Some comparisons and summaries of native JS and jQuery operating DOM. This article summarizes a lot of comparisons. I believe it will be helpful to everyone’s study or work. Friends in need can refer to it. Let’s take a look together.
1. Create element nodes
1.1 Create element nodes with native JS
1.2 jQuery creates element nodes
2. Create and add text nodes
2.1 Native JS Create text nodes
document.createTextNode("Text Content");
Usually creating text nodes is used in conjunction with creating element nodes, such as:
var textEl = document.createTextNode("Hello World."); var pEl = document.createElement("p"); pEl.appendChild(textEl);
2.2 jQuery creation and addition Text node:
var $p = $('<p>Hello World.</p>');
3. Copy node
3.1 Native JS copy node:
var newEl = pEl.cloneNode(true);
The difference between true and false:
Hello World.< ;/p>'Node
3.2 jQuery copy node
$newEl = $('#pEl').clone(true);
4. Insert node
4.1 Native JS adds a new child node to the end of the child node list
El.insertBefore(newNode, targetNode);
Add content at the end of the matching element's child node list
$('#El').append('<p>Hello World.</p>');
Add the matching element to the end of the target element's child node list
$('<p>Hello World.</p>').appendTo('#El');
Add content at the beginning of the matching element's child node list
$('#El').prepend('<p>Hello World.</p>');
$('<p>Hello World.</p>').prependTo('#El');
$('#El').before('<p>Hello World.</p>');
$('<p>Hello World.</p>').insertBefore('#El');
$('#El').after('<p>Hello World.</p>');
$('<p>Hello World.</p>').insertAfter('#El');
5. Delete the node
6. Replace node
El.repalceChild(newNode, oldNode);
$('p').replaceWith('<p>Hello World.</p>');
7. Set properties/get properties
imgEl.setAttribute("title", "logo");
checkboxEl.checked = true;
Summary The above is the entire content of this article. I hope the content of this article can bring some help to everyone's study or work. If you have any questions, you can leave a message to communicate. $("#logo").attr({"title": "logo"});
$("#checkbox").prop({"checked": true});