Spring Boot, Mybatis, and Redis quickly build modern Web projects

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SpringBoot has become one of the most mainstream Java Web development frameworks today because it provides a variety of out-of-the-box plug-ins. Mybatis is a very lightweight and easy-to-use ORM framework. Redis is a very mainstream distributed key-value database today. In web development, we often use it to cache database query results. This article will introduce how to quickly build a modern web project through Spring Boot, Mybatis and Redis, and also introduce how to elegantly write unit tests under Spring Boot to ensure the quality of our code.

This blog will introduce how to use SpringBoot to quickly build a web application, and use Mybatis as our ORM framework. In order to improve performance, we use Redis as the second-level cache of Mybatis. To test our code, we wrote unit tests and used an H2 in-memory database to generate our test data. Through this project, we hope that readers can quickly master the skills and best practices of modern Java Web development.

The sample code of this article can be downloaded from Github: https://github.com/Lovelcp/spring-boot-mybatis-with-redis/tree/master

Development environment: mac 10.11
ide: Intellij 2017.1
jdk: 1.8
Spring-Boot: 1.5.3.RELEASE
Redis: 3.2.9
Mysql: 5.7


New project

First, we need to initialize our Spring-Boot project. Through Intellij's Spring Initializer, it becomes very simple to create a new Spring-Boot project. First, we select New Project in Intellij:

Then in the interface to select dependencies, check Web, Mybatis, Redis, Mysql, H2:

After the new project is successfully created, we can see the initial structure of the project as shown below:

Spring Initializer has been automatically generated for us A startup class - SpringBootMybatisWithRedisApplication. The code of this class is very simple:

public class SpringBootMybatisWithRedisApplication {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 SpringApplication.run(SpringBootMybatisWithRedisApplication.class, args);
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@SpringBootApplication annotation indicates enabling the automatic configuration feature of Spring Boot. Okay, now our project skeleton has been successfully built. Interested readers can start it through Intellij to see the effect.

New API interface

Next, we have to write a Web API. Assume that our Web project is responsible for processing the merchant's products. We need to provide a get interface that returns product information based on product id and a put interface that updates product information. First we define the Product class, which includes product id, product name and price:

public class Product implements Serializable {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1435515995276255188L;
 private long id;
 private String name;
 private long price;
 // getters setters
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Then we need to define the Controller class. Since Spring Boot uses Spring MVC internally as its Web component, we can quickly develop our interface class through annotations:

public class ProductController {
 public Product getProductInfo(
     Long productId) {
  // TODO
  return null;
 public Product updateProductInfo(
     Long productId,
     Product newProduct) {
  // TODO
  return null;
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Let’s briefly introduce it The functions of the annotations used in the above code:

@RestController: indicates that the class is a Controller and provides a Rest interface, that is, all interface values ​​are returned in Json format. This annotation is actually a combined annotation of @Controller and @ResponseBody, which facilitates us to develop Rest API.

@RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PutMapping: Indicates the URL address of the interface. The @RequestMapping annotation marked on the class indicates that the URLs of all interfaces under the class begin with /product. @GetMapping indicates that this is a Get HTTP interface, and @PutMapping indicates that this is a Put HTTP interface.

@PathVariable, @RequestBody: Indicates the mapping relationship of parameters. Suppose there is a Get request accessing /product/123, then the request will be processed by the getProductInfo method, and 123 in the URL will be mapped to productId. Similarly, if it is a Put request, the request body will be mapped to the newProduct object.

Here we have only defined the interface, and the actual processing logic has not yet been completed, because the product information is stored in the database. Next we will integrate mybatis in the project and interact with the database.

Integrate Mybatis

Configure data source

First we need to configure our data source in the configuration file. We use mysql as our database. Here we use yaml as the format of our configuration file. We create a new application.yml file in the resources directory:

# 数据库配置
 url: jdbc:mysql://{your_host}/{your_db}
 username: {your_username}
 password: {your_password}
 driver-class-name: org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
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Since Spring Boot has the feature of automatic configuration, we do not need to create a new DataSource configuration class, Spring Boot The configuration file will be automatically loaded and the database connection pool will be established based on the information in the configuration file, which is very convenient.

The author recommends that you use yaml as the configuration file format. XML seems verbose and properties have no hierarchical structure. YAML just makes up for the shortcomings of these two. This is why Spring Boot supports the yaml format by default.

Configuring Mybatis

我们已经通过Spring Initializer在pom.xml中引入了mybatis-spring-boot-starte库,该库会自动帮我们初始化mybatis。首先我们在application.yml中填写mybatis的相关配置:

# mybatis配置
 # 配置映射类所在包名
 type-aliases-package: com.wooyoo.learning.dao.domain
 # 配置mapper xml文件所在路径,这里是一个数组
 - mappers/ProductMapper.xml
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public interface ProductMapper {
 Product select(
     long id);
 void update(Product product);
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这里,只要我们加上了@Mapper注解,Spring Boot在初始化mybatis时会自动加载该mapper类。

Spring Boot之所以这么流行,最大的原因是它自动配置的特性。开发者只需要关注组件的配置(比如数据库的连接信息),而无需关心如何初始化各个组件,这使得我们可以集中精力专注于业务的实现,简化开发流程。



public class ProductController {
 private ProductMapper productMapper;
 public Product getProductInfo(
     Long productId) {
  return productMapper.select(productId);
 // 避免篇幅过长,省略updateProductInfo的代码
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 # redis数据库索引(默认为0),我们使用索引为3的数据库,避免和其他数据库冲突
 database: 3
 # redis服务器地址(默认为localhost)
 host: localhost
 # redis端口(默认为6379)
 port: 6379
 # redis访问密码(默认为空)
 # redis连接超时时间(单位为毫秒)
 timeout: 0
 # redis连接池配置
  # 最大可用连接数(默认为8,负数表示无限)
  max-active: 8
  # 最大空闲连接数(默认为8,负数表示无限)
  max-idle: 8
  # 最小空闲连接数(默认为0,该值只有为正数才有作用)
  min-idle: 0
  # 从连接池中获取连接最大等待时间(默认为-1,单位为毫秒,负数表示无限)
  max-wait: -1
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上述列出的都为常用配置,读者可以通过注释信息了解每个配置项的具体作用。由于我们在pom.xml中已经引入了spring-boot-starter-data-redis库,所以Spring Boot会帮我们自动加载Redis的连接,具体的配置类





String getId():mybatis缓存操作对象的标识符。一个mapper对应一个mybatis的缓存操作对象。

void putObject(Object key, Object value):将查询结果塞入缓存。

Object getObject(Object key):从缓存中获取被缓存的查询结果。

Object removeObject(Object key):从缓存中删除对应的key、value。只有在回滚时触发。一般我们也可以不用实现,具体使用方式请参考:org.apache.ibatis.cache.decorators.TransactionalCache。

void clear():发生更新时,清除缓存。

int getSize():可选实现。返回缓存的数量。

ReadWriteLock getReadWriteLock():可选实现。用于实现原子性的缓存操作。


public class RedisCache implements Cache {
 private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisCache.class);
 private final ReadWriteLock readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
 private final String id; // cache instance id
 private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;
 private static final long EXPIRE_TIME_IN_MINUTES = 30; // redis过期时间
 public RedisCache(String id) {
  if (id == null) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cache instances require an ID");
  this.id = id;
 public String getId() {
  return id;
  * Put query result to redis
  * @param key
  * @param value
 public void putObject(Object key, Object value) {
  RedisTemplate redisTemplate = getRedisTemplate();
  ValueOperations opsForValue = redisTemplate.opsForValue();
  opsForValue.set(key, value, EXPIRE_TIME_IN_MINUTES, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
  logger.debug("Put query result to redis");
  * Get cached query result from redis
  * @param key
  * @return
 public Object getObject(Object key) {
  RedisTemplate redisTemplate = getRedisTemplate();
  ValueOperations opsForValue = redisTemplate.opsForValue();
  logger.debug("Get cached query result from redis");
  return opsForValue.get(key);
  * Remove cached query result from redis
  * @param key
  * @return
 public Object removeObject(Object key) {
  RedisTemplate redisTemplate = getRedisTemplate();
  logger.debug("Remove cached query result from redis");
  return null;
  * Clears this cache instance
 public void clear() {
  RedisTemplate redisTemplate = getRedisTemplate();
  redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback) connection -> {
   return null;
  logger.debug("Clear all the cached query result from redis");
 public int getSize() {
  return 0;
 public ReadWriteLock getReadWriteLock() {
  return readWriteLock;
 private RedisTemplate getRedisTemplate() {
  if (redisTemplate == null) {
   redisTemplate = ApplicationContextHolder.getBean("redisTemplate");
  return redisTemplate;
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我们使用Spring封装的redisTemplate来操作Redis。网上所有介绍redis做二级缓存的文章都是直接用jedis库,但是笔者认为这样不够Spring Style,而且,redisTemplate封装了底层的实现,未来如果我们不用jedis了,我们可以直接更换底层的库,而不用修改上层的代码。更方便的是,使用redisTemplate,我们不用关心redis连接的释放问题,否则新手很容易忘记释放连接而导致应用卡死。


这样,我们就实现了一个优雅的、科学的并且具有Spring Style的Redis缓存类。



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
  PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.wooyoo.learning.dao.mapper.ProductMapper">
 <!-- 开启基于redis的二级缓存 -->
 <cache type="com.wooyoo.learning.util.RedisCache"/>
 <select id="select" resultType="Product">
  SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = #{id} LIMIT 1
 <update id="update" parameterType="Product" flushCache="true">
  UPDATE products SET name = #{name}, price = #{price} WHERE id = #{id} LIMIT 1
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 profiles: test
 # 数据库配置
 url: jdbc:h2:mem:test
 username: root
 password: 123456
 driver-class-name: org.h2.Driver
 schema: classpath:schema.sql
 data: classpath:data.sql
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为了避免和默认的配置冲突,我们用---另起一段,并且用profiles: test表明这是test环境下的配置。然后只要在我们的测试类中加上@ActiveProfiles(profiles = "test")注解来启用test环境下的配置,这样就能一键从mysql数据库切换到h2数据库。


使用Spring Boot就是这么简单,无需修改任何代码,轻松完成数据库在不同环境下的切换。


因为我们是通过Spring Initializer初始化的项目,所以已经有了一个测试类——SpringBootMybatisWithRedisApplicationTests。

Spring Boot提供了一些方便我们进行Web接口测试的工具类,比如TestRestTemplate。然后在配置文件中我们将log等级调成DEBUG,方便观察调试日志。具体的测试代码如下:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
@ActiveProfiles(profiles = "test")
public class SpringBootMybatisWithRedisApplicationTests {
 private int port;
 private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
 public void test() {
  long productId = 1;
  Product product = restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:" + port + "/product/" + productId, Product.class);
  Product newProduct = new Product();
  long newPrice = new Random().nextLong();
  newProduct.setName("new name");
  restTemplate.put("http://localhost:" + port + "/product/" + productId, newProduct);
  Product testProduct = restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:" + port + "/product/" + productId, Product.class);
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本篇文章介绍了如何通过Spring Boot、Mybatis以及Redis快速搭建一个现代化的Web项目,并且同时介绍了如何在Spring Boot下优雅地书写单元测试来保证我们的代码质量。当然这个项目还存在一个问题,那就是mybatis的二级缓存只能通过flush整个DB来实现缓存失效,这个时候可能会把一些不需要失效的缓存也给失效了,所以具有一定的局限性。希望本文能帮助到大家。





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