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PHP Memcache and Memcached

Release: 2023-03-23 06:00:01
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This article introduces Memcache and Memcached in PHP. Friends who are interested can take a look

**Memcache introduction:**Memcache is a distributed cache system. Distributed is It is said that the Memcache service can be installed on multiple servers at the same time, so that a good cluster effect can be achieved. High speed is because Memcache data is maintained in memory, and its reading speed is much faster than the reading speed of data stored in the hard disk.
Function:When our application traffic is relatively large, the pressure on the database will be particularly high. Memcache can add a buffer layer between the application and the database, which is what we have already obtained from the database before. When we read the data for the second time or next time, we can directly access Memcache to read the data, thereby reducing the pressure on databases such as Mysql.
How to manage Memcache:In fact, it can be understood that it is a database with only one table. This table has two fields, namely key and value. Value is the saved data, and key is the ID of the data, which is used to ensure the search results. Uniqueness
Usage scenarios:
(1) Non-persistent storage: The requirements for data storage are not high, that is to say, if this data is lost, it will not cause much damage to the system. The impact is because when the system is powered off or restarted, the memory will be cleared, and the data previously stored in Memcache will also be cleared. Therefore, Memcache should be used as a cache, not as a real database
(2) Distributed storage: not suitable for stand-alone use, because Memcache consumes a lot of memory. If you use Memcache, it is recommended to install it on another computer. Use a single machine as a cache system instead of installing both Memcache and database on one machine.
(3) Key/Value storage: simple format, does not support List, Array data formats

Memcached and Memcache are two versions, Memcached is recommended, it has more improvements and functions, it is Memcache The upgraded version has higher speed and stability

Installing Memcached
1, Memcache server installation
(1) Compile and install, Libevent Memcache
First install the Libevent extension. The advantage of compiling and installing is that you can make some customized settings during the installation process, such as specifying where the software is installed, such as what errors occurred during the compilation and installation process, and I don’t know much about Linux. In this case, it may be relatively difficult for you to handle errors
(2) Use the dependency management tools yum and apt-get to install

Actual installation: (The operating system is 64-bit Centos)
If you want to compile and install, you need to download the installation package libevent and memcached in advance
Use the dependency management tool to install here

#yum install memcached
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Start memcached

#/usr/bin/memcached -d -l -p 11211 -m 150 -u root/*
    -d:守护进程的模式启动。守护进程就是,当你从终端窗口推出之后,程序依然进行    -l:指定IP地址    -p:指定端口号    -m:为memcached分配多少内存,这里是以M为单位    -u:以哪个身份去启动memcached(线上的时候最好不要用超级管理员用户)*/
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You can use ps to check whether the memcached process is started.

#ps -ef | grep memcached
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2, Memcache client installation
1, install the front-end extension Libmemcached
Download libmemcached and memcached, decompress libmemcached
Use compile and install here, Enter the decompressed folder

#./configure --prefix=/usr/lib/libmemcached然后执行#make && makeinstall
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2, install memcached extension for php
Extract memcached and enter the decompression directory
Use phpize to install the memcached extension

#phpize此时就会做出一个configure的文件#./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config --with-libmemcached-dir=/usr/lib/libmemcached-sasl后边是指定php的配置文件和刚安装的libmemcached的位置,大家根据自己的配置文件路径进行填写#make#make install执行完make install之后,我们会看见一个扩展目录,将该路径添加到php配置文件中
然后重启服务器环境,查看php扩展#php -m | grep memecached
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Use memcached in PHP
System classes: addServer, addServers, getStats, getVersion
Data classes: add, set, delete, flush, replace, increment, get
Advanced classes: setMulti, deleteMulti, getMulti, getResultCode, getResultMessage
For more operations on memecached, you can check it out on the php official website (php.net)

test.php<?php/*系统类*/$m = new Memcached();/*添加服务器*/$m->addServer(&#39;;, 11211);/*添加多台服务器*/$array = array(    array(&#39;;, 11211),    array(&#39;;, 11211)
);$m->addServers($array);/*查看服务器状态*/print_r($m->getStats());/*查看服务端版本号*/print_r($m->getVersion());/*数据类*/$m->add(&#39;mkey&#39;, &#39;mvalue&#39;, 0);//第三个参数是数据存在的时间,0表示永久echo $m->get(&#39;mkey&#39;);//获取数据/*假设对同一个key值进行两次添加的话,后边的操作不会覆盖前边的value,如果想替换掉,就使用replace*/$m->replace(&#39;mkey&#39;, &#39;mvalue2&#39;);/*还可以使用set方法表添加数据,它的好处就是,当我们的数据不存在时会帮我们新建数据,如果存在,就会覆盖原值*/$m->add(&#39;mkey&#39;, &#39;mvalue&#39;, 600);/*删除数据*/$m->delete(&#39;mkey&#39;);/*清空memcache中的所有缓存*/$m->flush();/*对memcache中整形数据进行+1或+任意数值的操作*/$m->set(&#39;num&#39;, 5, 0);$m->increment(&#39;num&#39;, 5);//每次刷新页面,num自增5$m->get(&#39;num&#39;);/*自减decrement用法相同*//*下边的方法只支持Memcached,不支持Memcache*//*一次添加多条数据*///原始方法,多次使用set()//现在可以使用setMulti()$data = array(    &#39;key&#39; => &#39;value&#39;,    &#39;key1&#39;=> &#39;value1&#39;);$m->setMulti($data,0);$result = $m->getMulti(array(&#39;key&#39;,&#39;key1&#39;));//获取多条数据print_r($result);//删除多条数据$m->deleteMulti(array(&#39;key&#39;,&#39;key1&#39;));//返回上一次操作返回的编码(数字的形式存在) 可以到手册中查看每一个编码的含义 echo $m->getResultCode();//比如  成功  返回0//获取操作结果echo $m->getResultMessage();//比如  成功  返回SUCCESS
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Encapsulate an own Memcache class

set    s($key,$value,$time)
get    s($key)
delete s($key,NULL)
*/class Mem
{    private $type = &#39;Memcached&#39;;//考虑到扩展性,实例化的可能是Memcache也可能是Memcached
    private $m;    private $time = 0;    private $error;    private $debug = &#39;true&#39;;    public function __construct()
    {         if(!class_exists($this->type)){            $this->error="No ".$this->type;            return false;
        }else{            $this->m=new $this->type;
    }    //添加服务器
    public function addServer($arr)
    {        $this->m->addServers($arr);
    }    public function s($key, $value=&#39;&#39;, $time=NULL)
    {        $number = func_num_args();//该函数用来判断传递过来了几个参数
        if($number == 1){            return $this->get($key);
        }else if($number >= 2){            if($value === NULL){//一定要使用“全等于”,因为如果不是全等于,传递过来0也会通过
            }else{                $this->set($key, $value, $time);
    }    private function set($key, $value, $time=NULL)
    {        if($time === NULL)            $time = $this->time();        $this->m->set($key, $value, $time);        if($this->debug){            if($this->m->getResultCode() != 0){                return false;
    }    private function get($key){        $result = $this->m->get($key);        if($this->debug){            if($this->m->getResultCode() != 0){                return false;
        }        return $result;
    }    private function delete($key)
    {        $this->m->delete($key);
    }    public function getError()
    {        if($this->error){            return $this->error();
        }else{            return $this->m->getResultMessage();

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Use Memcache in the project
1, generate cache instantly
It is more suitable for news details pages. When the first person enters the page, a cache is generated. When subsequent people enter the page again, the data can be obtained directly from the cache and an expiration time can be set for the data. This way If so, you can clear the cache in time when there are fewer people watching the news, which can achieve the purpose of saving memory
2, generate the cache in advance
This method of generating cache is relatively It is suitable for situations where the number of visits is relatively large and the amount of data is large, similar to the homepage of the website. You can use a scheduled script to generate cache
3 in advance, and permanent cache
This caching solution is more suitable for individual pages, and its modification frequency is very low. At this time, it can be generated Permanent cache



(1)编译安装,Libevent Memcache


#yum install memcached
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#/usr/bin/memcached -d -l -p 11211 -m 150 -u root/*
    -d:守护进程的模式启动。守护进程就是,当你从终端窗口推出之后,程序依然进行    -l:指定IP地址    -p:指定端口号    -m:为memcached分配多少内存,这里是以M为单位    -u:以哪个身份去启动memcached(线上的时候最好不要用超级管理员用户)*/
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#ps -ef | grep memcached
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#./configure --prefix=/usr/lib/libmemcached然后执行#make && makeinstall
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#phpize此时就会做出一个configure的文件#./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config --with-libmemcached-dir=/usr/lib/libmemcached-sasl后边是指定php的配置文件和刚安装的libmemcached的位置,大家根据自己的配置文件路径进行填写#make#make install执行完make install之后,我们会看见一个扩展目录,将该路径添加到php配置文件中
然后重启服务器环境,查看php扩展#php -m | grep memecached
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test.php<?php/*系统类*/$m = new Memcached();/*添加服务器*/$m->addServer(&#39;;, 11211);/*添加多台服务器*/$array = array(    array(&#39;;, 11211),    array(&#39;;, 11211)
);$m->addServers($array);/*查看服务器状态*/print_r($m->getStats());/*查看服务端版本号*/print_r($m->getVersion());/*数据类*/$m->add(&#39;mkey&#39;, &#39;mvalue&#39;, 0);//第三个参数是数据存在的时间,0表示永久echo $m->get(&#39;mkey&#39;);//获取数据/*假设对同一个key值进行两次添加的话,后边的操作不会覆盖前边的value,如果想替换掉,就使用replace*/$m->replace(&#39;mkey&#39;, &#39;mvalue2&#39;);/*还可以使用set方法表添加数据,它的好处就是,当我们的数据不存在时会帮我们新建数据,如果存在,就会覆盖原值*/$m->add(&#39;mkey&#39;, &#39;mvalue&#39;, 600);/*删除数据*/$m->delete(&#39;mkey&#39;);/*清空memcache中的所有缓存*/$m->flush();/*对memcache中整形数据进行+1或+任意数值的操作*/$m->set(&#39;num&#39;, 5, 0);$m->increment(&#39;num&#39;, 5);//每次刷新页面,num自增5$m->get(&#39;num&#39;);/*自减decrement用法相同*//*下边的方法只支持Memcached,不支持Memcache*//*一次添加多条数据*///原始方法,多次使用set()//现在可以使用setMulti()$data = array(    &#39;key&#39; => &#39;value&#39;,    &#39;key1&#39;=> &#39;value1&#39;);$m->setMulti($data,0);$result = $m->getMulti(array(&#39;key&#39;,&#39;key1&#39;));//获取多条数据print_r($result);//删除多条数据$m->deleteMulti(array(&#39;key&#39;,&#39;key1&#39;));//返回上一次操作返回的编码(数字的形式存在) 可以到手册中查看每一个编码的含义 echo $m->getResultCode();//比如  成功  返回0//获取操作结果echo $m->getResultMessage();//比如  成功  返回SUCCESS
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set    s($key,$value,$time)
get    s($key)
delete s($key,NULL)
*/class Mem
{    private $type = &#39;Memcached&#39;;//考虑到扩展性,实例化的可能是Memcache也可能是Memcached
    private $m;    private $time = 0;    private $error;    private $debug = &#39;true&#39;;    public function __construct()
    {         if(!class_exists($this->type)){            $this->error="No ".$this->type;            return false;
        }else{            $this->m=new $this->type;
    }    //添加服务器
    public function addServer($arr)
    {        $this->m->addServers($arr);
    }    public function s($key, $value=&#39;&#39;, $time=NULL)
    {        $number = func_num_args();//该函数用来判断传递过来了几个参数
        if($number == 1){            return $this->get($key);
        }else if($number >= 2){            if($value === NULL){//一定要使用“全等于”,因为如果不是全等于,传递过来0也会通过
            }else{                $this->set($key, $value, $time);
    }    private function set($key, $value, $time=NULL)
    {        if($time === NULL)            $time = $this->time();        $this->m->set($key, $value, $time);        if($this->debug){            if($this->m->getResultCode() != 0){                return false;
    }    private function get($key){        $result = $this->m->get($key);        if($this->debug){            if($this->m->getResultCode() != 0){                return false;
        }        return $result;
    }    private function delete($key)
    {        $this->m->delete($key);
    }    public function getError()
    {        if($this->error){            return $this->error();
        }else{            return $this->m->getResultMessage();

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The above is the detailed content of PHP Memcache and Memcached. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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