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Front-end Learning PHP Session

Release: 2023-03-06 22:14:01
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Session technology is similar to Cookie, both are used to store user-related information. But the biggest difference is that Cookie stores data on the client's computer, while Session stores data on the server system. Session means session in Chinese. In a Web system, it usually refers to the conversation process between the user and the Web system. This article will introduce the content of Session in detail

Session ID

In the history of Web technology development, although the emergence of Cookie technology is a major change, Cookie saves data in the client's computer, so caused a controversy. Users have the right to prevent the use of cookies so that the web server cannot track user information through cookies. Session technology stores user-related information under the server's system, so users cannot stop using Session

Session only needs to save a Session identifier created by the server for the user on the client side. It is called Session ID, and the value of Session variable is saved on the server side (in file or database or MemCache). Session ID is a 32-digit hexadecimal string that is neither repetitive nor easy to find.

The Session ID will be saved on the client. In cookies, if the user blocks the use of cookies, the Session ID can be saved in the URL in the address bar of the user's browser. When the user requests the Web server, the Session ID will be sent to the server, and the Session variables stored in the server will be extracted through the Session ID. The variables saved in the Session can be regarded as the global variables of this user. The same user's access to each script will share these variables

When a user makes a request to the Web server, the server will first check Whether the client's request already contains a Session ID. If included, it means that a Session has been created for this user before, and the server will retrieve the Session according to the Session ID and use it. If the client request does not contain a Session ID, a Session is created for the user, and a Session ID associated with this Session is generated, which is sent to the client for storage in this response

The user sends the request to the Web server When making a request, you must first use the session_start() function to start a new session or reuse an existing session. If the session is successfully started, it will return TRUE, otherwise it will return FALSE

bool session_start ([ array $options = [] ] )
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Because the session based on cookies is called when the session is opened. The () function will generate a unique SessionID, which needs to be saved in the cookie of the client computer. Like the setCookie() function, there cannot be any output before the call, including spaces or blank lines.

If the Session has already been opened, a new Session ID will not be created when the Session_start() function is called again. Because when the user accesses the server again, this function will return the existing Session through the Session ID carried from the client. Therefore, during the session, the same user will use the same Session ID

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when accessing any page on the server. Moreover, using the session_start() method will cause the server to Create a Session file (text file) with the same name on the end

# If you don’t want to use the Session_start() function to open the Session in every script, you can set it in php.ini session.auto_start=1", there is no need to call the session_start() function every time before using Session. However, there are some limitations to enabling this option. You cannot put objects into the Session because the class definition must be loaded before starting the Session. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the session.auto_start attribute in php.ini to open Session

Read and write session

After using the session_start() method to start the session, you must access $_SESSIONArray to read and write session. Similar to $_POST, $_GET, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION is also a super global array

Use $_SESSIONThe array stores data in the Session file with the same name

$_SESSION[&#39;username&#39;] = &#39;huochai&#39;;
$_SESSION[&#39;age&#39;] = 28;
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The Session file with the same name can be opened directly with a text editor. The content structure of the file is as follows:

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print_r ($_SESSION);
//Array ( [username] => huochai [age] => 28 )
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Session variables will be saved in a file on the server side. The location of the file is through the php.ini file, in the directory specified by the session.save_path attribute

Configure Session

In the PHP configuration file php.ini, there is a set of configuration options related to Session. By resetting new values ​​for some options, you can configure the Session, otherwise the default Session configuration is used

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bool session_destroy ( void )
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print_r ($_SESSION);
//&#39;Array ( [username] => huochai [age] => 28 )&#39;unset($_SESSION[&#39;username&#39;]);
print_r ($_SESSION);//&#39;Array()&#39;
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PHP默认的Session是基于Cookie的,Session ID被服务器存储在客户端的Cookie中,所以在注销Session时也需要清除Cookie中保存的SessionID,而这就必须借助setCookie()函数完成。在Cookie中,保存Session ID的Cookie标识名称就是Session的名称,这个名称是在php.ini中,通过session.name属性指定的值。在PHP脚本中,可以通过调用session_name()函数获取Session名称。删除保存在客户端Cookie中的Session ID

if(isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {    
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$_SESSION = array();
//第三步:如果使用基于Cookie的Session,使用setCooike()删除包含Session Id的Cookie
if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {    setcookie(session_name(),&#39;&#39;, time()-42000);
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  如果没有通过上述步骤销毁Session,而是直接关闭浏览器,或断网等情况,在服务器端保存的Session文件是不会被删除的。因为在php.ini配置文件中,默认的session.cookie_lifetime=0,表示Session ID在客户端Cookie的有效期限为直到关闭浏览器。Session ID消失了,但服务器端保存的Session文件并没有被删除。所以,没有被Session ID关联的服务器端Session文件成为了垃圾,而系统则提供了自动清理的机制




  使用Session跟踪一个用户,是通过在各个页面之间传递唯一的Session ID,并通过Session ID提取这个用户在服务器中保存的Session变量。常见的Session ID传送方法有以下两种

  1、基于Cookie的方式传递Session ID。这种方法更优化,但由于不总是可用,因为用户在客户端可以屏蔽Cookie


  在Session的实现中通常都是采用基于Cookie的方式,客户端保存的Session ID就是一个Cookie。当客户禁用Cookie时,Session ID就不能再在Cookie中保存,也就不能在页面之间传递,此时Session失效。不过PHP5在Linux平台可以自动检查Cookie状态,如果客户端将它禁用,则系统自动把Session ID附加到URL上传送。而使用Windows系统作为Web服务器则无此功能

【通过Cookie传递Session ID】

  如果客户端没有禁用Cookie,则在PHP脚本中通过session_start()函数进行初始化后,服务器会自动发送HTTP标头将Session ID保存到客户端电脑的Cookie中

//虚拟向Cookie中设置Session ID的过程setCookie(session_name(),session_id(),0,&#39;/&#39;)
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echo session_name();//PHPSESSID
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  第二个参数中调用session_id()函数,返回当前Session ID作为Cookie的值。也可以通过调用session_id()函数时提供参数设定当前Session ID

echo session_id();//kstvdmae177qqk6jgvg6td12l1
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  第三个参数的值0,是通过在php.ini文件中由session.cookiejifetime选项设置的值。默认值为0,表示SessIon ID将在客户机的Cookie中延续到浏览器关闭


  如果服务器成功将Session ID保存在客户端的Cookie中,当用户再次请求服务器时,就会把Session ID发送回来。所以当在脚本中再次使用session_start()函数时,就会根据Cookie中的Session ID返回已经存在的Session

【通过URL传递Session ID】

  如果客户浏览器支持Cookie,就把Session ID作为Cookie保存在浏览器中。但如果客户端禁止Cookie的使用,浏览器中就不存在作为Cookie的Session ID,因此在客户请求中不包含Cookie信息。如果调用session_start()函数时,无法从客户端浏览器中取得作为Cookie的Session ID,则又创建了一个新的Session ID,也就无法跟踪客户状态。因此,每次客户请求支持Session的PHP脚本,session_start()函数在开启Session时都会创建一个新的Session,这样就失去了跟踪用户状态的功能

  如果客户浏览器不支持Cookie,PHP则可以重写客户请求的URL,把Session ID添加到URL信息中。可以手动地在每个超链接的URL中都添加一个Session ID,但工作量比较大,不建议使用这种方式。如下所示:

echo &#39;<a href="demo.php?&#39;.session_name().&#39;=&#39;.session_id() .&#39;">链接演示</a>&#39;;
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//当阻止cookie时,SID返回&#39;PHPSESSID=p2qouo8hjarul0a0ii5jmocmc0&#39;,否则返回一个空字符串echo SID;
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 echo "Session ID:".session_id()."<br>";?>
<a href="test2.php?<?php echo SID ?>">通过URL传递Session ID</a>
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  如果使用Linux系统作为服务器,并配置好相应的选项,就不用手动在每个URL后面附加SID,相对URL将被自动修改为包含Session ID。但要注意,非相对的URL被假定为指向外部站点,因此不能附加SID。因为这可能是个安全隐患,会将SID泄露给不同的服务器




Session_set_save_hander(callback open,callback close,call read,callback write,callback destro,callback gc);
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回调函数        描述 
open          运行session_start()时执行,该函数需要声明两个参数,系统自动将php.ini中的session_save_path选项值传递给该函数的第一个参数,将Session名自动传递给第二个参数中,返回true则可以继续向下执行
close         该函数不需要参数,在脚本执行完成或调用session_write_close()、session_destroy()时被执行,即在所有session操作完成后被执行。如果不需要处理,则直接返回true即可 
read          在运行session_start()时执行,因为在开启会话时,会read当前session数据并写入$_SESSION变量。需要声明一个参数,系统会自动将Session ID传递给该函数,用于通过Session ID获取对应的用户数据,返回当前用户的会话信息写入$_SESSION变量write         该函数在脚本结束和对$_SESSION变量赋值数据时执行。需要声明两个参数,分别是Session ID和串行化后Session信息字符串。在对$_SESSION变量赋值时,就可以通过Session ID找到存储的位置,并将信息写入。存储成功可以返回true继续向下执行
destroy       在运行session_destroy()时执行,需要声明一个参数,系统会自动将Session ID传递给该函数,去删除对应的会话信息
gc            垃圾回收程序启动时执行。需要声明一个参数,系统自动将php.ini中的session_gc_maxlifetime选项值传给该函数,用于删除超过这个时间的Session信息,返回true则可以继续向下执行
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$sess_save_path ="";    
function open($save_path,$session_name){        
                global $sess_save_path; 
        $sess_save_path = $save_path;        
        return true; 
function close(){        
return true; 
    }    function read($id){        
            global $sess_save_path;  
        $sess_file ="{$sess_save_path}/sess_{$id}"; 
        return (string) @file_get_contents($sess_file); 
    }    function write($id,$sess_data){        global $sess_save_path;  
        $sess_file ="{$sess_save_path}/sess_{$id}"; 
            $return = fwrite($fp,$sess_data);            
            return $return; 
            return false; 
    function destroy($id){ 
        global $sess_save_path;  
        $sess_file ="{$sess_save_path}/sess_{$id}"; 
        return (@unlink($sess_file)); 
    function gc($maxlifetime){  
        global $sess_save_path;     
        foreach(glob("{$sess_save_path}/sess_*") as $filename){ 
            if(filemtime($filename) + $maxlifetime <time() ){ 
        return true; 
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  在使用默认的文件方式处理Session时,有3个比较重要的属性,分别是文件名称、文件内容及文件的修改时间:通过文件名称中包含的Session ID,用户可以找到自己在服务器端的Session文件;通过文件内容用户可以在各个脚本中存取$_session变量;通过文件的修改时间则可以清除所有过期的Session文件。所以使用数据表处理Session信息,也最少要有这三个字段(Session ID、修改时间、Session内容信息),当然如果考虑更多的情况,例如,用户改变了IP地址,用户切换了浏览器等,还可以再自定义一些其他字段。下面为Session设计的数据表结构包含5个字段,创建保存Session信息表session的SQL语句如下所示:

    sid CHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT &#39;&#39;,
    update INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    client_ip CHAR(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT &#39;&#39;,
    user_agent CHAR(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT &#39;&#39;,
    data TEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY(sid)
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class DBSession {    public static $pdo;             //pdo的对象
    public static $ctime;           //当前时间
    public static $maxlifetime;     //最大的生存时间
    public static $uip;             //用户正在用的ip
    public static $uagent;          //用户正在用的浏览器

    //开启和初使化使用的, 参数需要一个路
    public static function start(PDO $pdo) {
        self::$pdo = $pdo;
        self::$ctime = time();
        self::$maxlifetime = ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime");
        self::$uip = !empty($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_CLIENT_IP&#39;]) ? $_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_CLIENT_IP&#39;] : (!empty($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR&#39;]) ? $_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR&#39;] : (!empty($_SERVER[&#39;REMOTE_ADDR&#39;]) ? $_SERVER[&#39;REMOTE_ADDR&#39;] : "") );

        filter_var(self::$uip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) && self::$uip = &#39;&#39;;
        self::$uagent = !empty($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_USER_AGENT&#39;]) ? $_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_USER_AGENT&#39;] : "" ;        //注册过程, 让PHP自己处理session时,找这个函数指定的几个周期来完成
        session_set_save_handler(            array(CLASS, "open"), 
            array(CLASS,"close"),            array(CLASS, "read"), 
            array(CLASS, "write"),            array(CLASS, "destroy"), 
            array(CLASS,"gc"));        session_start();  //开启会话    }    // 开启时, session_start()
    public static function open($path, $name) {        return true;
    }    //关闭
    public static  function close() {        return true;
    }    //读取 echo $_SESSION[&#39;username&#39;] 
    public static  function read($sid) {        $sql = "select * from session where sid = ?";        $stmt = self::$pdo -> prepare($sql);        $stmt -> execute(array($sid));        $result = $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);        //如果还没有会话信息,返回空字符串
        if(!$result) {            return &#39;&#39;;
        }        //如果超出时间,销毁session
        if($result[&#39;utime&#39;] + self::$maxlifetime < self::$ctime) {
            self::destroy($sid);            return &#39;&#39;;
        }        //如果用户换了ip或换了浏览器
        if($result[&#39;uip&#39;] != self::$uip || $result[&#39;uagent&#39;] != self::$uagent) {
            self::destroy($sid);            return &#39;&#39;;
        }        return $result[&#39;sdata&#39;];

    }    //写入 $_SESSION[&#39;username&#39;] = "meizi";
    public static  function write($sid, $data) {        //通过sid获取已经有的数据
        $sql = "select * from session where sid = ?";        $stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($sql);        $stmt -> execute(array($sid));        $result = $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);        
        if($result) {            //如果数据和原来的不同才更新
            if($result[&#39;sdata&#39;] != $data || $result[&#39;utime&#39;]+10 < self::$ctime) {                $sql = "update session set sdata = ?, utime = ? where sid=?";                $stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($sql);                $stmt -> execute(array($data, self::$ctime, $sid));
            }        //如果没有数据,就新插入一条数据
        } else {        
            if(!empty($data)) {                $sql = "insert into session(sid, sdata, utime, uip, uagent) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";                $stmt = self::$pdo -> prepare($sql);                $stmt -> execute(array($sid, $data, self::$ctime, self::$uip, self::$uagent));

    }    //销毁 session_destroy() 
    public static  function destroy($sid) {        $sql = "delete from session where sid=?";        $stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($sql);        return $stmt -> execute(array($sid)); 
    }    //回收垃圾
    public static  function gc($maxlifetime) {        //    utime < ctime - self::$maxlifetime
        $sql = "delete from session where utime < ?";        $stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($sql);        return $stmt -> execute(array(self::$ctime - self::$maxlifetime));     
}    //开启
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<?phpclass MemSession {    public static $mem;             //pdo的对象
    public static $maxlifetime;     //最大的生存时间

    public static function start(Memcache $mem) {    
        self::$mem = $mem;    
        self::$maxlifetime = ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime");    
        //注册过程, 让PHP自己处理session时,按照这个函数指定的几个周期来完成
        session_set_save_handler(            array(CLASS, "open"), 
            array(CLASS,"close"),            array(CLASS, "read"), 
            array(CLASS, "write"),            array(CLASS, "destroy"), 
            array(CLASS,"gc"));        session_start();  //开启会话    }    // 开启时,session_start()
    public static function open($path, $name) {        return true;
    }    //关闭
    public static  function close() {        return true;
    }    //读取 echo $_SESSION[&#39;username&#39;] 
    public static  function read($sid) {        $data = self::$mem -> get($sid);        if(empty($data)) {            return &#39;&#39;;
        }        return $data;
    }    //写入
    public static  function write($sid, $data) {
        self::$mem -> set($sid, $data, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, self::$maxlifetime);
    }    //销毁 session_destroy() 
    public static  function destroy($sid) {
        self::$mem -> delete($sid, 0);

    }    //回收垃圾
    public static  function gc($maxlifetime) {        return true;    
}    //创建对象
    $mem = new Memcache();    //添加两台memcache服务器
    $mem -> addServer("localhost", 11211);    $mem -> addServer("", 11211);    //开启
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The above is the detailed content of Front-end Learning PHP Session. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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