WeChat applet css usage tips
1: Use the principle of creating a triangle using pure CSS to hide the top, left and right sides (set the color to transparent)
.demo { width: 0; height: 0; border-width: 20px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent transparent red transparent; }
2: Set the maximum height.. You can slide it after exceeding it
max-height: 550rpx; overflow-y: scroll;
3: text-overflow When the attribute specifies what happens when the text overflows the containing element
clip: 修剪文本 ellipsis : 用省略号来代表被修剪的文字 string: 使用给定的字符串来代表被修剪的文字 重点是三个同时使用:text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden;
4:overflow: hiddenWhen forced not to wrap, use overflow:hidden to hide the part beyond the interface
5: margin-bottom is invalid
margin-bottom是下方的外边距,并不能让元素向下方移动,margin-top作为上边距,把元素“推”了下去。 希望图标距离下方30px,那么可以在ul上设置 position:absolute, bottom:30px ,(这一句我没有加同样实现了效果)另外父元素position:relative
6: Force no line wrapping
##Automatic line wrapping
div{ word-wrap: break-word; word-break: normal; }
div{ word-break:break-all; }