PHP hook mechanism principle and detailed explanation

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PHP hook mechanism principle and detailed explanation

What is a hook?

You must have heard of plug-ins. There are many WordPress plug-ins. This is implemented using the hook mechanism.

When the code is running, we execute some special methods in advance at several special points of the operation: for example, recording input parameters and running methods before running methods (such as the add method of Blog::add) After that, the processing results are recorded. Before and after the running method, there is a simple hook (mount point). We place the hook function on this hook (record the input parameters and record the processing results) to perform some tasks that are not related to the running of the program. .

class Blog extends Controller{
    public function add(){
        //some code
        $res = $data;
        return $res;
$obj = new Blog();
$res =  $obj->add();
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If an OnBeforeRunActionCallback() method is placed before running the method, this method may be empty at the beginning, but we can directly use OnBeforeRunActionCallback() without modifying the original code in the future. Just add code logic inside, such as logging, parameter filtering, etc.

class Blog extends Controller{
    public function add(){
        //some code
        $res = $data;
        return $res;
$obj = new Blog();
function OnBeforeRunActionCallback($param){
function OnAfterRunActionCallback($res){
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In the project code, place a hook function where you think it needs to be extended (not extended yet). When it needs to be extended, mount the classes and functions that need to be implemented to this hook. The implementation has been expanded.


The actual hook is generally designed as a class Hook, which provides registration plug-ins to the hook (add_hook) and triggers the hook method (trigger_hook). When registering a plug-in, store the executable method to be run by the plug-in into the array corresponding to the hook.

$_listeners = array(
    &#39;OnBeforeRunAction&#39; => array(
add_hook(&#39;OnBeforeRunAction&#39;, &#39;callback4&#39;);
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When the hook is triggered, the callback methods registered in OnBeforeRunAction will be traversed and the corresponding callback methods will be executed to implement dynamic expansion functions. The registered hook method is generally an anonymous function:

function trigger_hook($hook, $data=&#39;&#39;){
    if (isset($this->_listeners[$hook]) && is_array($this->_listeners[$hook]) && count($this->_listeners[$hook]) > 0)
        // 循环调用开始
        foreach ($this->_listeners[$hook] as $listener)
                call_user_func($listener, $data);
                // 取出插件对象的引用和方法
                $class =& $listener[0];
                $method = $listener[1];
                    // 动态调用插件的方法
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How to implement it?


1. Plug-in class Hook: Provides methods for registering plug-ins and executing plug-ins. It actually stores the corresponding mount points in an array. Executable methods.

2. Register plug-ins uniformly in a certain configuration file or function.

class Hook
    //action hooks array  
    private static $actions = array();
     * ads a function to an action hook
     * @param $hook
     * @param $function
    public static function add_action($hook,$function)
        // create an array of function handlers if it doesn&#39;t already exist
            self::$actions[$hook] = array();
        // append the current function to the list of function handlers
        if (is_callable($function))
            self::$actions[$hook][] = $function;
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE ;
     * executes the functions for the given hook
     * @param string $hook
     * @param array $params
     * @return boolean true if a hook was setted
    public static function do_action($hook,$params=NULL)
            // call each function handler associated with this hook
            foreach(self::$actions[$hook] as $function)
                if (is_array($params))
                //cant return anything since we are in a loop! dude!
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
     * gets the functions for the given hook
     * @param string $hook
     * @return mixed
    public static function get_action($hook)
        return (isset(self::$actions[$hook]))? self::$actions[$hook]:FALSE;
     * check exists the functions for the given hook
     * @param string $hook
     * @return boolean
    public static function exists_action($hook)
        return (isset(self::$actions[$hook]))? TRUE:FALSE;
     * Hooks Shortcuts not in class
    function add_action($hook,$function)
        return Hook::add_action($hook,$function);
    function do_action($hook)
        return Hook::do_action($hook);
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Usage example:

do_action(&#39;unique_name_hook&#39;);//也可以使用 Hook::do_action();
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With installation/uninstallation

When the hook class is initialized, register the plug-in that has been opened (such as database records) ;Set the mount point when the global situation is appropriate; trigger the mount point registration event when the operation is appropriate.

1. Plug-in class Hook: Provides methods for registering plug-ins and executing plug-ins. It actually stores the executable method corresponding to the mount point in an array.

2. Add an initialization method to the plug-in class to search for installed plug-ins, run the registration method (reg) that must be executed by the plug-in, and register the plug-in method to register the hook to the mount point.

3. Always place the plug-in in a certain directory and write the configuration file according to certain specifications. There is a plug-in list page in the background, which traverses the plug-ins in the specified directory. When installing, the plug-in information is recorded in the database, and when uninstalled, the database record information is deleted.

 * @file plugin.php
 * @brief 插件核心类
 * @note 观察者模式,注册事件,触发事件
class plugin extends IInterceptorBase
    private static $defaultList = array("_verification","_goodsCategoryWidget","_authorization","_userInfo","_initData");
    private static $_listen = array();
    public static function init()
        $pluginDB    = new IModel(&#39;plugin&#39;);
        $pluginList  = $pluginDB->query("is_open = 1","class_name","sort asc");
        foreach(self::$defaultList as $val)
            $pluginList[]= array(&#39;class_name&#39; => $val);
        foreach($pluginList as $key => $val)
            $className = $val[&#39;class_name&#39;];
            $classFile = self::path().$className."/".$className.".php";
                $pluginObj = new $className();
     * @brief 注册事件
     * @param string $event 事件
     * @param object ro function $classObj 类实例 或者 匿名函数
     * @param string $method 方法名字
    public static function reg($event,$classObj,$method = "")
            self::$_listen[$event] = array();
        self::$_listen[$event][] = array($classObj,$method);
     * @brief 显示已注册事件
     * @param string $event 事件名称
     * @return array
    public static function get($event = &#39;&#39;)
            if( isset(self::$_listen[$event]) )
                return self::$_listen[$event];
            return null;
        return self::$_listen;
     * @brief 触发事件
     * @param string $event 事件
     * @param mixed  $data  数据
     * @notice 可以调用匿名函数和方法
    public static function trigger($event,$data = null)
        $result = array();
            foreach(self::$_listen[$event] as $key => $val)
                list($pluginObj,$pluginMethod) = $val;
                $result[$key] = is_callable($pluginObj) ? call_user_func($pluginObj,$data):call_user_func(array($pluginObj,$pluginMethod),$data);
        return isset($result[1]) ? $result : current($result);
     * @brief 插件物理路径
     * @return string 路径字符串
    public static function path()
        return IWeb::$app->getBasePath()."plugins/";
     * @brief 插件WEB路径
     * @return string 路径字符串
    public static function webPath()
        return IUrl::creatUrl(&#39;&#39;)."plugins/";
     * @brief 获取全部插件
     * @param string $name 插件名字,如果为空则获取全部插件信息
     * @return array 插件信息 array(
        "name"        => 插件名字,
        "description" => 插件描述,
        "explain"     => 使用说明,
        "class_name"  => 插件ID,
        "is_open"     => 是否开启,
        "is_install"  => 是否安装,
        "config_name" => 默认插件参数结构,
        "config_param"=> 已经保存的插件参数,
        "sort"        => 排序,
    public static function getItems($name = &#39;&#39;)
        $result = array();
        $dirRes = opendir(self::path());
        $pluginDB = new IModel(&#39;plugin&#39;);
        while($dir = readdir($dirRes))
            if($dir[0] == "." || $dir[0] == "_")
            if($name && $result)
            if($name && $dir != $name)
            $pluginIndex = self::path().$dir."/".$dir.".php";
                if(get_parent_class($dir) == "pluginBase")
                    $class_name   = $dir;
                    $pluginRow    = $pluginDB->getObj(&#39;class_name = "&#39;.$class_name.&#39;"&#39;);
                    $is_open      = $pluginRow ? $pluginRow[&#39;is_open&#39;] : 0;
                    $is_install   = $pluginRow ? 1                     : 0;
                    $sort         = $pluginRow ? $pluginRow[&#39;sort&#39;]    : 99;
                    $config_param = array();
                    if($pluginRow && $pluginRow[&#39;config_param&#39;])
                        $config_param = JSON::decode($pluginRow[&#39;config_param&#39;]);
                    $result[$dir] = array(
                        "name"        => $class_name::name(),
                        "description" => $class_name::description(),
                        "explain"     => $class_name::explain(),
                        "class_name"  => $class_name,
                        "is_open"     => $is_open,
                        "is_install"  => $is_install,
                        "config_name" => $class_name::configName(),
                        "config_param"=> $config_param,
                        "sort"        => $sort,
            return $result;
        return isset($result[$name]) ? $result[$name] : array();
     * @brief 系统内置的所有事件触发
    public static function onCreateApp(){plugin::init();plugin::trigger("onCreateApp");}
    public static function onFinishApp(){plugin::trigger("onFinishApp");}
    public static function onBeforeCreateController($ctrlId){plugin::trigger("onBeforeCreateController",$ctrlId);plugin::trigger("onBeforeCreateController@".$ctrlId);}
    public static function onCreateController($ctrlObj){plugin::trigger("onCreateController");plugin::trigger("onCreateController@".$ctrlObj->getId());}
    public static function onFinishController($ctrlObj){plugin::trigger("onFinishController");plugin::trigger("onFinishController@".$ctrlObj->getId());}
    public static function onBeforeCreateAction($ctrlObj,$actionId){plugin::trigger("onBeforeCreateAction",$actionId);plugin::trigger("onBeforeCreateAction@".$ctrlObj->getId());plugin::trigger("onBeforeCreateAction@".$ctrlObj->getId()."@".$actionId);}
    public static function onCreateAction($ctrlObj,$actionObj){plugin::trigger("onCreateAction");plugin::trigger("onCreateAction@".$ctrlObj->getId());plugin::trigger("onCreateAction@".$ctrlObj->getId()."@".$actionObj->getId());}
    public static function onFinishAction($ctrlObj,$actionObj){plugin::trigger("onFinishAction");plugin::trigger("onFinishAction@".$ctrlObj->getId());plugin::trigger("onFinishAction@".$ctrlObj->getId()."@".$actionObj->getId());}
    public static function onCreateView($ctrlObj,$actionObj){plugin::trigger("onCreateView");plugin::trigger("onCreateView@".$ctrlObj->getId());plugin::trigger("onCreateView@".$ctrlObj->getId()."@".$actionObj->getId());}
    public static function onFinishView($ctrlObj,$actionObj){plugin::trigger("onFinishView");plugin::trigger("onFinishView@".$ctrlObj->getId());plugin::trigger("onFinishView@".$ctrlObj->getId()."@".$actionObj->getId());}
    public static function onPhpShutDown(){plugin::trigger("onPhpShutDown");}
 * @brief 插件基类,所有插件必须继承此类
 * @notice 必须实现3个抽象方法: reg(),name(),description()
abstract class pluginBase extends IInterceptorBase
    protected $error = array();
    public function reg(){}
     * @brief 默认插件参数信息,写入到plugin表config_param字段
     * @return array("字段名" => array(
         "name"    => "文字显示",
         "type"    => "数据类型【text,radio,checkbox,select】",
         "pattern" => "数据校验【int,float,date,datetime,require,正则表达式】",
         "value"   => "1,数组:枚举数据【radio,checkbox,select】的预设值,array(名字=>数据); 2,字符串:【text】默认数据",
    public static function configName()
        return array();
     * @brief 插件安装
     * @return boolean
    public static function install()
        return true;
     * @brief 插件卸载
     * @return boolean
    public static function uninstall()
        return true;
     * @brief 插件名字
     * @return string
    public static function name()
        return "插件名称";
     * @brief 插件功能描述
     * @return string
    public static function description()
        return "插件描述";
     * @brief 插件使用说明
     * @return string
    public static function explain()
        return "";
     * @brief 获取DB中录入的配置参数
     * @return array
    public function config()
        $className= get_class($this);
        $pluginDB = new IModel(&#39;plugin&#39;);
        $dataRow  = $pluginDB->getObj(&#39;class_name = "&#39;.$className.&#39;"&#39;);
        if($dataRow && $dataRow[&#39;config_param&#39;])
            return JSON::decode($dataRow[&#39;config_param&#39;]);
        return array();
     * @brief 返回错误信息
     * @return array
    public function getError()
        return $this->error ? join("\r\n",$this->error) : "";
     * @brief 写入错误信息
     * @return array
    public function setError($error)
        $this->error[] = $error;
     * @brief 插件视图渲染有布局
     * @param string $view 视图名字
     * @param array  $data 视图里面的数据
    public function redirect($view,$data = array())
        if($data === true)
            $__className      = get_class($this);
            $__pluginViewPath = plugin::path().$__className."/".$view;
            $result = self::controller()->render($__pluginViewPath,$data);
            if($result === false)
     * @brief 插件视图渲染去掉布局
     * @param string $view 视图名字
     * @param array  $data 视图里面的数据
    public function view($view,$data = array())
        self::controller()->layout = "";
     * @brief 插件物理目录
     * @param string 插件路径地址
    public function path()
        return plugin::path().get_class($this)."/";
     * @brief 插件WEB目录
     * @param string 插件路径地址
    public function webPath()
        return plugin::webPath().get_class($this)."/";
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