlines to return value JSON text for easier reading.
If space is omitted, the return value text is generated without any extra whitespace.
If space is a number, the return value has the text indented by the specified number of spaces at each level. If space is greater than 10, the text is indented by 10 spaces.
If space is a non-empty string, such as " ", the return value text is indented with the characters of the string at each level.
If space is a string greater than 10 characters, use the first 10 characters.
Return value: text string contained in JSON.
var student = new Object(); = "leinov"; = "famle"; student.address = "chaoyang"; var jsonStudent = JSON.stringify(student); alert(typeof jsonStudent); //string