What should I do if phpcms v9 cannot be installed?
Causes of PHP website installation errors, reasons and solutions for PHPCMS_V9 installation errors
Some PHP installations have table prefixes with special symbols that cause the installation to fail Problem, for example, some table prefixes with a "_" symbol are easy to cause installation errors. For example, PHPCS_V9 is like this. The default data table prefix is phpcms_v9, so an error will be reported when installing data. You can change it to phpcmsv9 and remove the _. , at the same time, please note that the table prefix should not contain capital letters or Chinese characters or special symbols, etc.
When installing PHPCMS like this, the error message is as follows:
MySQL Query : INSERT INTO `phpcms_v9_v9_module` (`module`, `name`, `url`, `iscore`, `version`, `description`, `setting`, `listorder`, `disabled`, `installdate`, `updatedate`) VALUES ('announce', '公告', 'announce/', 0, '1.0', '公告', '', 0, 0, '2012-11-29', '2012-11-29'); MySQL Error : Table '*****.phpcms_v9_v9_module' doesn't exist MySQL Errno : 1146 Message : Table '*****.phpcms_v9_v9_module' doesn't exist
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The above is the detailed content of What to do if phpcms v9 cannot be installed. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!