Home Web Front-end JS Tutorial Vue.js+Flask makes mobile app

Vue.js+Flask makes mobile app

Jun 14, 2018 pm 02:56 PM
vue.js Single Page

This time I will bring you Vue.js Flask to make a mobile app. What are the precautions for making a mobile app with Vue.js Flask? The following is a practical case, let’s take a look.

Generally speaking, if you just want to use the vue.js library through Flask templates, there is no problem. However, there is actually an obvious problem that Jinja (template engine) also uses double braces for rendering like Vue.js, but it is only a passable solution.

I would like a different example. If I need to build a single-page application (the application is composed of a single page, vue-router in HTML5's History-mode and other more useful features) using vue.js, provided by Flask Web Serve? Simply put it should be like this, like this:

Flask serves index.html which contains my vue.js App. For front-end development I use Webpack, which provides all the cool features.

Flask has an API side that I can access from my SPA.

I have access to the API side, even when I'm running Node.js for front-end development.

Sounds interesting? So let's do it like this.

Complete source code, you can find it here: https://github.com/oleg-agapov/flask-vue-spa


I will use Vue CLI to generate a basic vue.js App. If you haven't installed it yet, run:

$ npm install -g vue-cli
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The client and backend code will be split into different folders. Initialize the front-end part to run the trace:

$ mkdir flaskvue
$ cd flaskvue
$ vue init webpack frontend
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Via the installation wizard. My setup is:

Vue only builds at runtime.

Install Vue-router.

Use ESLint to check the code.

Select an ESLint standard preset.

Do not try out Karma Mocha for unit testing.

Do not use Nightwatch to build end-to-end tests.

ok, next:

$ cd frontend
$ npm install
# after installation
$ npm run dev
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Now you can start installing the


application. Let's start by adding some pages. Add


and about.vue to the frontend/src/components folder. They are very simple, like this:

// Home.vue
<p>Home page</p>
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// About.vue
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We will use them to correctly identify our current location (according to the address bar). Now we need to change the


file to use our new component:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
const routerOptions = [
{ path: '/', component: 'Home' },
{ path: '/about', component: 'About' }
const routes = routerOptions.map(route => {
return {
component: () => import(`@/components/${route.component}.vue`)
export default new Router({
mode: 'history'
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If you try typing


and localhost:8080/about , you should see the corresponding page.

We are almost ready to build a project and are able to create a static resource file bundle. Before that, let's redefine the output directories for them. Find the next settings in



index: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/index.html'),
assetsRoot: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist'),
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Change them to

index: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../dist/index.html'),
assetsRoot: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../dist'),
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so the HTML, CSS, and JS of the /dist folder will be in Same level directory/frontend. Now you can run

$ npm run build

to create a package.


For the Flask server, I will be using Python version 3.6. Create a new subfolder in


to store the backend code and initialize the virtual environment:

$ mkdir backend
$ cd backend
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
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To run in a virtual environment (MacOS):

$ source venv/bin/activate
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on Windows This documentation needs to be activated (http://pymote.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/windows_virtualenv.html).

Installation in a virtual environment:

(venv) pip install Flask
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Now let us write code for the Flask server. Create the root directory file run.py:

(venv) cd ..
(venv) touch run.py
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Add the next code to this file:

from flask import Flask, render_template
app = Flask(__name__,
static_folder = "./dist/static",
template_folder = "./dist")
def index():
return render_template("index.html")
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This code is slightly different from Flask's **"Hello World"** code. The main difference is that we specify the location to store static files and templates in the folder


to distinguish them from our front-end folder. Run the Flask server in the root folder:

(venv) FLASK_APP=run.py FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run
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这将启动本地主机上的Web服务器: localhost:5000 上的 FLASK_APP 服务器端的启动文件, flask_debug = 1 将运行在调试模式。如果一切正确,你会看到熟悉的主页,你已经完成了对Vue的设置。


@app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''})
def catch_all(path):
return render_template("index.html")
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现在输入网址localhost:5000/about 将重新定向到index.html和vue-router将处理路由。




const routerOptions = [
{ path: '/', component: 'Home' },
{ path: '/about', component: 'About' },
{ path: '*', component: 'NotFound' }
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这里的路径'*'是一个通配符, Vue-router 就知道除了我们上面定义的所有其他任何路径。现在我们需要更多的创造 NotFound.vue 文件在**/components**目录。试一下很简单:

// NotFound.vue
<p>404 - Not Found</p>
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现在运行的前端服务器再次 npm run dev ,尝试进入一些毫无意义的地址例如: localhost:8080/gljhewrgoh 。您应该看到我们的“未找到”消息。


我们的 vue.js/flask 教程的最后一个例子将是服务器端API创建和调度客户端。我们将创建一个简单的Api,它将从1到100返回一个随机数。


from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify
from random import *
app = Flask(__name__,
static_folder = "./dist/static",
template_folder = "./dist")
def random_number():
response = {
'randomNumber': randint(1, 100)
return jsonify(response)
@app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''})
def catch_all(path):
return render_template("index.html")
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首先我导入random库和jsonify函数从Flask库中。然后我添加了新的路由 /api/random 来返回像这样的JSON:

"randomNumber": 36
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你可以通过本地浏览测试这个路径: localhost:5000/api/random。


<p>Home page</p>
<p>Random number from backend: {{ randomNumber }}</p>
<button @click="getRandom">New random number</button>
export default {
data () {
return {
randomNumber: 0
methods: {
getRandomInt (min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min)
max = Math.floor(max)
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min
getRandom () {
this.randomNumber = this.getRandomInt(1, 100)
created () {
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  1. 在初始化变量 randomNumber 等于0。

  2. 在methods部分我们通过 getRandomInt(min, max) 功能来从指定的范围内返回一个随机数, getrandom 函数将生成随机数并将赋值给 randomNumber

  3. 组件方法 getrandom 创建后将会被调用来初始化随机数

  4. 在按钮的单击事件我们将用 getrandom 方法得到新的随机数


为此目的,我将用 axios 库。它允许我们用响应HTTP请求并用 Json 返回 JavaScript Promise 。我们安装下它:

(venv) cd frontend
(venv) npm install --save axios
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打开 home.vue 再在 <script> 部分添加一些变化:

import axios from 'axios'
methods: {
getRandom () {
// this.randomNumber = this.getRandomInt(1, 100)
this.randomNumber = this.getRandomFromBackend()
getRandomFromBackend () {
const path = `http://localhost:5000/api/random`
.then(response =&gt; {
this.randomNumber = response.data.randomNumber
.catch(error =&gt; {
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在顶部,我们需要引用Axios库。然后有一个新的方法 getrandomfrombackend 将使用Axios异步调用API和检索结果。最后, getrandom 方法现在应该使用 getrandomfrombackend 函数得到一个随机值。

保存文件,到浏览器,运行一个开发服务器再次刷新 localhost:8080 。你应该看到控制台错误没有随机值。但别担心,一切都正常。我们得到了 CORS 的错误意味着Flask服务器API默认会关闭其他Web服务器(在我们这里,vue.js App是在 Node.js服务器上运行的应用程序)。如果你 npm run build 项目,那在 localhost:5000 (如Flask服务器)你会看到App在工作的。但是,每次对客户端应用程序进行一些更改时,都创建一个包并不十分方便。


(venv) pip install -U flask-cors
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你可以阅读文档,更好的解释你要使你的服务器怎么样使用CORS。我将使用特定的方法,并将**{“origins”: “*”}**应用于所有/api/*路由(这样每个人都可以使用我的API端)。在run.py加上:

from flask_cors import CORS
app = Flask(__name__,
static_folder = "./dist/static",
template_folder = "./dist")
cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}})
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事实上,如果你想通过Flask提供静态文件不需要CORS。感谢Carson Gee的下面的这一招。


import requests
@app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''})
def catch_all(path):
if app.debug:
return requests.get('http://localhost:8080/{}'.format(path)).text
return render_template("index.html")
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现在有了一个完整的全栈**(full-stack) 应用程序,用您最喜爱 Vue.js Flask**技术构建。












The above is the detailed content of Vue.js+Flask makes mobile app. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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