Recommended: ##uni-app development tutorial
laravel 5.7
jwt- auth 1.0.0
There is no difference from the general design table. If it is a multi-platform mini program , associate the federated table through account_id.CREATE TABLE `users` ( `u_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '账号id', `u_username` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '手机号隐藏 ', `u_nickname` varchar(15) NOT NULL COMMENT '分配用户名', `u_headimg` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '头像', `u_province` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `u_city` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `u_platform` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT '平台:小程序wx,bd等', `u_mobile` char(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '手机号必须授权', `u_openid` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'openid', `u_regtime` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '注册时间', `u_login_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后登陆时间', `u_status` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '0禁用1正常', `account_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '平台联合id', PRIMARY KEY (`u_id`), KEY `platform` (`u_platform`,`u_mobile`) USING BTREE) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;Copy after login
luch-request supports dynamic modification of configuration and interceptors , can be found in the uni-app plug-in market.
request.js does not need to be changed. Custom logic is in index.js.
import Request from './request';import jwt from '@/utils/auth/jwt.js'; // jwt 管理 见下文const http = new Request();const baseUrl = 'http://xxx'; // api 地址var platform = ''; // 登陆时需知道来自哪个平台的小程序用户// #ifdef MP-BAIDUplatform = 'MP-BAIDU';// #endif/* 设置全局配置 */http.setConfig((config) => { config.baseUrl = baseUrl; //设置 api 地址 config.header = { ...config.header } return config})/* 请求之前拦截器 */http.interceptor.request((config, cancel) => { if (!platform) {cancel('缺少平台参数');} config.header = { ...config.header, platform:platform } if (config.custom.auth) { // 需要权限认证的路由 需携带自定义参数 {custom: {auth: true}} config.header.Authorization = jwt.getAccessToken(); } return config})http.interceptor.response(async (response) => { /* 请求之后拦截器 */ console.log(response); // 如果是需要权限认证的路由 if(response.config.custom.auth){ if( == 4011){ // 刷新 token jwt.setAccessToken(; // 携带新 token 重新请求 let repeatRes = await http.request(response.config); if ( repeatRes ) { response = repeatRes; } } } return response}, (response) => { // 请求错误做点什么 if(response.statusCode == 401){ getApp().globalData.isLogin = false; uni.showToast({icon:'none',duration:2000,title: "请登录"}) }else if(response.statusCode == 403){ uni.showToast({ title: "您没有权限进行此项操作,请联系客服。", icon: "none" }); } return response})export { http}
Global mount
import Vue from 'vue'import App from './App'import { http } from '@/utils/luch/index.js' //这里Vue.prototype.$http = http Vue.config.productionTip = falseApp.mpType = 'app'const app = new Vue({ ...App})app.$mount()
Due to space reasons, the complete code is not posted and the others are not used. For example, uni.checkSession(), because jwt is used to take over the login state of the applet, this method is not currently used.// #ifndef H5const loginCode = provider => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { uni.login({ provider: provider, success: function(loginRes) { if (loginRes && loginRes.code) { resolve(loginRes.code) } else { reject("获取code失败") } }, fail:function(){ reject("获取code失败")} }); })}// #endifexport { loginCode //登录获取code}Copy after login
Specializes in managing access_token, not much code, and also puts userinfo management in it.const tokenKey = 'accessToken';//键值const userKey = 'user'; // 用户信息// tokenconst getAccessToken = function(){ let token=''; try {token = 'Bearer '+ uni.getStorageSync(tokenKey);} catch (e) {} return token;}const setAccessToken = (access_token) => { try {uni.setStorageSync(tokenKey, access_token);return true;} catch (e) {return false;}}const clearAccessToken = function(){ try {uni.removeStorageSync(tokenKey);} catch (e) {}}// userinfoconst setUser = (user)=>{ try {uni.setStorageSync(userKey, user);return true;} catch (e) {return false;}}const getUser = function(){ try {return uni.getStorageSync(userKey)} catch (e) {return false;}}const clearUser = function(){ try {uni.removeStorageSync(userKey)} catch (e) {}}export default { getAccessToken,setAccessToken,clearAccessToken,getUser,setUser,clearUser}Copy after login
Only handles login, why put it in a separate file, nothing else, because it is used everywhereimport {loginCode} from '@/utils/auth/authorize.js';import jwt from '@/utils/auth/jwt.js';import {http} from '@/utils/luch/index.js';const login=function(detail){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { loginCode().then(code=>{ detail.code = code; return'/v1/auth/login',detail); }) .then(res=>{ jwt.setAccessToken(; jwt.setUser(; getApp().globalData.isLogin = true; resolve(; }) .catch(err=>{ reject('登陆失败') }) })}export default {login}Copy after login
Here is a little bit about jwt-auth. 1. When a token expires and the token is refreshed, the original token will be listed in the "blacklist" and become invalid. In fact, jwt-auth also maintains a file to store the blacklist, and invalid tokens will be cleared only when the refresh time limit is reached. For example, the expiration time is 10 minutes, and the refresh limit is one month. During this period, a large number of blacklists will be generated, which will affect performance, so try to adjust as much as possible. For example, the expiration time is 60 minutes, the refresh limit is two weeks, or the expiration time is one week, and the refresh limit is No problem for a month. 2. Regarding the painless refresh solution, when the token expires, the front end I use makes two requests to complete the refresh, of which the user is unaware. There is a solution on the Internet that directly requests automatic refresh and login, but I did not use it. As for why, I don’t know. I can't understand anything else. However, I have compiled various jwt exceptions, and students can customize them if needed. TokenExpiredException expires, TokenInvalidException cannot parse the token, UnauthorizedHttpException does not carry the token, JWTException the token is invalid or the refresh limit is reached or jwt internal error.<?phpnamespace App\Http\Middleware;use App\Library\Y;use Closure;use Exception;use Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\JWTException;use Tymon\JWTAuth\Http\Middleware\BaseMiddleware;use Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\TokenExpiredException;class ApiAuth extends BaseMiddleware{ public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = 'api') { // 在排除名单中 比如登录 if($request->is(...$this->except)){ return $next($request); } try { $this->checkForToken($request);// 是否携带令牌 if ( $this->auth->parseToken()->authenticate() ) { return $next($request); //验证通过 } }catch(Exception $e){ // 如果token 过期 if ($e instanceof TokenExpiredException) { try{ // 尝试刷新 如果成功 返给前端 关于前端如何处理的 看前边 index.js $token = $this->auth->refresh(); return Y::json(4011, $e->getMessage(),['access_token'=>$token]); }catch(JWTException $e){ // 达到刷新时间上限 return Y::json(401, $e->getMessage()); } }else{ // 其他各种 直接返回 401 状态码 不再细分 return Y::json(401, $e->getMessage()); } } } protected $except = [ 'v1/auth/login', ];}Copy after login
The author thinks that this kind of refresh is very difficult to maintain. It is better to use a one-time token directly. It is better to log in again after expiration. It depends on whether the mini program or website requires strong security. Generally, high security is not required. It is better to use a one-time token for https request. The middleware here only needs auth()->check(), true means logged in status, false means not logged in.
<template> <view> <button>获取手机号</button> <button>获取用户数据</button> <button>清除用户数据</button> </view></template><script> import auth from '@/utils/auth/auth.js'; import jwt from '@/utils/auth/jwt.js'; var _self; export default{ data() {return {}}, onLoad(option) {}, onShow(){}, methods: { decryptPhoneNumber: function(e){ // console.log(e.detail); if( e.detail.errMsg == "getPhoneNumber:ok" ){ //成功 auth.login(e.detail); } }, me: function(){ this.$http.get('/v1/auth/me',{custom: {auth: true}}).then(res=>{ console.log(res,'success') }).catch(err=>{ console.log(err,'error60') }) }, clear: function(){ jwt.clearAccessToken(); jwt.clearUser(); uni.showToast({ icon: 'success', title: '清除成功', duration:2000, }); } }, components: {} }</script><style></style>
// 登陆 public function login(Request $request) { $platform = $request->header('platform'); if(!$platform || !in_array($platform,User::$platforms)){ return Y::json(1001, '不支持的平台类型'); } $post = $request->only(['encryptedData', 'iv', 'code']); $validator = Validator::make($post, [ 'encryptedData' => 'required', 'iv' => 'required', 'code' => 'required' ]); if ($validator->fails()) {return Y::json(1002,'非法请求');} switch ($platform) { case 'MP-BAIDU': $decryption = (new BdDataDecrypt())->decrypt($post['encryptedData'],$post['iv'],$post['code']); break; default: $decryption = false; break; } // var_dump($decryption); if($decryption !== false){ $user = User::where('u_platform',$platform)->where('u_mobile',$decryption['mobile'])->first(); if($user){ $user->u_login_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()); $user->save(); }else{ $user = User::create([ 'u_username'=> substr_replace($decryption['mobile'],'******',3,6), 'u_nickname'=> User::crateNickName(), 'u_platform'=> $platform, 'u_mobile' => $decryption['mobile'], 'u_openid' => $decryption['openid'], 'u_regtime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()) ]); } $token = auth()->login($user); return Y::json( array_merge( $this->respondWithToken($token), ['user'=>['nickName'=>$user->u_nickname]] ) ); } return Y::json(1003,'登录失败'); } // 返回 token protected function respondWithToken($token) { return ['access_token' => $token]; }
Mobile phone number decryption
<?phpnamespace App\Library;use App\Library\Y;class BdDataDecrypt{ private $_appid; private $_app_key; private $_secret; private $_session_key; public function __construct() { $this->_appid = env('BD_APPID'); $this->_app_key = env('BAIDU_KEY'); $this->_secret = env('BD_SECRET'); } public function decrypt($encryptedData, $iv, $code){ $res = $this->getSessionKey($code); if($res === false){return false;} $data['openid'] = $res['openid']; $res = $this->handle($encryptedData,$iv,$this->_app_key,$res['session_key']); if($res === false){return false;} $res = json_decode($res,true); $data['mobile'] = $res['mobile']; return $data; } public function getSessionKey($code) { $params['code'] = $code; $params['client_id'] = $this->_app_key; $params['sk'] = $this->_secret; $res = Y::curl("",$params,0,1); // var_dump($res); /** * 错误返回 * array(3) { ["errno"]=> int(1104) ["error"]=> string(33) "invalid code , expired or revoked" ["error_description"]=> string(33) "invalid code , expired or revoked" } 成功返回: array(2) { ["openid"]=> string(26) "z45QjEfvkUJFwYlVcpjwST5G8w" ["session_key"]=> string(32) "51b9297ababbcf43c1a099256bf82d75" } */ if( isset($res['error']) ){ return false; } return $res; } /** * 官方 demo * return string(24) "{"mobile":"18288881111"}" or false */ private function handle($ciphertext, $iv, $app_key, $session_key) { $session_key = base64_decode($session_key); $iv = base64_decode($iv); $ciphertext = base64_decode($ciphertext); $plaintext = false; if (function_exists("openssl_decrypt")) { $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, "AES-192-CBC", $session_key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv); } else { $td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, null, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, null); mcrypt_generic_init($td, $session_key, $iv); $plaintext = mdecrypt_generic($td, $ciphertext); mcrypt_generic_deinit($td); mcrypt_module_close($td); } if ($plaintext == false) { return false; } // trim pkcs#7 padding $pad = ord(substr($plaintext, -1)); $pad = ($pad 32) ? 0 : $pad; $plaintext = substr($plaintext, 0, strlen($plaintext) - $pad); $plaintext = substr($plaintext, 16); $unpack = unpack("Nlen/", substr($plaintext, 0, 4)); $content = substr($plaintext, 4, $unpack['len']); $app_key_decode = substr($plaintext, $unpack['len'] + 4); return $app_key == $app_key_decode ? $content : false; }}
Another way of thinking is that after the backend attempts to refresh successfully, it will automatically log in for the current user and return the new token in the header. The frontend is only responsible for storage.
其实思路也很简单,非前后端分离怎么做的,前后端分离就怎么做,原理一样。非前后端分离,在每次请求时都会读取 session ,那么前后端分离,更好一些,有些公开请求不走中间件,也就无需判断登陆态,只有在需要权限认证的页面,在页面初始化时发出一次请求走中间件,以此判断登陆状态。
import jwt from '@/utils/auth/jwt.js';Vue.prototype.checkLogin = function(){ var TOKEN = jwt.getAccessToken(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(TOKEN){ http.get('/v1/auth/check',{custom: {auth: true}}).then(res=>{ // 通过中间件 一定是登陆态 resolve(true); }).catch(err=>{ resolve(false); console.log(err) // 这里是401 403 后端500错误或者网络不好 }) }else{ resolve(false) //没有token 一定是未登陆 } })}
<script> export default { data() { return { isLogin:null } }, onLoad() { this.checkLogin().then(loginStatus=>{ this.isLogin = loginStatus; }); }, methods: { }, components: {} }</script>
The above is the detailed content of uni-app applet Laravel+jwt authority authentication series. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!